The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 420 Let the first child in this world go to Liaodong!

Chapter 420 The first child in this world...let him go to Liaodong!

Xu Xin could no longer remember how many times he had sneaked into the palace. He was still familiar with the way and avoided the heavily patrolling palace guards.

The palace where Concubine Shu is located is no longer as heavily guarded and lively as it was in the past. In fact, the palaces of many of the late emperor's concubines are now very deserted. After all, once the emperor and his courtiers changed, the former emperor's concubines would naturally be basically worthless.

Although it is said that since Zhu Qizhen, the Ming Dynasty has abolished the burial of concubines, but these women who once belonged to the emperor, after the emperor's death, the concubines with children were fine. In the future, the children can be taken out of the palace if they ask for favors. Those who have no children can basically live in the palace forever.

Among the many concubines of the late emperor, Concubine Shu was considered a special one. First, she was framed by the eunuch Liu Xi and had her house confiscated, leaving her to live among the people. Then she was fortunately rehabilitated, and then won the "sacred favor". In the few months before the emperor's death, she was basically He stayed in the palace of Concubine Shu, and later he was lucky enough to receive Ximai, but no one expected that the emperor would suddenly pass away.

After the new emperor succeeded to the throne, although he was still respectful to many of the former emperor's concubines, the eunuchs and maids in the palace were most accustomed to adapting to the changing circumstances. The food, clothing, eunuchs and maids in the palace of the late emperor's concubines have almost all changed.

Concubine Shu, probably because she felt that the Murong family had "contributed" to overthrowing Liu Xi, the emperor expressed concern several times and allowed the fourth daughter of the Murong family, Murong Xian, to accompany her in the palace. The treatment was relatively better.

In the deserted palace, Concubine Shu Murong Shu and her sister Little Fairy Murong Xian were dressing up. They took off their hair, face and costumes and put on elegant and simple makeup. They had just returned from Kunning Palace.

Today the emperor held a banquet with all the ministers in the Jinshen Palace, and the queen also held a banquet in the Kunning Palace with the ladies and ladies of the capital, as well as the concubines in the harem.

Sisters Murong Shu and Murong Xian went to the banquet and did not interact much with the Queen, the Queen Mother, and the Queen Mother. Instead, they met Mrs. Xiao Wang from the Royal Palace in the capital, who is now the Duke of Wu'an County.

Murong Shu felt quite guilty towards Mrs. Xiao Wang. Mrs. Xiao Wang has been married to her husband for three years, but has been unable to achieve anything.

Sister Murong knows some secrets. The current emperor has never had an heir. Perhaps the queen's special favor and the emperor's seed are not enough.

On Mrs. Wang's side, it's not that Mr. Wang's seed is not good, but that the favor is thinly divided. After all, the two sisters get a large part. Concubine Shu's child is still the eldest son of the Wang family. Seriously, he has to call Mrs. Wang his mother.

In front of the dressing mirror, Murong Xian and Murong Shu were joking and playing with each other. The two beautiful sisters talked about quite bold and explicit topics, with a little expectation in their eyes.

Concubine Shu took off her dress and put on a set of home clothes. She held a baby in her arms, looking like a good wife and mother.

"This child is very good!"

Suddenly a voice sounded in the bedroom, and the sisters who were playing around with the little guy all turned around in surprise, and saw a figure walking out from behind the screen. It was the little king next door whom they had not seen for a long time and whom the sisters missed deeply.

"Brother Wang!"

Murong Xian's face showed surprise, and then he quickly looked around, then went to look outside a little, giving the space to his sister and nephew first.

"Does the child have a name?"

Xu Xin walked closer and looked at the baby in Concubine Shu's arms. It was a "prince" with a handle. There were records left in the imperial hospital. He must be registered in the clan and become a prince in the future.

"Your Majesty asked me what I thought. I said that I wanted this child to be a kind person in the future, so I asked for the word ren (according to the rules, single person should be changed to wood, but there is no such word)."

Murong Shu's face was filled with the glory of her mother, and she glanced at Xu Xin carefully while speaking.


Xu Xin acted very calmly. The "benevolence" of "kindness" is also the "benevolence" of Wang Shouren. Obviously Murong Shu wanted to leave some thoughts. Although there is a risk of exposure, for him now, this does not count. What a big deal.     “Ren’er is very cute.”

Xu Xin hugged the child and the child's mother together, stretched out his hand to pinch the baby's face, and flicked the little bird. Some not-so-good memories flashed through his mind. It seemed that when he was a child in this life, he was also... Bah bah bah, no one will remember this dark history.

"Stay here tonight!"

Xu Xin was teasing the child, inevitably neglecting his mother. In the end, Concubine Shu took the initiative, biting her red lips, looking at him with watery eyes and seductive eyes.

Concubine Shu asked not only for herself, but also for her sister's share. She has been with Xu Xin for so long, so she naturally knows some of his unspeakable quirks. Sisters work together and sleep together. This is a great weapon to fight for favor.

"Of course!"

Xu Xin took the risk and entered the palace. He came here, how could he leave without doing anything.

"Prince, husband..."

Murong Shu put the child to sleep and put it in the crib, then put it into her lover's arms. She raised her head and gave him a sweet kiss. She took the initiative to untie her belt. The outer clothes gradually slipped off, revealing her round and white shoulders.

Xu Xin was just about to make some moves when another beautiful figure came up behind him. It was cold and needed him to warm his body.

Although Murong Xian's cold syndrome has been almost cured, his body still tends to be cold and feels like cold jade. In summer, Xu Xin loved to pamper her the most.

The sisters of the Murong family were united, so naturally Xu... couldn't submit to others. He was rolled over on the dragon bed that had been arranged for a long time, and the commotion almost woke up the sleeping little guy.

The little guy wouldn't have thought that just behind the curtain, his mother and aunt were being bullied by bad guys, and they seemed to be planning to create a trumpet and give birth to a younger brother for him.

The spring breeze blew, the clouds closed and the rain dispersed, and Murong Xian, who was weak, fell into a deep sleep. Ever since she had her cute little nephew, she has been waiting for Xu Xin to come back. The child is so cute, and she really wants a gift like this.

It's just that because of the cold syndrome in the past, it was more difficult for her to give birth to children than ordinary women, and she needed to put in more effort, so she asked for more just now, and now of course...

In Xu Xin's right hand, Murong Shu was pressed against his chest. Having experienced the nourishment of love, her face looked brighter and more beautiful than before.

"Wang Lang, tell me where is the best place for our child to be sealed when the time comes?"

On the dragon bed, Murong Shu was concerned about her child's future. She knew Xu Xin's current power, and also heard some rumors that the emperor's title of "Wu'an" seemed to be a bad signal, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"The matters in the outer court are very complicated, don't think too much about it. As for the child, let him be in Liaodong when the time comes! Although that place is cold, it is also a treasure land..."

Xu Xin naturally had plans for the child's fiefdom. Although the Longxing Land of Boar Skin was too bitter and cold in this era, he had many ways to develop it.

Choosing Liaodong is not too far from the capital. If something happens beyond his control and forces him to overturn the table, then wouldn't this be the most suitable "son emperor"? Of course, he would never go that far unless absolutely necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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