The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 289 Dalang, oh no, Guanjia, it’s time to take medicine

Chapter 289 Dalang, oh no, officials, it’s time to take medicine...

In the Imperial City of Bianliang in the Song Dynasty, there was a lot of laughter and celebration in the Chongsheng Temple.

The Northern Expedition army returned, and Emperor Zhao Xu successfully recaptured Yanyun. This was an event celebrated by the whole country.

And during the period when the emperor regained Yanyun, Queen Meng asked for her pulse and was diagnosed to be several months pregnant. The Tian family had a queen in the same year that Yanyun was recovered, so it was naturally regarded as a good omen.

At this time, in Ouchi, a rather absurd scene occurred in the Queen's palace. The mother of the country, who was supposed to be a mother to the world and was pregnant, was lying in the arms of a man, dripping with sweat. It was obvious that the two had had a sexual relationship before.

"You are such a cruel person. You have only been back for a short time and you are still acting like this. You are not afraid of hurting our child!"

Queen Meng was a little more charming than before. She fell limply in Xu Xin's arms. Her delicate oval face was covered with beads of sweat. The gauze on her body was wet with fragrant sweat and clung to her fair skin. It brings out the graceful and graceful figure.

Her belly was slightly swollen, and her whole body exuded a maternal glow. When she spoke, she gently stroked her belly with her hands, as if to comfort the little guy inside, telling him not to blame his father.

Meng's mouth was full of words of blame, but her face showed a kind of satisfied joy, and some of the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time were released.

"Isn't this the beauty and fragrance of Chan'er? I couldn't hold it back for a while..."

Xu Xin hugged Queen Meng Chan and talked about love. Naturally, he was not doing this for enjoyment today, but to help Meng ease her uneasy emotions and prevent her from being depressed.

After a woman is pregnant, the estrogen in her body increases, and certain desires become stronger. However, women are generally ashamed to talk about this kind of thing, and ordinary men don't dare to do anything wrong at this time.

After all, Xu Xin had seen it in his previous life, and he was still a medical student. He naturally had a good grasp of this aspect. He was aware of Meng's physical and psychological problems, so he chose such a solution. After being nourished, Meng's Sure enough, my face was radiant and different.

"The emperor has tested me many times along the way, and also at the banquet today... He probably wants to get rid of me and feels threatened."

Xu Xin and Meng talked about love for a while, but suddenly the conversation changed and they mentioned the young emperor Zhao Xu who was still at the banquet.

Since that day when Lord Yelu Hongji of the Liao Dynasty presented Xu Xin with the sword in public, Zhao Xu said nothing and treated Xu Xin more seriously, but Xu Xin could sense some of his secret arrangements.

"How could an official do this? He was able to regain Yanyun, but it's all because of you!"

When Queen Meng heard what Xu Xin said, she immediately became nervous. She held his hand and said softly: "Is there anything I can do for you?"

Meng's reaction made Xu Xin very satisfied. He put his arms around the beauty and said coldly: "If I want to kill Zhao Xu, will you help me?"

"Kill the officials, this, this, this..."

Meng's delicate body trembled, obviously very shocked. After a long time, she gritted her silver teeth slightly and said in a deep voice: "How can I help you!"

Xu Xin shook his head and did not continue to ask, are you really willing to help me deal with Zhao Xu? Then he said: "You don't need to do too much, Zhao Xu will probably come to you..."

In the dead of night, the drunk little emperor Zhao Xu came to the queen's palace. He did not realize that the palace maid and eunuch behind him had not followed him for some time. He entered the inner hall alone and saw lying on the dragon bed... …one man and one woman.

When the little emperor Zhao Xu saw Xu Xin hugging his queen clearly, he sobered up and immediately yelled angrily: "Emperor, queen... you, you guys... you monster... what are you doing... "

"The officials really have no etiquette. They respected me as a real person before, but now they don't even pretend! You are going to attack me, Xu, secretly. Naturally, I won't sit still and wait for death."

"You... bastard, you dare to offend the Tian family... Come here, take down this evil way for me!"

Zhao Xu was furious and yelled. However, he yelled for a long time, and everyone around him was silent and unresponsive, as if everyone was dead. Xu Xin said calmly: "Don't waste your efforts, officials. Since I dare to let you see it, I am naturally fully prepared!"

"What do you want to do, you monster!"

Zhao Xu gritted his teeth.

"Tonight, the official family is staying with Liu Meiren. Oh no, Liu Jieyu is in Liu Jieyu's palace. In order to please the official family, Liu Jieyu specially offered the medicine of tiger and wolf. The official family had a night of partying and was overly old and sick in bed. Then the queen came to her. Come forward to govern..."

Xu Xin's arrangement for Zhao Xu was very comprehensive, and he could have kept the little emperor active for a few more years, but he didn't expect that this guy couldn't wait to get out of trouble and attack him, Xu. Don't blame him for being cruel.

Although, even if there was no such thing, Xu Xin would take action against the little emperor sooner or later. After all, Meng Chan is already his woman, and although the emperor hates the queen, there is no guarantee that he will not become interested in someone... In order to prevent this situation, the emperor must be powerless.

"You...thief...demon, you will not succeed..."

"I will, because the Queen will help me!"

"You, you, you..."

After Zhao Xu heard Xu Xin's answer, he looked at the Queen in disbelief. He was so excited just now that he noticed that Queen Meng did not seem to be being threatened.

"The official family is so obsessed with it that they don't know how to cherish Chan'er. I can only help you."

Xu Xin's words made Zhao Xu so angry that he almost vomited blood. The demon said that he was helping him. Could it be that all the people in his harem were killed by this man.

"You are a demon thief who has harmed the world's bloodline. You will be punished!"

"Retribution? If there is retribution in the world, if your Zhao family bullied orphans and widowed mothers, and your ancestor Zhao Guangyi raped Xiao Zhou, what kind of retribution should you receive? What happened today is just a cycle of cause and effect. Speaking of which, your Zhao family still has to suffer Thank you for me."

Naturally, Zhao Xu and Queen Meng couldn't understand Xu Xin's last words. After all, they would not have thought that just a few decades later, the Zhao family's incompetent officials would actually lead to a disgraceful ending for Jingkang.

At that time, it was not just one or two women who were humiliated. Almost all the famous ladies in the Zhao and Song dynasties were completely defiled, and those with children were forcibly aborted. Compared with that ending, Xu Xin just had a standoff with Li Daitao, which couldn't be more merciful.

The Zhao and Song dynasties were fundamentally deformed. Zhao Da's idea of ​​releasing military power over a glass of wine sounded nice, but in fact it was just another form of killing the donkey.

The current little emperor Zhao Xu is also planning to attack Xu Xin, so don't blame him for attacking first.

"What do you want to do!"

Xu Xin stood up from the dragon bed with a porcelain bottle in his hand. Zhao Xu watched him coming, with uncontrollable panic in his eyes.

"The officials are abusing the tiger and wolf medicine tonight. Now, of course, I will ask the officials to use the medicine!"

Xu Xin said, but there was a strange feeling in his heart, as if Zhao Xu was Wu Da, he was Ximen, and Meng was Jinlian.

Dalang, oh no, officials, it’s time to take medicine... But shouldn’t it be Jin Lian who gives Dalang the medicine...

(End of this chapter)

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