The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 283 White Mountains, Black Waters, White Dragons and Black Dragons

Chapter 283 White Mountains, Black Waters, White Dragons and Black Dragons

In the vast primeval forest, a figure slowly stopped on the bank of a large river, looking at the vast snow-capped mountains in the distance. This was Xu Xin, who was traveling north from the Central Plains.

After the Northern Expedition of the Song Dynasty arrived at Yanmen Pass, Xu Xin left the pass and headed north, all the way to the northeastern region. He wanted to confirm a guess.

In early winter, the Northeast is still experiencing severe cold weather, and occasionally snow flakes can be seen diffused in the cold wind. The white mountains and black waters are very different from the Central Plains. The cold wind and the deep black soil stretch among the high mountains.

The land of white mountains and black waters, from the front, back, left and right of Changbai Mountain, is a primitive jungle. Siberia further north is the most primitive among primitives.

The Jurchens grew up in this place. Because they did not know how to cultivate the black soil, they could only fish and hunt.

Hunters wearing animal skins can be vaguely seen in the vast forest. They are Jurchens who are gathering.

Since the imprisonment of Xiao Feng, the king of the South Branch of the Liao Kingdom, the news of the imminent war between the Song and Liao countries has become widely known. The Jurchens, who had always regarded the Khitans as their enemies, saw an opportunity to resist the Liao Kingdom, and began to gather under the call of Wanyan Aguda.

The word Jurchen comes from Mohe. The entire land of Liaodong was collectively called Mohe people in the Tang Dynasty. Earlier in the Qin Dynasty, it was called Sushen. The pronunciation of Su Shen, the literal translation in Chinese is Jurchen or Nüzhen, which is the origin of the name Jurchen.

In the Liao Kingdom, in addition to the Khitans and Han people gathered in the city, there were many tribes such as Bohai people, Xi people, Jurchens, etc. scattered in the wild.

Among them, the Bohai people and the Jurchens are close relatives, and the Liao people call the Bohai people the mature Jurchens. The tribes scattered in the wild, like the Wanyan Aguda, are called Sheng Jurchen.

Maturity also represents productivity and civilization. The Bohai people are obviously a little more advanced than women. The Bohai people originated from the Bohai Kingdom. They were once a minority political power in ancient history. The Mohe Sumo tribe united with other Mohe tribes and sections. Built by the Goguryeo tribe.

During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Da Zuorong, the leader of Mohe in the late Su Dynasty, established the political power in Dongmu Mountain and called Da Zuorong the "King of Zhen". After that, the Bohai Sea was destroyed by the Khitan.

"Jurchen is less than [-], and invincible!"

This sentence is said to have come from the mouth of Yelu Abaoji, Taizu of the Liao Dynasty. At that time, Yelu Abaoji, a grassland hero, sought to annex the Bohai Kingdom in the northeast for the sake of the foundation of the Liao Dynasty. As one of the ethnic groups of the Bohai Kingdom, the Jurchens naturally could not sit back and watch the loss of their country and dispatched Tens of thousands of Jurchens fought.

Although the final result of this battle was the defeat of the Bohai Kingdom, the Jurchens' bravery and skill in fighting also left a deep impression on Yelu Abaoji, who praised the Jurchen tribe as "the Jurchens are absolutely invincible."

However, after the praise, Yelu Abaoji also took a series of measures to suppress the Jurchen tribe to avoid leaving endless troubles.

After the Bohai Kingdom was destroyed, the Bohai people became vassals of the Khitan people. There are also some Bohai people among the current ruling class of the Liao Kingdom.

The Khitan people chose to use the Bohai people to manage Liaodong, and the management of the Liao Kingdom... everyone understands it. When Xu Xin first awakened in this life, he was just being beaten with grass and flying kites.

The Bohai people ruled Liaodong and oppressed the Jurchens. From then on, the Bohai people and the Jurchens became feuds. Because the Jurchens continued to conflict with the Bohai people, the senior officials of the Liao Dynasty also regarded them as a threat, and they would go hunting among the white mountains and black waters from time to time. Suppress.

