The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 413 I want to be a saint, 3 immortal "contributions"

Chapter 413 I want to be a saint, the three immortal "contributions"

"I request an order to punish Yin Zhi!"

In the Fengtian Palace, as Xu Xin's words fell, the civil and military officials in the court fell silent.

No one expected that this "little pavilion elder" could be so ruthless and wanted to kill the Minister of War to sacrifice the flag.

Countless pairs of eyes were looking at the dragon chair, and they saw the emperor's deep gaze falling, not at Xu Xin, but at Yin Zhi. No more words were needed, everyone knew that Yin Zhi was going to be unlucky.

From Xu Xin's opening to the emperor's reaction, smart people could see that the emperor and this "little pavilion elder" had already decided what to do.

This situation is normal. The court's resolutions are basically held in small meetings for major matters and general meetings for minor matters. Many things have been decided before the morning meeting. And if these individuals negotiating peace are caught in the horse's lap, they are basically doomed.

"I second the proposal!"

After a long silence, the first voice came to second the proposal. It was Mr. Liu, the chief assistant of our cabinet, "Liu Mianmian". Otherwise, he is a smart man. Among the three old people in the three pavilions, he belongs to Liu Ge. The old man is still in the cabinet and has become the chief minister.

"I second the proposal!"

"I second the proposal..."


One after another, the voices of support resounded throughout the Fengtian Palace. Including Yin Zhi, Minister of the Ministry of War, the officials who had previously negotiated for peace were all trembling, paralyzed on the ground, unable to speak.

"Where is the Han general!"

Zhu Youtang, who was sitting on the dragon chair, narrowed his eyes and said loudly.

"The general is here!"

A group of Han generals responded quickly and came to the front of the hall to salute the emperor.

"There is no war department in the world to negotiate peace!"

Zhu Youtang first emphasized Xu Xin's previous words, then stared coldly at Yin Zhi, Minister of the Ministry of War, and said: "Detain all those who negotiated peace from the Ministry of War and put them in the sky prison."

"The last general takes command!"

A group of Han generals responded and led their men to seize the criminal officials from the Ministry of War and drag them out of Fengtian Palace.

In the Fengtian Hall, all the civil and military officials were silent. All eyes were focused on Xu Xin and the emperor, waiting for their performance.


After the imperial meeting, Xu Xin took the rare step of getting off the morning shift and returned directly to the palace from the Forbidden City. He was preparing to lead his troops to leave the capital, and many things had to be prepared and explained early.

"Dad, where is Shouren..."

Xu Xin arranged various expedition matters at the palace. In the afternoon, Wang Hua, who had just received an errand from the Ministry of War, hurriedly came to the lobby to look for Xu Xin. Mr. Wang was drinking tea to rest his mind. He was so frightened by his son that he was almost killed. Choking.

"Have the matters at the Ministry of War been handed over?"

Xu Xin walked into the hall and saw Wang Hua giving orders to Mr. Wang. The first thing he did when he came in was to ask Wang Hua how the handover work at the Ministry of War was going.

"I have been assigned the position of a fifth-grade officer and a foreign minister, so there are not many things that have been handed over long ago. Shouren, I heard from your uncle Xie that the trouble this time was a bit big. Officials from the Ministry of War were taken into custody and troops were mobilized on a large scale. Ma, what on earth are you going to do!”     Wang Hua mentioned Xie Qian when he spoke, so he was not only asking about this matter for himself, but also on behalf of the Zhejiang officials. Xu Xin was not a loner in the court, but after all, he was still young and his prestige was still a little lacking.

"I want to be a saint!"

For the first time, Xu Xin revealed his true thoughts to the two members of the Wang family. Wang Shouren was a "sage" in history. It was impossible for him, Xu, to travel through time and lose his character.

"Saint, saint?"

Wang Hua was frightened by Xu Xin's words. Throughout the ages, no scholar would say so directly that he wanted to be a saint.

"What Shouren said are the three immortals?"

Mr. Wang is more responsive, or he can chat with Xu Xin more often, so he understands him better.

"Zuo Zhuan: The Twenty-Fourth Year of Duke Xiang" mentioned: "The supreme leader has established virtues, followed by meritorious services, and the third has established words. Even if they are not abolished for a long time, this is called immortality."

The so-called three immortals are derived from this, which refers to an ideal state, including three aspects: establishing morality, meritorious service, and establishing reputation.

This concept emphasizes that individuals must reach a certain height in three aspects: moral character, performance and speech. If they can be called "immortal", they can be called sages.

According to harsher standards, Confucius and Mencius, the founders of Confucianism, cannot meet the standards of the three immortal saints.

Throughout the ages, it seems that no one has truly achieved the Three Immortals.

Although Confucius was highly praised by later generations, his "contributions" during his lifetime were slightly lacking.

The one who is closest to this goal is Zhuge Liang. If he can help the Han Dynasty destroy Wei and Wu, return three parts of the world to the Han Dynasty, and then achieve higher achievements in "establishing words", then he will have achieved the three immortals in the true sense.

Unfortunately, Zhuge Liang died of illness in Wuzhangyuan, and he was unable to revive Yanhan. In addition to Confucius and Zhuge Liang, there are some other celebrities in history who are pretty good in science, engineering and ethics, but in terms of morality... ahem, it seems that Confucius also had problems in this area, punishing Shaozhengmao and so on. .

In Xu Xin's memory, Wang Yangming seems to have achieved achievements in these three aspects, and he, Xu, cannot be left behind. In terms of "establishing words", books such as "Investigating Things to Know" have already formed a system, and he will wait for him in the future. When he was in power, the "scientific way" pioneered by Xu would be the right path for the imperial examination, so "making a statement" was not a problem at all.

In terms of "meritorious service", it's basically okay to do things like sealing the wolf to stay in Xu, Yan Ran strangling the stone, drinking the horse in the sea, etc.! How about another Hongzhi Liting? Or conquer Japan? Anyway, there is no pressure on him to fight or anything like that.

In terms of "morality", at least until now, his reputation has always been very good, and it will be very good in the future. After all, on the surface, he is a "gentleman" without any stain.

"Shouren, how sure are you of this matter? War is no joke. The war is fierce and dangerous. If you do anything wrong, your reputation will be ruined."

After Wang Hua heard what Xu Xin said, he had no intention of persuading him anymore. He just asked Xu Xin about his confidence in this battle so that he could go back and persuade his colleagues to support him.

"I asked your Majesty for two people. The tenth prince will be my general, and Eunuch Cao will be the supervisor of my army. This battle will be won..."

Xu Xin showed great confidence and picked out some arrangements of his own and discussed it with the two Wang family members. Xu Xin actually felt no pressure during this leadership trip to the northwest.

As for the war, he had already fought through the chaotic situation at the end of the Yuan Dynasty, and now he was just a little Mongolian prince. That was nothing!

Not to mention the little Mongolian prince, even if his ancestor Genghis Khan Temujin reincarnated, Xu Xin would not be afraid.

Everyone has been the founding emperor. Xu Xin also wiped out all the major khanates in his Mongol Empire. He is familiar with the Mongols!

(End of this chapter)

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