The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 357 Huang Jia has a famous day, and the bridal chamber has a night of flowers and candles

Chapter 357 Huang Jia has a famous day, and the bridal chamber has a night of flowers and candles

In August of the 22nd year of Chenghua, the capital was very lively, because in a few days it would be the autumn season, which was the Shuntian Prefecture Township Examination.

Scholars from all over Zhili Province flocked to the capital one after another. The inns and hotels in the capital increased their prices several times, but they were still full.

In this way, there are still many candidates who want to stay in private houses or temples. As long as there are accommodations, the price is easy to negotiate.

Walking on the street at this time, all you can see are scholars wearing kerchiefs and straight jackets. If you don't know how to speak Mandarin and don't have "Zhihuizheye" in your words, you will be embarrassed to speak.

The provincial examination usually lasts for nine days and is divided into three sessions, each lasting three days. Among them, the first one is on the ninth day of August, the second one is on the 12th, and the third one is on the 15th day.

The first test on "Four Books" and "Five Classics" is to test the candidates' familiarity and understanding of Confucian classics.

The second trial is to test the students' ability to distinguish right from wrong and write various administrative documents.

The third test on classics, history, and policy is to examine the students’ knowledge of ancient and modern political affairs, mainly on policy theory.

This set of examination contents and regulations has been in use since the resumption of the examination in the 17th year of Hongwu's reign.

Scholars from all over Zhili came to Beijing, and the Shuntian Prefecture Gongyuan located in the southeast of the capital was finally cleaned up before the provincial examination. At least it looked brand new on the surface.

"The ghosts of benevolence enter and repay kindness with kindness; the ghosts with resentment enter and repay hatred with hatred."

On the ninth day of August, the gate of the Gongyuan slowly opened, and two groups of soldiers wearing red uniforms were seen. One group held a red flag, and the other group held a black flag. They came out of the Gongyuan and stood in front of the fence and waved them together. Big flags, shouting loudly in unison.

Xu Xin was among the scholars who entered the Gongyuan. Seeing the scene in front of him that was like a dancing master, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, "This is... very ceremonial!"

After the grand opening ceremony, the two examiners, accompanied by a group of fellow examiners, appeared at the gate of Gongyuan and announced loudly to the candidates: "The exam is hereby ordered and no cheating is allowed." , how else' cliché.

After the examiner finished his speech, people slowly entered the Gongyuan, and then came the inspection stage.

Because the inspection was extremely careful and took a long time, many candidates did not go in and were crowded. Xu Xin was also one of those hanging at the back.

He has been in this life for so many years, and he has witnessed several imperial examination scenes. Every time he takes the exam, he can see the unlucky ones being found out.

Because the imperial examination is the only way to become an official. Once you become an official, you will have power, money, beauty and status. Therefore, although the ban is very strict, there will still be a small number of candidates who will try their best to cheat. The most important method is entrainment.

The most outrageous entrapment Xu Xin had ever seen was to make it into a small, micro-carved piece, with such tiny characters, even if he had great internal strength, he would be tired of looking at it.

Xu Xin looked at the queue waiting for the inspection and remembered the college entrance examination in his first life. He still remembered that there would be a physical examination. It was even more outrageous than the current inspection of taking off clothes and carefully. The boys really had to be naked, even the little brothers. …

The provincial examination on the ninth day of August, the Four Books and Five Classics test, was actually about memory. Naturally, Xu Xin could not have any problems in this area. After he finished the questions, he covered his head and went to sleep.

At noon the next day, he woke up and checked the test paper carefully, and then handed it in.

When he came out of the Gongyuan after handing in his papers, he quickly picked up the eldest young master of the Wang family who had just finished the exam in the carriage waiting outside.

"are you tired!"

Xu Xin leaned on Lian Xing's beautiful legs and seemed a little tired, which made Lian Xing feel very distressed and concerned. “It’s okay, you forgot that I know martial arts.”

Xu Xin turned over and changed into a more comfortable position, pressing Palace Master Lianxing under him as if he were limp. The warm and fragrant soft jade hug felt really comfortable.

"Is there any news from Jin Xiangyu?"

Xu Xin rubbed himself against the towering waves without even opening his eyes. After asking questions, he buried his head in it again.

"Well... not yet..."

Lian Xing seemed to be unable to bear the affection of her lover, and could not suppress the sound in her throat.

The days when Xu Xin took part in the provincial examination were probably the time when Yuhuatian and Zhao Huaian went to the Longmen Inn to fight.

Xu Xin did not directly interfere in this matter, but he also sent someone there.

Jin Xiangyu, Heizi, Diao Buyu and others, Longmen Inn is Jin Xiangyu's industry. She has been keeping an eye on Dabai Shangguo for many years, so it's normal to get a share of it, right?

Of course, they went to Longmen Inn not to interfere, but to ensure the smooth development of the plot. The most critical point is that Yuhuatian must die, and Fengli Dao must replace Yuhuatian and return to Beijing.

Xu Xin had gone to the palace with Lian Xingye in the past few days, and he could basically confirm that the emperor's body was indeed not as good as before.

Xu Xin is not sure about the specific date of Emperor Chenghua's death, but he vaguely remembers that Emperor Chenghua and Concubine Wan Gui died in the same year, and at the end of "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", Fengli Dao pretending to be Yuhuatian was poisoned to death. Concubine Wan Gui.

As expected, this matter will probably happen next year. After calculating this situation, Xu Xin will naturally make plans early to profit from the subsequent turmoil.

Xu Xin was waiting for the news from Longmen Pass. Of course, he focused more on the provincial examination. After three rural examinations, countless scholars finally relaxed, and many people fell ill.

Some of these people feel that they did not do well in the exam, and some cannot accept that years of hard work have been in vain. In addition, there are some people who are too weak and spend too much energy during exams.

Of course, Xu Xin, who possesses profound internal skills, has nothing to do with it. Every time after taking an exam, he would fall asleep holding the beauty's warm-scented nephrite, and his sleep was so comfortable. After completing three exams, he also had to be busy with other things, which was to deepen his relationship with his fiancée.

Xu Xin is very experienced in this aspect. After dealing with the Lord of Lianxing Palace at night, he was still able to lively go on an outing with Miss Zhujia during the day. When they arrived at a place where no one knew, Miss Zhujia was seduced to put down her reserve and meet Xu. Like glue and paint.

The young lady from the Zhu family was certainly no match for Xu Xin in matters of love, and she soon fell to the point of being taken advantage of.

Of course, Xu was not a beast enough to break through that line of defense.

On the one hand, it was because she was too young. Although Miss Zhujia was one year older than him in this life, in Xu Xin's opinion, she was still too young, and it was better to raise her for another two years.

This is what he thought, but the Wang family and the Zhu family had already begun to agree on the auspicious day of the zodiac, and finally decided on August 30, which is the day when the results of the provincial examination are released. The wedding was set on this day, and there were some considerations in it.

After all, Xu Xin was still young. It was normal for him to fail in his first provincial examination. In order to make him less depressed after failing, "getting happy" could be considered a way. And if he really gets admitted, it will be a double happiness, which is great.

(End of this chapter)

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