The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 369 The Little Fairy and Dream Man in the Nunnery

Chapter 369 The Little Fairy and Dream Man in the Nunnery

On the long street of the capital, a beautiful figure jumped over the roof and flew over.

This woman is dressed in Jing hairpin cloth, elegant light pink color, simple accessories, her black hair is fluttering in the wind, and there is only a wooden hairpin in her bun, but she is extremely beautiful. Although she is dressed as an ordinary woman, she cannot conceal her extraordinary and noble temperament.


When Murong Wudi saw his daughter, he was first surprised, and then worried.


Murong Shu and Liu Xi exchanged palms in the air, and the surging air waves shook everything around them.

"Liu Xi, you castrated dog!"

Murong Shu glared at Liu Xi. She originally just hid in the crowd and watched, afraid of being discovered, but she couldn't bear it when she saw Liu Xi insulting her family in public.

"Go together!"

Before Murong Shu could stand still after landing, Dongchang fans all attacked her. She turned around and knocked down a few people, and two more attacked her with knives. Murong Shu jumped lightly, dodged the attack, turned over in the air, and hit the two of them on the shoulders with a palm.

Liu Xi rode on the horse and sneered: "The great disciple of Nanhai Shenni is indeed very skilled!"

Murong Shu said angrily: "Liu Xi, today you are outnumbered and I can't stop you. But I want to warn you, a scholar can be killed but not humiliated. If you humiliate my Murong family in public today, you will be punished ten times in the future." Repay each other!"

Liu Xi sneered: "Humph! You are guilty of such a heinous crime that you can be arrested without restraint, and you are so brazen!"

As he spoke, he jumped up from the horse and struck Shu Fei with one palm. His true energy was surging, the wind was howling, and even the air seemed to be distorted.

Murong Shu was shocked, she didn't expect Liu Xi's martial arts to be so advanced.

She jumped up and flew up to the roof. There was a loud bang, and the shop behind Murong Shu shattered into pieces.

Murong Wudi quickly shouted to his daughter: "Shu'er, please leave us alone and leave quickly!"

Concubine Shu said firmly: "Dad, I will definitely come back to save you!"

After she said this, she launched her Qinggong and flew away.

"Lord Governor, do you want to pursue me?"

Several Dongchang bosses quickly came to Liu Xi's side.

Liu Xi stopped them and said: "It's not necessary for the moment. I didn't see the little fairy. I don't want to alert the snake yet. I have to find a way to catch the two sisters together. Let's go back!"

Liu Xi led a group of men and escorted the Murong family to Dongchang Prison again. He was of great use to imprison these people properly.

Murong Shu's attempts were fruitless and she retreated, carefully covering her whereabouts, until she came to a small nunnery. But she didn't realize that there was actually someone behind her.

She came to the backyard room, where the little fairy Murong Xian was waiting for news. Seeing her sister appear, Murong Xian quickly stepped forward, took Concubine Shu's hand, and asked: "Sister, how are dad and the others?"

Murong Shu sighed and continued: "Liu Xi, an old thief, actually humiliated and tortured my father and younger brother in public."

"I couldn't help but show up and fight with Liu Xi, but I couldn't even catch one of his palms. Liu Xi's martial arts is too advanced."

The little fairy was shocked when she heard this. Her elder sister Murong Shu's martial arts was even stronger than her father Murong Wudi's. Master Nanhai Shenni once said that if Murong Shu had not married into the palace and lost her Yuan Yin prematurely, she might have broken through the innate realm with her qualifications.

Murong Shu's skills are so profound that she is only one step away from the realm of innateness. With such skills, she rarely encounters opponents in the world, but she can't even catch Liu Xi's moves, which also shows the strength of this old gelding. Really strong.

"No, I'm going to surrender. I killed the Thirteenth Prince, just let the emperor kill me!" Murong Xian became anxious when he heard this situation, and rushed out as he spoke.

Murong Shu was so anxious that she quickly stopped her and said, "Xian'er! Xian'er, don't do anything stupid! This matter is not that simple. Liu Xi framed you deliberately. I even suspect that this was Concubine Wan Gui's intention... "

"Concubine Wan Gui?"

Although Murong Xian lived in the palace for a while, he had no contact with Concubine Wan Gui, and he never heard her sister talk about it. Did she have any grudge against Concubine Wan Gui?

Murong Shu frowned and said: "Concubine Wan Guifei is favored in the harem but has no children. Over the years, she has been occupying your majesty's favor. Although I will not fight for it, your majesty will be blessed every month. Maybe..."

"Sister, what should we do?"

"I have sent a secret letter to Master. I hope she can come to Beijing to help us as soon as possible."

Murong Xian felt a little relieved when he heard that his master Nanhai Shenni was coming.

She looked at her sister Murong Shu and said softly: "Sister, it's all Xian'er's fault. In a moment of impulse, your father and brother were arrested. You will never be able to return to the palace."

Murong Shu just shook her head and said: "At this point, there is no other choice. Xian'er, you must not do anything impulsive. Go to bed early tonight."

Murong Shu went back to her room to rest first, while Murong Xian was sitting on the steps, looking up at the stars and murmuring: "Meng Lang, the little fairy has been bullied, where are you?"


A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Murong Xian. Her delicate body trembled and she turned her head in disbelief.


Murong Xian looked at the familiar figure in front of him and couldn't help but blink his eyes, as if he didn't dare to recognize him.

"Don't you want me to hug you?"

Xu Xin opened his arms to Murong Xian, and Murong Xian immediately rushed into his arms.

Her body was soft and smooth, and she could faintly feel her exquisiteness. A sweet fragrance entered his nose, and Xu Xin couldn't help but bury his head in the crook of her neck.


Murong Xian responded in a low voice, but hugged him tighter, fearing that someone would disappear again if he didn't notice.

"Don't worry, I'm here!"

Xu Xin stretched out his hand to lift the girl's chin, and gently brushed away the scattered hair from her face. Her eyebrows were picturesque and unparalleled in beauty. The little fairy was really very fairy-like.

The girl let out a cry, stretched out her hand to hook his head and neck, leaned close to him, and took the initiative to give him a passionate kiss with her fragrant lips.

After experiencing the thrilling things in the palace, she had been in panic these days, frightened and scared. Now that Xu Xin finally appeared, it instantly became the harbor and sustenance of her soul, and she couldn't help but respond in the most enthusiastic way.


The girl blew her breath like orchid, and bursts of sweet fragrance hit her. Xu Xin first tasted the little fairy's cherry lips, and then explored more.

Although he was accompanied by beauties such as Yao Yue and Lian Xing every day these days, he still could not be completely satisfied. He had been depressed for so many years in this life, but once he was liberated, his needs were much higher than ordinary people.

Now I am holding the girl's soft body and smelling the inexplicably alluring sweet fragrance. I can't bear it any longer. I hold Murong Xian tighter and tighter with both hands. The two of them are lingering together, drifting away. I don't know how much time has passed. Just ended.

(End of this chapter)

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