The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 384 Concubine Shu: You are such a cruel person, do you want me to rule the palace?

Chapter 384 Concubine Shu: You are such a cruel person, do you actually want me to return to the palace?

"it's me!"

In the guest room of Jiang Mansion, Empress Shu Fei, who was sleeping peacefully with her younger sister Murong Xian, suddenly felt as if there was a little extra weight on her body. When she opened her eyes, she saw the face of a smelly man occupying her sight. She opened her mouth to shout, but heard. To that familiar voice.

"This is your true identity, Wang Shouren, the Prince's Attendant."

"You are the son of a scholarly family, the number one scholar, and a child prodigy. Who would have thought that your martial arts would be so high?"

Concubine Shu looked at the familiar yet somewhat strange man in front of her. She had slept with him for many nights. It was hard to imagine that the face she had touched so many times was actually a masked face.

"Shu'er, I have my own reasons."

Xu Xin sighed and stretched out his hand. After all, Murong Shu did not resist his embrace and was easily taken into his arms.

"The rivers and lakes and the court are all dangerous places. If I want to get ahead, I must have a trump card. The power of martial arts is added to myself. This is my last trump card. My parents and family members don't know about my martial arts practice. Only the people closest to me..."

Xu Xin looked at Murong Shu with a serious face.

But he said these words to Jin Xiangyu, Lianxing and Yaoyue. Jiang Yuyan, although Jiang Yuyan knew that he was good at martial arts, she didn't have time to tell him yet. Concubine Shu's words, if left to this day, naturally have some issues.

"Meng, Wang Lang, I don't blame you!"

Concubine Shu quickly changed her tune. She had slept with Xu Xin for so many days, so she naturally had true feelings for this southerner who had obtained her body for the second time and truly entered her heart.


Xu Xin lowered his head and looked directly at Murong Shu. Every time this faint smile appeared, Concubine Shu was so excited that he was tossing her to death. Murong Shu, who had already experienced it, softened her body first, her face turned red and her body temperature rose. Just waiting for someone to pick it up further.

"Xian'er is still in the room."

Murong Shu glanced at the side and saw that Murong Xian was still sleeping soundly. Women after love are always emotional. As a sister, Murong Shu rarely feels that her sister is an eyesore!

"Don't worry, Xian'er won't wake up."

When Xu Xin said this, he gave the little fairy a gentle squeeze. After his development over the past few days, it became much bigger and felt better.

"You, you know how to bully our sisters!"

This move was very rude and made Concubine Shu angry, but Murong Shu completely relaxed because of it.


The soft voice of love was muffled in her throat. Xu Xin grabbed Murong Shu's small hands and placed them on her waist. She obediently undressed her lover first.

"Shu'er, let me see you again, I want to do it myself!"

When Xu Xin let go of Concubine Shu, the beauty was so passionate that she was at his mercy. Xu Xin took off the beauty's clothes himself, and his proficiency in understanding people's clothes was further enhanced.

In the room late at night, there was a gust of wind and rain soon, and the waves were turned red, and the piano and the harp were singing in harmony. Even the sleeping little fairy next to her couldn't help but flush her cheeks, and she didn't know whose lover she was thinking of.

"You are such a cruel person, you seem to want to torture others to death, and then you can bully Xian'er, right?"

After the clouds and rain, Concubine Shu's face was full of spring, and her complexion was much better. She fell into Xu Xin's arms, resting her head on his chest, listening to the familiar heartbeat. At this moment, she was angry, but she was extremely angry. Peace of mind.

Xu Xin played with a strand of fragrant black hair and said hesitantly: "Shu'er, I have something, I don't know how to say it..."

"Shu'er is already your woman, everything is decided by your husband."

Murong Shu whispered softly, she was just a person who lived her own life behind closed doors, and she became Empress Shu just so that she would not be bullied in the palace!

"That day in the palace, I witnessed Liu Xi murdering the thirteenth prince!" Xu Xin's words made Murong Shu feel confused. A moment later, she felt a thunderbolt from the blue and her body was cold.

"You, what did you say..."

Her voice was trembling, because if what Xu Xin said was true, then Xu Xin's share of the suffering the Murong family had suffered these days.

Xu Xin said seriously: "I'm sorry for the Murong family, Xian'er and you!"

Murong Shu quickly covered her ears and said, "Don't say this, I won't listen, you haven't sorry for us!"

"Things will eventually come to light one day. You will know sooner or later. It is best for me."

"The Murong family would not have suffered such a disaster originally. It was because of my selfish motives that I did not let the tenth prince testify against Liu Xi, but let him pretend to be faint and lie in bed..."

Xu Xin told Murong Shu many things.

After Concubine Shu calmed down, her smart brain started to work, and she discerned some information from it, and said: "The prince must have the final say in this matter!"

"The prince knows! But it's me who makes the decision!"

Xu Xin told the truth, but Murong Shu had already taken the initiative to make excuses for her lover in her heart.

"Liu Xi killed the Thirteenth Prince and framed Xian'er. If he had been exposed at that time, he would have been the only one unlucky. But if this matter is exposed now, that bitch Wan Zhen'er will also suffer..."

Murong Shu's eyes flickered. As a former concubine, she also had palace fighting skills. She quickly thought of more and became more and more sure that this was the prince's plan. Her little lover had a brain, but he was sincere to the prince. It's a little too much, and that's not good.

In fact, Xu Xin was the one who used the brains in this matter, but it was indeed the crown prince Zhu Youtang who made the final decision to mobilize resources to cooperate.

"The prince is ready to deal with that bitch Wan Zhen'er?"

Murong Shu asked tentatively. She used to call Concubine Wan Gui her sister affectionately, but when the Murong family was framed by Liu Xi, the people around Concubine Wan Gui also tried to take advantage of her family's property. Naturally, she had to remember this in Wan Gui's mind. On the imperial concubine.

"Concubine Wan Gui is dying!"

Xu Xin's words were enough to cause a great earthquake in the Ming Dynasty. Anyone with a bit of status knows how much the emperor loved Concubine Wan Gui, and even abolished a queen for her.

"The prince is so courageous, but it is just like the emperor when he was young. He was also brave and courageous at that time."

Murong Shu had a high opinion of the emperor.

After hearing this, Xu Xin pressed Concubine Shu again and said, "Then who makes Shu'er happier!"

"Of course you are such a cruel person, how can the emperor compare to you!"

Concubine Shu's words were spoken without thinking and were absolutely true. Compared with the obese emperor, Xu Xin was definitely a dimension-reducing blow. Even when Emperor Chenghua was still young, he could not compare to Xu Xin, who was highly skilled in martial arts.

"If Wan Zhen'er dies and Liu Xi's murder can no longer be suppressed, then my Murong family can be rehabilitated. Then...if I don't, I can fake my death and escape!"

Murong Shu leaned into Xu Xin's arms, feeling a little depressed. It is a good thing for the Murong family to be rehabilitated, but it is not so good for her who already has a lover.

"This matter is not easy to handle!"

Xu Xin replied dully.

"You, you actually want me to go back to the palace?"

Murong Shu suddenly looked at Xu Xin with wide eyes, her voice trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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