The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 288 Liao Lord’s golden sword plan? Emperor Song was thinking!

Chapter 288 Liao Lord’s golden sword plan? Emperor Song was thinking!
  "kill him!"

Yelu Hongji raised the sword in his right hand high and pointed it at Xu Xin's position. The commander of the pro-army army shouted, and hundreds of shield bearers immediately gathered together, shields like city walls, blocking the Liao Emperor. Spearmen and axemen were lined up densely in front of the shields.

Yelu Hongji once saw Qiao Feng break the formation and capture the King of Chu and his son. When Xu Xin attacked, he was already prepared and gathered a large army to defend. But he never expected that Xu Xin was far more terrifying than Qiao Feng, reminding him of the night Murong Fu forced his way into the palace.

But at this time, he was in front of the two armies. He could retreat slowly, but he could not turn around and escape. Therefore, he had to calmly command the army to pile up with his life, trying to exhaust Xu Xin's true energy.

Wherever Xu Xin passed, people turned upside down, and he didn't just force his way in, he also used his body skills. It swayed eastward and slanted westward, and like a swimming fish, it squeezed through the gap between the spearman and the axeman, which was no more than a foot apart.

All the Liao soldiers were holding spears and stabbing each other. Because they were too close to each other, not only could they not hurt Xu Xin, but most of their weapons would hit their own people.

He stretched out his hands, and with a wave of his hand, two or three Liao soldiers flew up. The dense military formation could not stop him, and he was quickly approaching Yelu Hongji.


After all, the Song Dynasty still had some bloody men. The elite frontier troops charged on horseback and cooperated with Xu Xin to attack the Liao army's formation. They avoided heavy rain of arrows and hit the sword and shield soldiers with their heavy cavalry, suddenly creating a chaotic battlefield.

Xu Xin walked leisurely in the formation, as slippery as a fish and as agile as a flying bird. When he came to Yelu Hongji, the Liao emperor could no longer calm down. He raised his sword and slashed at the same time as he pulled his horse. Reining the horse, he prepared to gallop away for a while.

"Your Majesty, leave quickly!"

At that moment, several loyal guards rushed towards Xu Xin, trying to trap him with their bodies. However, Xu Xin only swayed slightly on the way and passed through the gap between the people. His figure soared towards Yelu Hongji. .


Xu Xin grabbed Yelu Hongji's left shoulder, lifted his tall body off the horse, lifted the man onto the high platform where he had beaten the drum himself, and shouted loudly.

The rolling thunder spread to every part of the battlefield, and the armies of both sides of the war temporarily stopped. Both sides only shouted from a distance, not daring to charge forward, let alone shoot arrows.

When the Liao generals and Liao soldiers saw the emperor falling into enemy hands, they screamed in horror. Dozens of soldiers rushed forward desperately to save the emperor, but before they even got close to the high platform, they were sent flying back by the Black Pagoda's true energy.

At this time, Yelu Hongji's face had no color at all. It was such a shame that the emperor of a country was captured alive in front of the two armies.

He wanted to shout loudly, telling the soldiers of Daliao not to care about their own safety, and storm Gaotai and Yanjing, and they must wipe out the Song people.

But just when he wanted to speak, Xu Xin pinched his shoulder so much that it hurt. The endless pain caused fear in his heart to quickly grow, extinguishing his blood and spirit. When he could speak again, he no longer had the ability to shout loudly. courage.

"His Majesty the Emperor of the Liao Dynasty, according to the rules of the Khitans, if you are captured by me, you must redeem yourself with gifts."

As soon as Xu Xin opened his mouth, the fear in Yelu Hongji's heart dissipated.

He frowned slightly and asked, "What do you want?"

"I want a promise from Emperor Chrysostom!"

"The hometown of Yanyun originally belonged to the Central Plains. It was a great cause of justice for the Song Dynasty to regain Yanyun!"

"I want your Majesty to agree to withdraw the troops for the rest of his life. From now on, the old land of Yanyun will be used as the boundary, and not a single soldier of the Liao army will be allowed to cross the boundaries of Song and Liao."

Yelu Hongji's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he said in a deep voice: "Are you threatening me? What if I don't agree?"