The Liao State captured people alive in Song and Xixia by plowing grass and valleys, but Xixia and Song people could farm and graze their animals, and they could produce value by taking them as slaves.

The Jurchens... are of little value to them. They are always troublesome, and their method of solving troubles is also very crude, that is, bullying and hunting.

For example, the first encounter between Qiao Feng and Yelu Hongji was when Yelu Hongji led his group to hunt in the vast forests of Changbai Mountain. In addition to hunting wild beasts, he also hunted Jurchens. Such targeted suppression naturally made the Jurchens deeply resentful of the Liao Kingdom. But because the Liao Kingdom was so powerful, the Jurchens had never been able to resist.

Until this time, Song and Liao seemed to be about to start another war. Seeing the opportunity, Wanyan Aguda, the leader of the Jurchen tribe, was naturally ready to join in the war.

"The Jurchens are really majestic soldiers and horses. The Tunguska wild boar skins in the future... Haha, the white mountains and black waters, the white dragons and the black dragons really have dragon veins and dragon energy. Then I will cut them off this time..."

Xu Xin stood on the bank of the black water and looked at the snow-white mountains in the distance. In his sight, he could vaguely see countless black and white qi flowing, seeming to take on the shape of a dragon.

The legend of White Mountain, Black Water and White Dragon and Black Dragon has existed since ancient times. It is said that there are two dragon veins in the Northeast, and the legend of White Dragon and Black Dragon is spread.

Xu Xin was not sure whether the legend was true or not, but the theory of dragon veins...or earth veins seemed to have some truth. In Xu Xin's sight, there seemed to be extremely special energy flowing under the earth.

"The Jurchens are ready to go out, so Yanjing City... it's time to let them cause chaos."

Xu Xin went north this time and mobilized merchants from the Song Dynasty to encourage the Jurchens to join the Song-Liao War. So far, everything seems to be going well.

Regardless of why Wanyan Aguda chose to join the war, whether it was to save Qiao Feng, for profit, or simply because he wanted to fall out with the Liao Kingdom, anyway, as long as he got involved in this war, he couldn't help but decide when to get off. He did.

Xu Xin has been walking among the white mountains and black waters for a long time, and has some insights into the geomantic omen.


Just like that, day by day, chaos suddenly broke out in the city of Yanjing, Liao Kingdom.

After Duan Yu, the prince of Dali, learned that Qiao Feng had fallen into Yanjing City, he actively contacted the martial arts heroes in the Central Plains.

The Shaolin Temple took the initiative to take the lead, and the Beggar Gang also spoke out at Xu Xin's suggestion. In addition, Qiao Feng had always had a good reputation in the Central Plains. Soon many Central Plains masters joined forces and went deep into the Liao Kingdom to rescue people.

These people had a clear division of labor in their plans. With the coordination and coordination of the Dali Duan clan, Shaolin clan, Beggar Clan, etc., they successfully broke into the Grand Prince's Mansion in the South Campus and rescued Qiao Feng who was imprisoned inside.

"It's water! It's water!"

The streets of Yanjing City were filled with shouts in Khitan language. Heroes from the Central Plains were setting fires everywhere and shouting at the same time. At this time, the city was in chaos, and large groups of Khitan cavalry were patrolling around to put out the fire. Such a huge movement finally alarmed Murong Fu.

"Hahahaha... Duan Yu, Qiao Feng, do you think you can escape!"

The sound of wild laughter came with a storm, and Murong Fu, dressed in a smart outfit, came with billowing black clouds. He had early targeted Qiao Feng, who had just escaped from trouble, and Duan Yu and others who came to save people, and wanted to catch everyone who came.

Murong Fu was actually able to kill Qiao Feng a long time ago, but I don't know if it was due to the routine dementia of Hong Kong comic villains, or because he felt that he could control everything. Anyway, he didn't kill, he just defeated Qiao Feng and locked him up. He spent so many days recovering from his injuries. When he came down, Qiao Feng had regained his full strength.

(End of this chapter)

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