The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 356 Yuhuatian leaves Beijing, the curtain is about to begin

Chapter 356 Yuhuatian leaves Beijing, the curtain is about to begin

The Longjiang Naval Shipyard is the largest shipyard in the imperial court today. It is heavily guarded and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Early that morning, a group of Dongchang fans led a large number of troops to surround the Longjiang Navy Shipyard.

Wan Yulou, the admiral of the East Factory, personally led the crowd here. He came to cause trouble for Qian Shiqianzhi, the governor of the Fifth Army.

The duty of Dongchang is to supervise the officials of the foreign court. Logically speaking, what they do will only make the officials strict with themselves and fulfill their duties. The emperor thought so at first, but as time went by, the claws of these Dongchang eunuchs stretched longer and longer, and the things they did became more and more outrageous.

When Cao Shaoqin and Liu Xi were in charge of Dongchang, they were somewhat restrained. Although they did a lot of evil things, they did not reach the level of killing officials at will.

But within a few months of Wan Yulou taking charge of Dongchang, the conflict between the officials and the civil servants of the outer court intensified, and Dongchang acted cruelly and unscrupulously.

"Qian Shiqianzhi of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion, do you want to file a complaint against me to the emperor?"

Wan Yulou stared at an official wearing a blue official uniform and said coldly: "You people actually dare to go to the emperor to accuse me of embezzlement and accepting bribes. How brave you are!"

"Come here, cut out their tongues!"

Wan Yulou snorted coldly, his face full of cruelty and cruelty.


Just as Wan Yulou finished speaking and his lackeys were about to take action, there was sudden movement behind him, and seven or eight waist-thick giant logs penetrated the ship and slammed down on Wan Yulou.

Wanyu Tower is not a good thing, and the officials of the Longjiang Naval Shipyard are not simple things either.

The ship was thirty meters long and about ten meters high before it was launched into the water. No one knew what was inside except the craftsmen working on the ship and the supervising officials.

The thick log broke through the hull of the ship and fell on its head, causing everyone to scatter in shock.

The officials of the shipyard, as if they had practiced it for a long time, fled away from the high platform and the big ship, while Wan Yulou ignored the giant tree and looked above the big ship.

Wan Yulou had some brains, and with a flash of inspiration, he immediately figured out the cause and effect. He turned back to look at Shen Qianzhi and said sternly: "Shen Qianzhi, you are so brave to collude with fugitives from the rivers and lakes!"

He shouted angrily, turned his palms into claws, and jumped forward to grab Shen Qianzhi. However, at this moment, a huge tree fell from the sky and fell head-on towards Wanyu Tower.

The strong wind roared, and Wan Yulou could only give up his original plan, clenched his fist with his right hand, and hit the giant tree hard from bottom to top.


The falling giant tree collided with Wan Yulou's fist, and was shaken off its trajectory by his internal force, changing direction and flying diagonally into the sky.

At this moment, a man in black clothes and a bamboo hat came with a sword and stepped on the giant tree flying in the air.

He landed his foot, and the giant tree that flew up diagonally stood upright again. Carrying the force of the man's impact, the extremely heavy giant tree fell towards the top of Wanyu Tower again.

"Zhao Huaian! You finally can't hold it anymore? You have improved a lot in your cultivation, and you have actually broken through the innate level. No wonder you can scare those dead eunuchs in Dongchang into panic all day long!"

Xu Xin had been observing everything secretly, and after meeting Zhou Huaian in person, that is, after Zhao Huaian took action, he finally knew some plans.


Wan Yulou snorted coldly, made a fist with his right hand and punched upward fiercely. Two masters, one at the top and one at the bottom, one used his feet and the other used his fists. Their terrifying power was all concentrated on the giant tree.

"Poof!" After the dull sound, there was a series of shattering sounds. Following the powerful collision, countless small pieces of wood on the giant tree flew out in the surroundings. At the same time, the huge log also fell to the ground, and Wan Yulou ducked aside in embarrassment.

"Send your name!"

"Zhao Huaian!"

"It turns out to be the defeated general of the Ministry of Civil Affairs!"

"Wanyu Lou, you drank wine with human heads into your belly, have you ever thought that these resentful spirits will come to you for revenge?"

Zhao Huaian swung the long sword in his hand, and the sharp blade struck Wan Yulou's chest hard. His gorgeous robe was torn to pieces, but it failed to hurt the other party.

"Gold silk soft armor? Are you wearing this thing inside? You are really afraid of death!"

Zhao Huaian sneered, and kicked Wan Yulou staggering with his sweeping leg. Then he took advantage of the situation and thrust his long sword upward from his belt.

A strong sense of crisis emerged in his heart. Wan Yulou didn't even bother to draw his sword. He stretched out his hand and slapped the ground violently. He rolled around in a panic and finally broke away from the sword's attack.

Wan Yulou's kung fu is pretty good, but in the end it's just an acquired state, and he's in a high position and he's old, so he rarely interacts with people directly, which is why he seems so incompetent.


Wan Yulou's reaction was very quick, and Zhao Huaian was even faster. The moment he forced his way out, Zhao Huaian raised his leg and kicked the opponent directly onto the support next to the high platform.


A large mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. Wan Yulou, who was already as white as paper, had a ferocious face, which was even more terrifying than Li Guidu. The pain in his body made him angry, and the fear in his heart was truly fatal.

"Eunuch! Your men and your most important people are watching you, and they will tell the world about your fate! Die!"

Zhao Huaian raised the sword in his hand, and Wan Yulou's life was wiped out. He likes to make wine with human heads, but this time his own head was taken away.

Xu Xin had been watching everything secretly, watching Zhao Huaian return to the capital and hang Wan Yulou's head on a flagpole outside the urn outside the capital, provoking and humiliating him to the fullest.

What happened next was very different from what he remembered. The remaining leaders of Dongchang were frightened and hid in the heavily guarded Dajue Temple one by one.

Yu Huatian, who had always wanted to make a name for himself in the West Factory, saw the opportunity and led his people to Dajue Temple. After teaching the people in the East Factory a lesson and taking away some of their resources, he and his people were ready to leave.

Then... came the first fight between Zhao Huaian and Yu Huatian. Both of them were innate, but Yu Huatian's skills were deeper and his kung fu was a bit weirder.

After a fight, neither side took advantage.

Xu Xin watched everything silently, and then watched a certain palace maid with a special mission leave the palace, and then some news spread.

"Yu Huatian is really good at playing, pretending to be a palace maid pregnant with a dragon fetus. This Su Huirong looks pretty good, but it's a pity... I have no interest and no time!"

Xu Xin stood at the top of the capital and had a panoramic view of everything. He did not interfere in the plot of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate". He just made corresponding arrangements based on some things. After silently watching Yu Huatian and his party leave the capital, he returned The palace.

Xu Xin will be in the capital for a long time, getting married, taking the provincial examination, and next year's joint examination and palace examination, all of which require him to be busy. Therefore, the plot of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" can only be let go.

(End of this chapter)

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