"If you don't agree, the Song Dynasty will not only recover Yanyun, but also try to destroy your Liao Kingdom. Now that I can capture you alive, I can naturally lead the Song army to break your Liao army's formation. After killing you, the Liao Kingdom will There is no leader, and the army and people of the Song Dynasty are united. It will not be a problem to attack the hinterland of the Liao Kingdom."

"It's just that in that case, it will be a bloody battle between the two countries, the soldiers will be in danger, and the lives will be ruined... Even if the Song Dynasty can win in the end, the price paid must be not small... If it is possible, why not let's talk..."

"I was captured in the battle today, which greatly damaged my prestige. The Song Dynasty has such a person, and I will lead the army southward. I will definitely lose but not win. If I agree to his conditions..." Yelu Hongji, the Lord of the Liao Dynasty, weighed the pros and cons, and in the world Something even more precious than life, said: "I promise you."

"Please ask His Majesty the Emperor to raise his sword and swear an oath!"

Xu Xin said calmly.

Yelu Hongji immediately pulled out his sword, raised it high above his head, and said loudly: "The three armies of the Liao Dynasty obey the order."

The drums in the Liao army started beating, and the drums stopped immediately.

Yelu Hongji said loudly: "The army is returning to the north. From now on, the old place of Yanyun will be the border between Song and Liao. The southern expedition is abandoned."

He paused and then said loudly: "As long as I live, I will not allow a single soldier of the Liao Kingdom to invade the borders of the Song Dynasty."

After he finished speaking, as soon as the sword fell, the drums of the Liao army began to beat again.

Xu Xin used his internal power to continuously amplify Yelu Hongji's voice and spread it inside and outside Yanjing City. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers from both Song and Liao sides heard it.

This time he made a promise in public. If Lord Yelu Hongji of the Liao Dynasty did not want to become the second Sima Yi who would be notorious for thousands of years, he must keep his promise.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you can leave now."

Xu Xin said and let go of Yelu Hongji. The latter was surprised and happy. Although he was eager to get out of danger, he was unwilling to show weakness in front of Xu Xin and the Liao army. He forced himself to calm down and walked slowly down the platform.

Yelu Hongji looked gloomy. He promised to cede Yanyun today so that he could escape and return. He had lost face and greatly damaged the country's prestige.

However, from the cheers of the Liao army officers and soldiers, it seemed that the support of the troops came from sincerity. His eyes slowly passed over the faces of the soldiers, and he saw that all of them were radiant and happy.

After all, Daliao was no longer what it was when the People's Republic of China was first founded. Seeing the extremely terrifying fighting power displayed by Xu Xin and the Song army, some people in the Liao army were naturally frightened, and everyone was overjoyed at the thought of not having to fight anymore.

Although the Khitan people are brave and good at fighting, the war is fierce and dangerous, and no one can survive. They are all happy to be able to avoid the disaster of this war, except for a few strong generals who want to be promoted and make a fortune in the battle.

"It turns out that these soldiers don't want to fight with the Southern Dynasty."

Yelu Hongji's heart trembled, and he thought at the same time: "Those Jurchen barbarians are abominable, and staying behind the Khitan's back is really a serious problem. We must first wipe out all those barbarians."

The Song Dynasty and Liao Dynasty made peace, and the Liao army retreated. The leather drums and horns sounded in the army, and Yelu Hongji passed down the imperial edict, but the cheers could be heard spreading farther and farther from near.

"Hahaha, Mr. Xu captured the Lord of Liao in one battle, he is truly my Dian Wei..."

Outside Yanjing City, Zhao Xu led a crowd to welcome Xu Xin, and the Song army was also in joy.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Song Dynasty, our emperor has a precious sword to send to the previous warriors. Our emperor also said that today this warrior has made such a great contribution to the Song Dynasty, and he will be a high official and a generous salary, just around the corner! But if this warrior is willing to come to Liao Kingdom, I will The emperor wishes to make him the king of Nanyuan and share the world with him..."

The voice from the Liao Kingdom broke the excitement outside Yanjing City. As a sword was delivered to Zhao Xu and Xu Xin, the smile on the little emperor's face had disappeared, and it was unknown what his thoughts were.

"Guan family, is this the golden sword plan of Lord Liao?"

Someone whispered next to him, but no one else echoed him. Anyone who knew the allusion to the Golden Sword Strategy knew that how this matter would develop would ultimately depend on Zhao Xu and Xu Xin.

(End of this chapter)

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