The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 282 In this chapter, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty will not even be able to ride in a donk

Chapter 282 This time, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty will not even be able to ride in the donkey cart

"call out!"

The slight wind rumbling woke up Xu Xin who was having a sweet dream. He raised his hand to block it and saw Li Canghai's jade palm shoot out again like lightning.

Xu Xin waved his left hand lightly, and Li Canghai's attack was instantly neutralized. After he blocked a move, he leaned forward and exchanged blows with Li Canghai.

Compared to the beauty's non-threatening attack, her plump and delicate body that was looming as her clothes fluttered around made people's hearts flutter.


Seeing that his attack was easily neutralized by Xu Xin, Li Canghai continued to attack fiercely. Soon he was dripping with sweat. Li Canghai, who was covered in small clothes, could not hide the alluring curves of his body.

After Xu Xin had finished playing around, he stretched out his hand and restrained Li Canghai's vital parts. He hugged the beauty who had lost the battle forcefully, and carried her into the cold bath. It didn't take long for white gas to rise in the pool. Internal hot water is a trivial matter!

"I won't let you succeed again!"

"Damn little thief!"


"Little thief!"

Li Canghai's voice sounded like he was resisting, but his body was obviously very cooperative, and he just kept talking hard to show that he was being forced.

However, her martial arts talent and martial arts heart are indeed stronger than those of the three Xiaoyao elders. Xu Xin studied "Xiaoyao Yufeng" with her, and she quickly learned a lot about it, and challenged Xu Xin several times.

Xu Xin naturally accepted the challenge and slept if he won, and slept again if he lost. Anyway, sleeping would be beneficial. With such repetition, Xu Xin's progress was also rapid.

Li Canghai practiced sparring with Xu Xin every day. From the beginning, she couldn't let go and was quite embarrassed, but gradually became accustomed to it. Sometimes she even took the initiative to grab someone's hand and put it on her body... But she still had to She stressed that someone was forcing her, but there was nothing hard about her except her mouth.

In this way, as the two innate masters continue to communicate and improve day and night, Xu Xin benefits the most, because he has a deeper foundation and still occupies a dominant position.

Li Canghai launched challenges again and again, but found that she was increasingly no match for Xu Xin. Now even if she tried her best, she could not do anything to Xu Xin. Every time someone confronts her, the next time someone has more tricks.

And not only in practice, but even in the bed curtains, there are all kinds of tricks to keep her docile. Li Canghai was exhausted almost every time, but Xu Xin was still full of energy, showing no signs of fatigue at all. Any attempt to hold on to the wall was just a joke!


Li Canghai was defeated again today, and was once again pulled into someone's arms. With that tender cry that seemed to be unwilling yet cooperative, a pair of delicate toes straightened instantly.


In the palace garden, two figures danced gracefully among the flowers, but it was Xu Xin and Li Canghai who were fighting each other again.

Xu Xin is dressed in a brocade robe, handsome and upright, with a jade belt on his waist and cloud boots on his feet. His temperament is particularly outstanding.

Li Canghai has a graceful figure and an indescribably beautiful appearance. As he moves around, he looks like a fairy from Gushe.

After several exchanges of moves this time, Xu Xin took action to restrain Li Canghai again. Li Canghai didn't resist. He just rolled his eyes, thinking that someone was going to play the game of using the sky as a blanket and the earth as a bed.

"I'm leaving tomorrow, so you can go to the Queen tonight!"

Xu Xin held Li Canghai's slender waist and talked calmly about recent events.

The Liao Lord's march south was basically determined. Zhao Xu actively responded to the challenge and prepared to lead the expedition himself. Naturally, there were many opponents at first, but the young emperor insisted on starting a war. He also ordered the generals of the Forbidden Army headed by Zhou Tong to prepare for the war, and ordered the arrest of many people. typical.

Civil servants can only really restrict things like this when the emperor enforces the rules. If they encounter an emperor who can flip the table accurately, they can only kneel down and speak.

The key to overturning the table is to find the target, rather than simply overturning the table. With the help of Xu Xin, Zhao Xu can accurately target some of the real cancers, and has gone through a set of genocide procedures including killing chickens, monkeys, and others several times. , the different voices in the court disappeared instantly.

The various ministries of the imperial court are in operation, raising food and grass to prepare troops and horses, and there may be some who are secretly making trouble or preparing to make trouble, but at least all the opponents on the surface have disappeared.


A sharp and rapid sound of horns spread throughout Bianliang, the capital. Today is the day when the Northern Expedition army sets off. There has been a large army gathering outside Bianliang, and Emperor Zhao Xu is heading outside the city under the escort of the Forbidden Army.

This time when the Lord of Liao went south and the Emperor of Song went north, it was the first time in decades that Song and Liao decided to fight head-on. Many people felt that the young emperor acted too recklessly. His aunt and biological mother both persuaded him not to act like Meng Lang, but Zhao Xu withstood the pressure.

If he can win this battle and return to the court, he will not even need to take back Yanyun. He will only need to fight until the Liao Kingdom retreats. Then Zhao Xu will be an emperor with military strategy, enough to establish his own imperial authority and be able to The Empress Dowager Gao Taotao denied everything that was wrong.

This is the fastest way to solve the problem of poor power transfer, so even if he knows there are risks, Zhao Xu must fight.

Of course, he not only believed in Xu Xin, but also believed that the Song Dynasty's army was not so corrupt that it could not even defend the city. This time, his bottom line goal was to defend Yanmen and win a "big victory." As for regaining Yanyun or something, of course the slogan must be loud, just listen to it.

The mighty army set off, but there was quite a bit of commotion among the various armies.

The Song Dynasty respected strong trunks and weak branches, but in fact the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army and the Xiang armies in various places was very weak, and only some border armies such as the Western Army were okay.

On weekdays, the integrated training is fine and orderly, but when it comes to playing, various problems occur frequently. But fortunately, these problems can still be solved. There are not no talents in the Forbidden Army. People like Zhou Tong actually know a lot of things.

It's just that these people didn't have the opportunity to use their hands and feet to show off their skills before. Now they have the opportunity to put what they have learned into practice. They may be a bit unskilled at the beginning, but after slowly getting used to it, they can be considered proficient.

Moreover, the soldiers mobilized for the Northern Expedition this time were all based on the standards of elite soldiers, and their foundations were not bad. However, at the beginning, "a soldier does not know a general, and a general does not know a soldier." They were not familiar with them, but they gradually got better after they became familiar with them.

After marching north like this for many days, the pace of the Northern Expedition army gradually became more uniform and became more elite. News from the Liao in the north also reached the Song Dynasty faster.

Yelu Hongji has arrived in Yanjing to take charge, and the army has gathered outside the city of Yanjing.

When Yelu Hongji heard that the emperor Zhao Xu actually dared to lead a military expedition, he ridiculed his son for not knowing how high the heaven and earth were. This time, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty was not even allowed to ride in the donkey cart.

When the news reached the Song Dynasty, the whole army was in a state of excitement. Zhao Xu was so angry that he almost drew his sword out of its sheath, but in the end he held it back and just urged the army to speed up and rush to Yanmen Pass.

(End of this chapter)

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