The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 370 Seeing Xiangyan’s healing again

Chapter 370 Seeing Xiangyan’s healing again (modified)

In the guest room of Mingyue Temple, Murong Shu sat weakly at the table, stroking her phoenix crown with her delicate fingers, and remained silent for a long time.

She came to the window and looked up at the night sky. The watery moonlight shone on her body, adding to the sense of desolation. Two lines of clear tears couldn't help but fall down my cheeks.

"Your Majesty, why don't you trust me?"

Concubine Shu felt aggrieved. On that day, the thirteenth prince was assassinated, and Liu Xi framed her sister. She kept explaining, but the emperor just didn't want to believe it, so she had no choice but to take action and force her way out of the palace.

"Huh? Could this voice be... the little master in the nunnery..."

Murong Shu suddenly heard a burst of noises. This was a nunnery. She didn't dare to think about it, who was so brave? Come to this pure place of Buddhism to steal people.

In Mingyue'an's room, Xu Xin held the little fairy in his arms, tenderly loving each other... and lingering with each other. Although there is no real ecstasy, it is still emotional. Xu Xin only needs to use more tricks to take the little fairy's pure virginity tonight.

"Xian'er! You..."

Murong Shu suddenly pushed the door open and walked in. Looking at the two people hugging each other, her beautiful eyes were filled with anger. She stared coldly at Xu Xin and said coldly: "Who are you!"

"Sister, he, he is my Menglang!"

Murong Xian introduced Xu Xin to her sister, but Murong Shu did not relax her vigilance.

"Xian'er, and Concubine Shu, your whereabouts have been exposed!"

As soon as Xu Xin spoke, Murong Shu's expression changed instantly, after spending a long time talking. He finally gained the trust of both of them. The little fairy packed up her things and left Mingyue Temple, while Murong Shu and Xu Xin visited the East Factory at night.

Under the starry night, two figures quickly approached Dongchang. From a distance, they saw a soft sedan outside. Liu Xi personally delivered an old nun to the door.

"Master Wu'an? She really betrayed..."

Murong Xian recognized at a glance that this was Master Wu'an from Mingyue Temple, and felt frightened and frightened in her heart.

At first she didn't want to believe everything, but when she saw Master Wu'an holding silver coins in her hands and being sent away in a sedan chair, she was finally convinced that Xu Xin was indeed not lying.

They had indeed been betrayed. If Xu Xin had not arrived in time, the sisters might have been captured by Liu Xi.

"Let's go in and explore the situation!"

Xu Xin said, grabbing Murong Shu's slightly cold little hand, and regardless of whether she agreed or not, he jumped up, the two of them walked to the corner together, and sneaked into the East Factory.

In the prison cell of Dongchang, Murong Wudi was wearing heavy bracelets and shackles, and his body was covered with bruises, and his two sons were even dying.


Suddenly two people broke into the cell, and Murong Wudi instantly became alert.

At this time, one of them took off his mask and said, "Dad, it's me."


Murong Zhong and Murong Zheng woke up and shouted: "Sister, please get us out quickly, we really can't bear it..."


Xu Xin put his hand to his mouth and made a silent gesture.

When Murong Wudi saw a strange man next to his daughter, he wondered: "Who is this?"

"I am Miss Xian'er's friend!"

Xu Xin didn't say much.

"Dad, I'm going to rescue you guys right now."

As Murong Shu spoke, she swung her sword to slash at the iron lock on the cell door.

Murong Wudi quickly shook his head and said anxiously: "Shu'er, don't worry about us. The East Factory is heavily guarded. We are seriously injured and will become a burden to you. Before Liu Xi notices it, you should leave quickly!" "Dad, I won't abandon you. You don’t care, if you want to leave, just go together.”

Concubine Shu finally saw her father again. She was willing to leave, so she immediately wanted to save him.

"Shu'er, don't you listen to dad? Someone is coming, you should leave quickly!"

While Murong Shu and Murong Wudi were talking, footsteps could be heard, and Murong Wudi quickly told them to leave quickly.

"Let's hide for a while!"

Xu Xin didn't say leave, he just said to hide for a while, and then he and Murong Shu hid in a dark corner. The two of them held their breath and restrained themselves so as not to leak any traces.

"Overlord. We..."

Suddenly there was a frightened voice from the jailer, but it was Liu Xi, the governor of the East Factory, who arrived in person.

"A bunch of useless trash!"

When Liu Xi saw that some of the jailers were actually sleeping, he struck out with his palm in anger, causing several jailers to fall to the ground.

He came to the cell where Murong Wudi was imprisoned and saw the father and son still in the cell. He walked into the cell and sneered: "My dear daughter is here, what? Didn't I take you away?


Murong Wudi spat at him.

Liu Xi looked around calmly, then turned to his men and ordered: "Hit me hard, hit me hard!"

Immediately, several of his subordinates rushed into the cell and waved their whips at Murong Wudi and his son, causing screams to be heard in the cell.

When Murong Shu saw this scene, she couldn't help but let out a breath, and saw Liu Xi quickly turned around and struck out with a violent palm.


The roof of the cell exploded instantly, and two figures quickly rushed into the distance.

"Fire arrows!"

The Dongchang was heavily guarded. When Xu Xin and Murong Shucai rushed outside, they were met with countless arrows like rain. They finally rushed out and ran for a long way before stopping to rest.

"Are you injured? Hit by an arrow?"

Murong Shu, who was beside Xu Xin, staggered. He quickly helped her steady and took refuge in a private house.

"excuse me!"

Xu Xin said something to her, and then stretched out his hand. Murong Shu was injured under the ribs, just a few inches away from a vital point. He took a moment to observe, and moved his five fingers with one hand to seal the bleeding wound.

The other hand moved down, untying Murong Shu's palace clothes under her black clothes, and then deftly untied the knot on her close-fitting clothes from her pink back.

In an instant, as half of the clothes were lifted, Murong Shu's delicate body was exposed, her pink-white and smooth skin without any blemishes, giving people the feeling of a white jade beauty.

There is a faint fragrance on her body. This fragrance is not strong, but very elegant, just like the smell of orchids. It is elegant and pure, but it makes people have a long aftertaste.

Xu Xin had not forgotten the matter of healing Murong Shu's wounds. His eyes were focused and he had moved away from Murong Shu's half-covered breasts. His eyes fell back on the wound. Although the arrow did not hit the vital point, it still penetrated deeply. sinews.

Xu Xin didn't waste time. He pressed Murong Shu's wound with one hand and slashed it like a knife with the other hand. The sharp arrow instantly split into two pieces, and then he quickly pulled it out.

As the arrow was pulled out, Murong Shu's delicate body twitched suddenly, she curled up slightly, and let out a painful groan. Her white jade teeth clenched tightly, and a trace of blood oozed from her red lips.

Xu Xin's palm gently caressed her wound. Her skin was smooth and smooth, with a moist and silky feeling. When his fingers passed over it, it felt like satin and jade brocade.

Such a fragrant healing process made Xu Xin feel a little angry in the end. If the situation wasn't a bit wrong, he would have killed the person directly.

(End of this chapter)

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