The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 419 The little prince dances and enters the harem again at night

Chapter 419 The little prince dances and enters the harem again at night

In the Fengtian Palace, the sharp voice of the eunuch Huaien, the eunuch Bingbi, the chief ceremonial officer, echoed for a long time. Although the civil and military officials did not make loud noises, they all looked at each other in confusion and kept communicating in private.

The Royal Horse Supervisor was in charge of the eunuchs and once came to the rescue. Cao Zhengchun, who was supervising the army during this battle, was awarded the title of Uncle Zhongyong.

The Ming Dynasty had an example of ennobling eunuchs before. Just a few decades ago, when Zhu Qizhen, the grandfather of Emperor Hongzhi, launched a coup to seize the throne, eunuch Cao Jixiang played a very important role in it. Afterwards, he was rewarded and appointed to take charge of the department. The ceremonial supervisor, who was granted the imperial title Zhaowu Bo, was the governor of the three camps and held the military power in the capital.

What a coincidence, you say, the last person who was knighted was also named Cao, and in terms of seniority, Cao Zhengchun and Cao Jixiang are somewhat related.

Cao Zhengchun was not originally named Cao. After entering the palace, the eunuchs would worship their godfather in order not to be bullied. The eunuchs in the palace with the surname Cao were basically from the sect of Cao Jixiang.

The second eunuch named Cao, Feng Bo, appeared in the Ming Dynasty, but this time no one had any objections. Cao Zhengchun came to the rescue, joined the army, took charge of the dragon flag, and escorted the commander into battle. It was indeed his military exploits and loyalty that made him "loyal and brave", which is quite appropriate.

The late emperor's tenth prince, Zhu Yiyi, was granted the title of Tiedan Shenhou and served as the Grand Governor of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, which had been abandoned for many years. This was obviously the emperor's intention to cause trouble. Although it was a bit unexpected, no one dared to talk too much about the secrets of the royal family.

The topic of more discussion is still on Xu Xin, who was given the title of "Wu'an County Duke". This title is so fascinating that many people are speculating whether the emperor is afraid of this Xiaowangge elder and is preparing to suppress him, or even... The rabbit is dead and the dog is cooked?

The title "Wu'an" generally has two meanings. It is a title based on the place name Wu'an. This is usually a title specially given to royal princes.

Another meaning of "Wu'an" is to rule the world with martial arts, prestige and reputation. The meaning of this title is very good. It first came from the Western Zhou Dynasty. Those who were able to stabilize the country and defeat the enemy in all dynasties were named "Wu'an".

But, after entering the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, this title had a hidden buff. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, no one who was granted the title of "Wu'an Lord" died well.

One of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, Bai Qi, the killing god of the generation, and Li Mu, the last hope of the Zhao Kingdom, were successively knighted as Lord Wu An, both of whom were very capable of fighting. Then Bai Qi was sentenced to death, and Li Mu was even more miserable, and was killed by the King of Zhao. Ambush can also be regarded as a death penalty!

In addition, there was Su Qin, who led the six kingdoms to unite to fight against Qin. He was also named "Wu'an Lord" by Zhao Guo, and then... he also did not die well and died miserably.

After the previous era, the title "Wu'an" did not disappear. There were several celebrities with the title "Wu'an", but not many died well.

Tian Fu, the Marquis of Wu'an in the Western Han Dynasty, the uncle and prime minister of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, fought to death Dou Ying, who was also a relative, and then "went insane" and died of madness. Only four years after his death, the Tian family's title of Marquis of Wu'an was removed.

In addition, during the Tang Dynasty, there was a very famous Duke Xue Wanche of Wu'an County. That's right, this person's title is exactly the same as Xu Xin's current title.

"Old Book of Tang" records that Li Shimin, Taizong of the Tang Dynasty, once said that the only famous generals today are Li Ji, Daozong, and Wanche.

