The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 412: How can there be a Ministry of War in the world who negotiates peace and kills a Minist

Chapter 412: How can there be a Ministry of War in the world that negotiates peace... Execute the Secretary of the Ministry of War to sacrifice the flag...

In the capital of the Ming Dynasty, outside the Wuying Palace, a figure wearing only casual clothes came here. It was Xu Xin who had just arrived in the capital and was personally received by Jinyiwei from the palace.

"Master Wang, Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

Cao Zhengchun, the governor of the East Factory, was waiting outside in person. The only person in the entire Ming Dynasty who could receive such treatment was Xu Xin, who was known as the "Little Pavilion Elder".

"Eunuch Cao, please excuse me."

Xu Xin inquired about some information from Cao Zhengchun, thanked him, stuffed a small gift in the bag, and entered the Wuying Palace.

"Master Ma, some people in the court think that the borderland is so desolate and far away from the Central Plains that it is better to abandon it. What do you think?"

Xu Xincai walked into Wuying Hall and heard Zhu Youtang's voice, which seemed to be asking someone about politics.

"Your Majesty, this must not be done. The scholar's words of loyalty should not be listened to. On the contrary, this person's speechless words should be punished."

Another voice said indignantly.

"Lord Ma, do you think Hami Guard cannot be abandoned?"

Zhu Youtang asked again.

"Your Majesty, of course the Hami Guard cannot be abandoned..."

Master Ma, who had spoken previously, continued to speak and solemnly analyzed the current situation of Daming.

After the second dynasty of Ren and Xuan, the Ming Dynasty abandoned many territories of little value, and later even Annan. But during the Chenghua Dynasty, the emperor worked hard and took back many places.

Although the Ming Dynasty is huge now, not an inch of land is redundant. How can we abandon the land of our ancestors?

There were helpless reasons for Renxuan and the abandonment of the land in the following decades. During the Chenghua Dynasty, countless lives were sacrificed in order to recover part of the land. It had only been more than ten years, so how could we dare to abandon the land again.

"Shouren, tell me your opinion."

At this time, Zhu Youtang saw Xu Xin coming over, and raised his hand to ask Master Ma to stop talking temporarily, wanting to hear the opinions of his first confidant.

Although Xu Xin never controlled much real power in the court, he provided the emperor with a lot of plans in private. Most of the things the emperor does now are completed according to his plans and are very effective.

"Your Majesty, not an inch of the ancestral land is redundant. Anyone who abandons the land can be beheaded!"

Xu Xin's words were stronger than Master Ma's before. He directly said that those who abandon the land will be killed, which stunned Master Ma.

"Master Ma, please go down first!"

Zhu Youtang and Xu Xin looked at each other for a moment, knowing that he must have a lot to say to him, which might involve some... things that are not easy for outsiders to know, so he asked Master Ma to go down first.


Master Ma didn't say much, but looked at Xu Xin deeply before leaving.

"Shouren, the trip to Japan went well."

After Master Ma left, Zhu Youtang first asked about Xu Xin's trip to Japan.

Xu Xin took out a bag of the same style given to Eunuch Cao from his sleeve and presented it to the emperor. After the emperor took it, he took out a bag of silver coins. The other side of the portrait is the current moon.

"Your Majesty, please give it a try." Xu Xin took out another silver dollar in his hand and blew it gently in his mouth. A sweet sound echoed in the hall.

"Shouren, this is the silver dollar you mentioned. The silver from Japan can be used, right?"

The emperor was also greatly surprised after trying it. The copper coins, the base currency of the Ming Dynasty, were really inconvenient for large-scale transactions. Bao banknotes and gold and silver had their own shortcomings. At present, the economy of the Ming Dynasty needed to be reorganized. The silver dollar, a currency with simple anti-counterfeiting means, was just right. It is for use.

"The silver in Japan can be used, but if you want to promote the silver dollar, you must have a large amount of silver. It is imperative to open the sea. This cannot be done by just issuing an edict. The officialdom of the Ming Dynasty is now lifeless. They will not I like new things, but I hate people who destroy the "ancestral system."

Xu Xin directly put the problem in front of the emperor and let him think about it and make a decision.

"Ji An is about to come out?"

Zhu Youtang looked at the shining silver dollar in his hand, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes.

"Wenzhi martial arts!"

"Or, when there is martial arts!"

Xu Xin gave the answer. If an emperor wants to use his own prestige to do something that goes against the ancestral system, he must "convince" all the civil and military officials. What is the best way? He has soldiers who can fight and "martial arts" Achievements.

How could officials from the outer court dare to speak loudly when facing Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di?

"The capital camp is in ruins, the frontier troops are in trouble, and the battle is dangerous. Are you sure?"

Zhu Youtang looked at Xu Xin with an unclear expression, indicating that he was hesitating.

"Although the Ming Dynasty's military guards are corrupt, they are not without the strength to fight. If you want to rectify the military, you need to fight. It must be fought."

Xu Xin has never been worried about fighting. In the first world of "Yitian", the influence of personal force was average. In the current "No. 1 Under Heaven", powerful warriors can move mountains and reclaim seas. Not a problem. How could he lose if he was asked to lead the troops in a war?

"Which one do you think is better? The little prince or the Hami Guard?"

Zhu Youtang asked about Xu Xin's target. In the first year of Hongzhi, two chaos occurred in the northwest.

The little Mongolian prince Dayan Khan Batu Mengke invaded Lanzhou and was repulsed. He invaded Hetao again in midsummer. However, this time he took a roundabout way. He claimed to be the Great Khan of the Yuan Dynasty and sent envoys to the capital to pay tribute. In fact, he was still a The thieves in the Hetao area will never die.

Another one was that the loyal and obedient Wang Hanshen of the Hami Guard was killed. Lord Ma Wensheng just came to report this matter.

Sutan Ahema, a foreign barbarian from Turpan, used the plan of marriage to trap and kill the loyal and shun king Hanshen of Hami. After occupying Hami, he sent an envoy to the Ming Dynasty to ask the Ming Dynasty to agree to his rule over Hami.

"Didn't the little prince send an envoy to pay tribute? It's up to him. Let his envoy go back with the letter of war."

Xu Xin gave the answer. For now, he will fight one first. After finishing this one, he will have the military power in hand. You will be outside, and your orders will not be accepted. No matter what, you have to go around outside, Yan Ran Le Shi, Feng Lang Ju Xu, Yin Ma Han Hai, etc., no matter what, you have to get one!

"Listen to you."

The emperor nodded, maintaining his usual absolute trust.


On the morning of the second day, at the Wuying Hall, a large group of civil and military officials reported the matter. When Ma Wensheng came up to report the tribute paid by Hami and the little prince, a large group of officials spoke, probably meaning that they should stay away from the affairs of the border areas. , for the sake of peace and quiet.

Xu Xin glanced at the guys who were shouting for peace and peace, and there was actually a familiar face among them. Yin Zhi, the Minister of War, had just been kicked out of the cabinet two months ago. His comrades in Lizi Province were all imprisoned and executed. Well, he didn't file a complaint earlier, but he's still jumping around. Isn't this the best candidate to offer sacrifices to the flag!

"It's really ridiculous. How can there be a military department in the world to discuss peace...I asked for an order to kill Yin Zhi..."

Seeing that the heat was almost over, Xu Xin immediately stood up and spoke loudly. As soon as he opened his mouth, he spoke a lot about the Ministry of War and listed the crimes of the officials who had negotiated peace with the Ministry of War. He also asked for an order to have the highest officer of the Ministry of War to sacrifice the flag.

(End of this chapter)

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