The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 320 Xu Xinmu, Mr. Jianghu Xiaosheng Hongye

Chapter 320 Xu Xin’s purpose, Mr. Hongye is born in Jianghu Baixiaosheng

"You, you, you, you are so awesome! So many people are gone in the blink of an eye just by talking about something. Is this the legendary scholar!"

With such a mean tone, it's natural that Xiao Yu'er belongs to Xiao Yu'er. As he spoke, he pointed at Xu Xin and continued: "My name is Xiao Yu'er. I, Xiao Yu'er, always repay kindness. Today, I promise You, I owe you a life, and I will pay it back to you sooner or later."

Xu Xin said with a smile: "Sooner or later, as long as you get involved, you can only follow me all the way to the dark side to deal with Liu Xi."

"Hua Wuque, do you think that once you leave, you won't be able to get involved in this matter?"

At this time, Hua Wuque, who was dressed in white, turned around and was about to leave. Xu Xin stopped him and said, "I guess you came down the mountain this time to compete for the leader of the martial arts alliance!"

"How do you know?"

Hua Wuque didn't like Xu Xin's behavior very much, and Xu Xin's previous words made him feel that he might be involved in trouble, so he decisively wanted to leave, but he didn't expect that Xu Xin was right about what he said about his trip. Target.

"Yihua Palace has always ignored the outside world, except for dealing with so-called heartless people. A martial arts conference was held in Huangshan. Although there were many people gathered, I didn't hear of any famous heartless people. So when you come here, this is all. Probably the biggest.”

"I guess it's the Master of Yaoyue Palace of Yihua Palace who felt that it was an offense to her not to invite Yihua Palace to the Huangshan Martial Arts Conference, so she ordered you to seize the position of the leader of the Martial Arts Alliance. This is her character, she is arrogant and arrogant. , care about winning or losing, and fight for everything!"

Xu Xin's words caused Hua Wuque's expression to change significantly. He asked doubtfully, "Do you know my master?"

"I know her, but Yaoyue probably doesn't know me. To be honest, I'm actually more interested in the elegant and gentle Palace Master Lianxing."

"Second Master?"

Hua Wuque was even more confused as to why this person seemed to know so much about Yihua Palace.

"Brother, my name is Tie Xinlan!"

Xu Xin's eyes moved away from Hua Wuque, instead of looking at Xiao Yu'er, but once again fell on Tie Xinlan. This purple-clothed beauty who looked like "Bing Bing" took the initiative to tell her name, and then Looking away shyly.

Xu Xin nodded and said warmly: "Young lady should have heard my name from them before. The Prince's Attendant, Wang Shouren, is from the capital."

"Prince's Attendant? Brother, is this an official title? Are you an official?"

Xiaoyuer took the call.

"The prince's attendant is not an official with a formal rank. To put it in layman's terms, I am the current prince's confidant. I left the capital this time to serve the prince."

"I guess what you want to do has something to do with Liu Xi."

Xiao Yu'er answered again and said that he was indeed a very smart person, and it would be much better if he wasn't so chatty.

"Liu Xi has plotted against Eunuch Zhang Min, who is close to the prince. What I did this time was to select a girl for the prince. The real goal is to get rid of Liu Xi."

"Liu Xi's martial arts skills are very high, and he has received His Majesty's permission to suppress the martial arts community."

"If I want to deal with him, I need to rely on the power of Jianghu and Wulin, for example, you guys."

"Although Liu Xi's martial arts skills are high, he is still no match for the two palace masters Yao Yue and Lian Xing."

"The two masters will not deal with Liu Xi without any reason."

The person who answered this time was Hua Wuque, and his words were based on his understanding of Yao Yue and Lian Xing.

"Nothing is impossible in this world."

"Hua Wuque, you have forgotten what I just said. Liu Xi is acting under the emperor's orders. He is the person behind the selection of the new martial arts leader. If you want to seize the position of leader, you are going against him."

"I understand... Laohua would have messed with Liu Xi, and his capable man died in Huangshan. Liu Xi would guess that this was Laohua's handiwork. When the time comes, he will deal with Laohua and draw out Yihua. The two palace masters... understand, you are using a borrowed knife to kill someone!"

Xiao Yu'er analyzed it for a moment, and it sounded very logical. Even Xu Xin couldn't help but think about the feasibility of this matter. It seemed to be very reasonable.

But, how could Xu Xin's plan be so simple. How could he go to Jiangnan just to deal with a little Liu Xi?

If he really wanted to kill Liu Xi, even if that guy was in the capital and hiding in the palace, Xu Xin had plenty of ways to kill him.

The reason why Xu Xin wants to leave Beijing is more because he wants to reap enough benefits from the story of "Little Fish and Flowers".

If he remembers it well, this version of the "Marriage Dress Magic" is also a supreme power-absorbing method. If Xu Xin's current power-absorbing method can be integrated with a new method of absorbing power, there may be another breakthrough.

In addition to the "Wedding Clothes Magic Skill", martial arts such as Hunyuan Zhenqi, transplanting flowers and trees, and burying trees with empty flowers, as well as the missing "Yan Nantian" are all valuable. Xu Xin wants to get these, so naturally he has to I took a trip myself.

"You are very smart, don't guess anymore!"

Xu Xin's answer made Xiao Yu'er's face froze while he was talking eloquently, and he instantly felt as if he had been slapped in the face and humiliated.

"Shut him up!"

Xiao Yu'er was about to say something more, but when Xu Xin said something, Diao Buyu put the knife on Xiao Yu'er's neck. He quickly put his right hand on his mouth and pulled it to indicate that he had shut up.

"Xinlan, let's go!"

Xu Xin called Tie Xinlan and asked the girl to go with him. Tie Xinlan didn't know what to think, so she really followed him.

"Hey! Miss, wait for me!"

Tie Xinlan's maid Xiaoxiao quickly followed.

"Laohua, I feel like we're in trouble. We're all being led by others this time. That pretty boy named Wang must have a lot of things that he hasn't told us yet. We have to...hey, where are we going!"

"Participate in the martial arts conference!"

Xiao Yu'er left before he finished speaking about Hua Wuque. He was still walking in the same direction as Xu Xin and the others, which made Xiao Yu'er feel even more bored after receiving his answer.

"Master, let's..."

Evil Tongtian came over to ask, and also looked in the direction Xu Xin and the others left.

"Let's go too!"

Xiao Yu'er said matter-of-factly, and then followed him.

Xu Xin and the others took Tie Xinlan and his servant first to find a place to stay, and then went out to a certain courtyard on Huangshan Mountain.


In the evening, Mr. Hongye, the owner of Hongye Zhai, who is known as the world's most famous scholar, sat on the bed and looked at the newly acquired Haruna Palace Pictures. While admiring in surprise, he freed his hands to take grapes from the plate to eat.

As he ate, he thought about how pleasant it would be to have a beautiful woman in his arms at this time.

Then, as if sensing his thoughts, a beautiful figure appeared on the window next to him at the right moment.


Mr. Hongye quickly noticed the outside, and when he turned around to look, he felt his head was hit by something, and he fainted all of a sudden.

"Hongye Zhai's intelligence network is quite qualified for me to take action myself!"

The door opened, and the figures of Xu Xin and Tie Xinlan appeared, and then figures filed in one after another, sorting the information and materials brought by Mr. Hongye into categories. One of the purposes of Xu Xin's trip to Huangshan this time was to establish Hongye Zhai's intelligence network.

(End of this chapter)

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