Li Shimin had such a high opinion of Xue Wanche, but what happened to the Duke of Wu'an... It's hard to describe in one word. Princess Danyang, Shang Taizong's sister, was later involved in a plot to establish Jing Wang Li Yuanjing as emperor, and was involved in treason and was executed.

The title of "Wu'an" is so "unknown", but it seems to have been broken in the Ming Dynasty. There was a title of "Wu'an" in the Ming Dynasty. The fifth hero of Jingnan, Zheng Heng, the "Marquis of Wu'an" named by Emperor Yongle, is now It was passed to the hands of Zheng Ying, the fourth generation "Wuanhou".

Ordinarily, it is a good thing that the "Wu'an" title curse has been broken. But when the emperor already had a "Wu'an Marquis" and then made him a "Wu'an County Duke", he was suspected of causing trouble no matter how he looked at it.

Could it be that the monarch and his ministers were really at odds? The emperor is beating Mr. Xiao Wang, Duke of Wu'an County? “Give me a feast!”

After the knighthood, Emperor Chrysostom opened the banquet, and the great court meeting ended. All civil and military officials who were qualified to participate stayed to participate in the great banquet ceremony.

The banquet, also known as the feast, is the highest level of banquet in ancient times. It was a kind of Jiali in the Ming Dynasty. It is usually held during major national celebrations or festivals such as Zhengdan and Winter Solstice. Of course, with the emperor's permission, it can also be held at another time, hosted by the Ministry of Rites and prepared by Guanglu Temple.

Originally, according to the banquet etiquette, the officials should have been entertained at the Fengtian Palace. But since the Jinluan Hall was destroyed, the Fengtian Hall became the place for court meetings, and the grand banquet was also changed to the Jinshen Hall. It can be expected that this arrangement will be in place before the Jinluan Palace is rebuilt.

All the civil and military officials went to Jinshen Hall. Xu Xin, the newly appointed Duke of Wu'an County, took another imperial dragon chase and followed the emperor to Jinshen Hall. Officials from the Ministry of Rites and Honglu Temple had already made preparations.

When the emperor's chariot dragon set out, great music was played. Civil and military officials of the fourth rank and above stood in the Jinshen Hall, and officials of the fifth rank and below stood on the steps outside the hall. After the salute, they took their seats.

After the civil and military officials and the emperor took their seats, Guanglu Temple began to present the imperial banquet and play music... At this time, another group of special people were introduced into the Jinshen Hall. It was a group including the little prince Dayan Khan. After being captured by Xu Xin and sent to the grasslands and the princes and nobles of the northeastern tribes.

This time, Xu Xin circled from the northwest to the northeast, basically plowing the northern territory. He captured countless leaders of various tribes, and many tribes volunteered to send hostages, all of which were sent to the capital.

Today the emperor is having a banquet with all the ministers, so naturally these princes from beyond the Great Wall are invited to come and dance to the entertainment.

When the little prince Dayan Khan first came to the Jinshen Hall, he held his head high and looked dissatisfied. However, under the gaze of Xu Xin, fear grew in his heart for some reason, and finally he danced coquettishly to the music. Mongolian dance.

"The grassland people are good at singing and dancing. They look really good..."

Next to the emperor's throne, Xu Xin looked at the little prince Dayan Khan performing the dance with a bright smile. Today's dance banquet can be said to be a feast for the guests and the host.

The emperor was sent to the Queen's Palace after being drunk. The two had been married for three years, but the Queen still had nothing to do. However, there was only the Queen in the Emperor's harem. There were problems with the succession of the Tian family, and people were already in trouble. He said that he criticized the queen for being jealous.

Under this situation, the queen became more and more eager to ask for the "dragon seed". Except for the days when she was not feeling well, she basically squeezed the emperor clean out of her.

Why did Xu Xin know such secrets about the palace? Of course someone told him. He is now in the palace, the late emperor's harem, and in the palace of Empress Shu, who has just given birth to a "royal brother" for the emperor. These are of course what the sisters Shufei told him.

(End of this chapter)

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