The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 385 The Guardian Goddess Plan and the major events in Chenghua 23 years

Chapter 385 The Guardian Goddess Plan and Major Events in the Twenty-Three Years of Chenghua

"It actually doesn't matter if I enter the palace and become a concubine. What happens outside is just a matter of..."

On the bed in the room, Murong Shu suddenly spoke calmly. Before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by a small-minded man.

"Murong Shu, remember, you can only have one man for the rest of your life, and that's me!"

Xu Xin swore her sovereignty domineeringly, saying that no matter what happened to the woman he had obtained in the past, he would only be his man in the future. He never took the emperor seriously.

"The emperor is no longer the resolute and courageous emperor he once was. He is old and dim. He can't even tell whether his woman has been framed. What kind of man is he?"

Xu Xin's words instantly touched Murong Shu's heart. The reason why she indulged that night was to start a random act with someone, and she was also dissatisfied with the emperor.

"If you choose to enter the palace, I will naturally find a way to gain superficial favor from you, but I will not let the emperor get close to you. You are mine!"

After Xu Xin said this, he continued talking.

"If you don't want to return to the palace, I will have someone arrange for you to fake your death and wait for a few years until the emperor dies. But if you enter my Wang family again, I'm afraid you will only be with Xian'er, and you can't..."

"Wang Lang, it doesn't have to be like this. Shu'er will never dare to think about getting married again in her entire life!"

Murong Shu quickly covered his mouth. Everything this man said was so treasonous, but it made her heart beat.

"Is there anything I dare not think about? Even if you really enter the palace as a concubine again, I will accept you gracefully, and no one can stop me. Didn't Xiao Yanyan, the former Queen Mother of Liao Dynasty, also marry Han Derang? !”

"It was different back then. The Liao Kingdom was considered a barbarian!"

Murong Shu just suppressed the words in the end. Xu Xin was willing to accept her gracefully, but she did not dare to accept such a thing.

It's not that she doesn't like Xu Xin and doesn't want to remarry, but she knows that such a thing is definitely against the world's disapproval, even involves rebellion, and may be infamy for thousands of years. She doesn't want her lover to do such a thing.

“If the predecessors have done it, there is nothing for future generations to do!”

Xu Xinhun said nonchalantly, showing no respect for the imperial power. What a joke, he was once the founding emperor of the country, the emperor who never sets on the colonial world, how could he take the mere imperial power of the Ming Dynasty in the Central Plains so seriously.

"People thought you were a scholar, but I didn't expect you to be bolder than Huang Chao!"

Murong Shu rolled her eyes at him. Huang Chao had no way to make progress back then, but the man in front of him had no respect for the emperor.

"You are telling people these things today to ask them to enter the palace and compete for favor?"

"Why bother to fight? You should become the most noble woman in the palace. This is what the emperor owes you."

"Jiang Biehe has a plan to send his daughter to the palace to compete for favor and create some kind of guardian goddess. The most important thing about this plan is that the guardian goddess can be any woman."

"If the emperor dreams about you, he will only think that he is thinking and dreaming..."

After hearing what Xu Xin said about Jiang Biehe's plan to protect the goddess, Murong Shu's eyes suddenly lit up. It could be said that it was tailor-made for her. Among the women outside the palace, no one knew the emperor better than her.

"Of course, there is a premise for all this, and that is that Concubine Wan Gui must die!"

Xu Xin's voice was calm, and Concubine Wan Gui's life was just a fluttering word in his eyes.

He had met Concubine Wan Guifei, who was doted on the Sixth Palace, several times from afar. She was indeed very beautiful, a mature woman, but she was still very alluring. Most men would really want to have something happen with her.

But Xu Xin knew that just as Emperor Chenghua was willing to depose the queen for Concubine Wan Gui, Concubine Wan Gui only cared about the child emperor she had raised since childhood, and they were a true love. Xu Xin has no interest in destroying this kind of "love", so he should let Concubine Wan Gui die a "normal" death. Anyway, it was not him who wanted to kill, but Fengli Dao who killed her in order to avoid exposing her identity.

"When will that bitch Wan Zhen'er die?"

Concubine Shu is very concerned about this matter, which involves her own return.

"Do you really want to go back?"

"No way? I wish I could be with you every day. Anyway, you are mine before I go back. You are mine every day and every night..."

Concubine Shu was very eager and took the initiative, using her emotional body to prove that she was telling the truth.

Xu Xin rested for a short while, then naturally resurrected with full blood, and once again started the journey of concubine Shu to beg for mercy. If this happened in the palace, it would all be the crime of deceiving the emperor by Xiao Xiaole of the Nine Clans.

Over in Beijing, two major events are about to happen.

The first thing is that the crown prince's selection of his concubine is about to come to an end, and it will probably be decided in February of the 23rd year of Chenghua.

Another major event that happened in February also made the entire court busy.

The triennial Jinshi examination was also held in February of the 23rd year of Chenghua.

Before the first month of the 23rd year of Chenghua, Xu Xin took a large group of people from the Jiang family and the Murong family to Beijing to take the exam.

That's right, Mr. Xu, who was admitted to the Juren Examination just a few months ago, is going to compete in the joint examination of this subject, strive to enter the palace examination, and officially become a member of the civil servants of the Ming Dynasty.


"Rich families don't need to buy fertile land...the book has its own golden house...the book has its own beauty like jade..."

The name of this poem is Encouraging Learning, and it is an advertising poem. The author's name is Zhao Heng. The cowardly emperor went to great lengths to promote his country's civil service and restrain his military power, and publicized his family's imperial examinations.

They did successfully deceive the Chinese nation. Later dynasties gradually developed into emphasizing culture and suppressing military affairs, and the same was true for the Ming Dynasty after Tumubao.

In February of the 23rd year of Chenghua, after three years of selection at all levels. A new batch of candidates and the previous failed candidates gathered in the capital to prepare for the triennial examination of the Ministry of Rites, launching a new round of impact on the last hurdle of the imperial examination...

Although passing the examination is equivalent to joining the ruling class, being able to find an official position, having a life of food and clothing, being respected, and being supported in old age can be regarded as a successful person.

But if you want to achieve great success and live a top-notch life of 'golden house, thousand bells of millet, and beautiful face like jade', you still have to pass the Jinshi examination.

There are thousands of candidates in two capitals and thirteen provinces, and each candidate has an entourage ranging from three to five or even a dozen. Suddenly, tens of thousands of people rushed to the capital. During this period, the capital was naturally very lively.


February in Yanjing is very cold, especially in the morning and at night. The north wind blows sharply, which is exactly what the saying goes, "The spring breeze in February is like scissors."

On this day, February 15th, the 23rd year of Chenghua, when Xu Xin came out of the Gongyuan of the capital, the carriage that had been waiting for a long time outside quickly picked up the future Master Xu and headed to the Prince's East Palace.

The auspicious day of the zodiac had already been chosen for the wedding of His Royal Highness, and it was scheduled to be February 10th.

However, His Royal Highness, who has always followed the rules of etiquette, insisted on waiting until the end of the examination, and asked Xu Xin, the prince's attendant, to attend his wedding and serve as the person to marry him. Such a favor is really enviable to many people.

(End of this chapter)

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