The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 321 Jiang Biehe, who is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, is destined to be his

Chapter 321 Jiang Biehe, who is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, is destined to be his father-in-law!

What is the most important thing in the 21st century? Apart from talent, it is information. In ancient times, it was the intelligence network.

The reason why Xu Xin was able to achieve success in the first two worlds, in addition to his own foresight, was because he relied on the powerful intelligence network of the Beggar Clan to collect information and make plans.

His progress in this world was quite slow. A large part of the reason was that he could not keep up with the real-time intelligence. For example, Concubine Wan Gui recognized her son, Yi Chu was in trouble, and Zhang Min was ambushed. He only found out about these things after they happened, and he could not If you react in time, you will naturally not be able to get the maximum benefit from it.

Xu Xin, who had suffered a loss in this regard, naturally started to build a more complete intelligence network. In fact, the Wang family has been doing this work.

But before the Wang family became prosperous, the Wang family in Yuyao was just an ordinary scholarly family with a slightly insufficient background.

Although the Wang family has grown a lot over the years by integrating the branches of the Langya Wang family from various places, it is still lagging behind compared to those of the official families and noble families. This aspect is a flaw.

So Xu Xin could only find a way from other aspects. This is why Hongye Zhai was targeted by him. As an intelligence organization that masters a large number of secrets in the world, Hongye Zhai's intelligence network and tentacles are spread all over the Ming Dynasty, and they even have them overseas. people.

With such a huge intelligence network, Xu Xin naturally wanted to get his hands on it. Mr. Hongye happened to come to Huangshan Mountain to swim in the muddy water. Didn't he just hit it?

Here Xu Xin and others put Mr. Hongye down, and his men went to sort out the information that Hongye brought with him. Xiao Yuer and Tie Xinlan also went to rummage, trying to find what they wanted from Mr. Hongye's box. .

Tie Xinlan wants to find the whereabouts of her father, the mad lion Tie Ruyun, while Xiao Yu'er wants to find clues about her life experience.

"The crazy lion is as strong as the clouds. On the eighth day of the third month of the year Yiwei, he was elected as the leader of the martial arts alliance... He was besieged by ten mysterious masters in Chang'an, and his whereabouts are unknown since then..."

Tie Xinlan opened a notebook, which indeed recorded information about the mad lion Tie Ruyun. After unfolding it, he read: "There are three rumors: first, that he was killed by the Murong family; second, that he was killed by the Yihua Palace. kill……"

When she saw the third item, she found that this line had been blacked out. Even with the light, she couldn't see clearly what was originally recorded.

At this time, Xiao Yu'er also put away his playful appearance during the day and said seriously: "The third item must have been confirmed, so it was blackened."

He just rummaged around and couldn't find any information about his life experience. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He picked up a pile of letter paper again and saw "Secret Files of the Head" written on it. He couldn't help but "wow". .

"what is this?"

"The privacy of the heads of the eight sects is very valuable."

After answering Tie Xinlan's question, Xiao Yu'er folded the stack of paper and handed it to Xu Xin, who had just walked over.

Tie Xinlan said: "Brother Wang, can you wake up Mr. Hongye? I want to ask him what the blackened part is."


Xu Xin had no intention of telling Tie Xinlan the truth now. It would be interesting if the drama continued. People like Jiang Yuyan, Jiang Yufeng, and Murong Xian were not involved in the dispute yet. How could the drama end so quickly?

"People like him don't know how to talk!"

Xiao Yu'er said next to him at this time.

"However, seeing how prepared Brother Wang was early in the morning, he should have a way to deal with him!"

"This kind of person will not give up until he reaches the Yellow River. If you want to pry open his mouth, you must be patient. There should be no time today."

Xu Xin casually prevaricated, and then asked Diao Buyu and Heizi to lead the people to take Hongye away. After the incident in Huangshan is over, Xu Xin will entertain him well and will definitely let him explain all the secrets he knows. Xu Xin and others cleaned up their tails, and then the group left Mr. Hongye’s residence and returned to the inn where they had previously opened a room to rest.

In the inn, Tie Xinlan stood in front of the window, and the maid came over with a basin in her hand. She smiled and joked: "Miss, I'm still thinking about the prince today!"

Tie Xinlan couldn't help but feel hot, and said in embarrassment: "Don't talk nonsense, I don't miss him."

She didn't know that in the eyes of the maid, this behavior was just trying to cover up.

After being a master and servant for many years, Xiaoxiao couldn't tell that the young lady from home was having an affair with someone. She shook her body cutely and changed into a more comfortable position to hold the basin.

Xiaoxiao added: "No wonder you miss that prince, he is handsome and talented, and he is also a scholar!"

Tie Xinlan immediately turned around, reached out and poked her forehead, and said angrily: "I told you to stop talking nonsense, and you are still talking nonsense to me. Also, how do you know that she is a scholar?"

The maid Xiaoxiao continued: "Brother Heizi told me! He said that Mr. Wang became a scholar two years ago and will take the imperial examination next year. In addition, Mr. Wang's father is still the number one scholar. He is a real talent..."

"Oh, you damn girl, why are you asking for this information..."

Tie Xinlan ran over to "teach" Xiaoxiao, mainly because when Xiaoxiao mentioned this, she couldn't help but flash in her mind the experience of being in Xu Xin's arms during the day. It was really... embarrassing.

"Tie Xinlan, it looks like you can't escape!"

"Speaking of which, do I have a status bonus in this life? How can I be so easy to flirt with women? Is the attraction of innate energy really so great?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but smell his sleeves. He could smell the faint innate aura, but he didn't feel anything.

However, in this life, he was indeed unfavorable in foreign affairs. Especially when it comes to those women, like Jin Xiangyu, there have actually been many of them throwing themselves into his arms over the years, but he has a bottom line, otherwise... he would have been singing and singing every night, lingering in the boudoir of the rich lady. .


In the early morning of the next day, Xu Xin and Tie Xinlan went to the Huangshan Martial Arts Tournament together. When they were far apart, he gathered his ears and heard bursts of praise.

"Jiang Daxia is indeed unparalleled in his benevolence and righteousness! The mad lion Tie Ruyun has been missing for half a year, and Jiang Daxia stepped forward to host this martial arts conference. Otherwise, the entire martial arts world would be leaderless."

"No matter what, Jiang is just doing his little bit for the entire Jianghu martial arts world."

"Dr. Jiang is so humble. Almost everyone from all factions has arrived."

"Everyone will go outside later to compete in a hero contest!"

Most of the people in the meeting hall were complimenting a guy named Jiang Daxia. He was indeed the most likely person among them to become the leader of the martial arts alliance.

The former book boy Jiang Qin is now the Jiangnan hero, Jiang Biehe with unparalleled benevolence and righteousness!

Just like someone who claims to be a gentleman can easily turn into a hypocrite, Jiang Biehe, who is unparalleled in benevolence and righteousness, is also a hypocrite.

It's just that Lao Jiang is very much a father-in-law, and the two daughters he gave birth to are both extremely beautiful women with beautiful faces, which makes people miss them!

(End of this chapter)

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