The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 435 Gu Santong’s road to number one in the world

Chapter 435 Gu Santong’s path to becoming the best in the world

Forbidden City, Wuying Palace.

When Xu Xin followed Cao Zhengchun to the Wuying Palace, he saw the emperor, the queen, and the emperor's beloved concubine Li. There were also a lot of cakes on the table, and he didn't know who sent them.

"Shouren is back."

The emperor greeted Xu Xin with a smile, pointed to the table, and said: "Concubine Li learned how to make pearl cakes from the queen. She has made so many. I am not alone in this blessing. You can bring some back later."

Xu Xin thanked the emperor, and then the queen took Concubine Li and bowed and left.

Xu Xin is a minister. When ministers come to see His Majesty, they usually have something to do.

The Ming Dynasty stipulated that the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics.

Although Xu Xin's eyes did not change when Concubine Li and the Queen left, he paid more attention to Concubine Li. It is said that this woman resembled the emperor's biological mother, Concubine Ji Shu, so she was included in the emperor's harem.

According to the information in Xu Xin's memory, Emperor Hongzhi seemed to have only one woman, Queen Zhang. This was also a model of love that was crazily touted by later generations.

But in the era of the Ming Dynasty, this kind of "love" is a big sin. There is only one person in the harem, and that is the queen who is jealous and cannot be the mother of the world.

But it seems that in this martial arts world, Zhu Youtang does not have only one woman as the queen in history, but has an additional concubine Li.

It's just that although Concubine Li was favored, Zhu Youtang didn't stay in her palace for many nights. It seemed that she was just a substitute for his mother, and he missed her mother when he saw others.

Xu Xin would pay attention to Li Fei because of Tianxiang Cardamom.

A few years ago, foreign countries donated what were said to be the only three heavenly fragrant cardamom coins in the world as a hundred-day gift to the emperor's eldest son Zhu Houzhao.

Of course, on that night, Zhu ignored "humiliation" at Yanguan and "recklessly" killed someone. Afterwards, he was "punished" by the emperor and resigned from his post.

Later, Zhu Wuwu asked for permission to leave Beijing for a trip. Before he left, the emperor showed his favor, and Zhu Wuwu was grateful, and gave Zhu Wuwu a piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom, and another one to the queen. On the same night, the emperor stayed at Concubine Li's palace and gave her a "little mermaid pearl".

Xu Xin has been paying attention to the news in the palace. He is naturally interested in Tianxiang Cardamom, so he knows all about these things.

"Shouren, why didn't Wang Yi come back? Did something happen to him?"

After Concubine Li and the Queen left, the emperor immediately asked Xu Xin why Zhu Wuli didn't come back. For what he was going to do next, Zhu Wuli, the former Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army Governor's Mansion, was the most suitable candidate!

Xu Xin told the emperor roughly what happened in Tianshan. After the emperor listened to his words, his expression changed again and again.

"Ignore him and do it for a woman. He is so like my father!"

The emperor's words were full of displeasure.

He said that Zhu Wuwu was like Zhu Jianshen, and he himself was not the same. The emperor doted on the queen alone and allowed the queen's family members to behave wildly. There had long been discussions inside and outside the court.

"Your Majesty, since the Grand Governor is temporarily busy, it would be better to handle the matter slowly and plan the matter in the long run to avoid mistakes."

After hearing Xu Xin's words, the emperor's eyes flickered, and finally he sighed: "You really can't be too anxious about the new army." Although the conversation between the emperor and Xu Xin was simple, if it spread to the outside court, it would definitely cause trouble within the court. of major earthquakes.

The emperor actually wanted to create a new army, and he kept it secret. He was obviously on guard against interference from civil servants in the outer court.

During the Tumu Fort Incident decades ago, Ming Dynasty was fortunate to have Yu Qian step forward to turn the tide. At that time, Yu Qian was just the minister of the Ministry of War. In that battle, Yu Qian was promoted to the Minister of War and became the prince Shaobao. Later, he supported Zhu Qiyu, the emperor of Jingtai, and became the first emperor of the court. one person.

Yu Qian was undoubtedly a loyal minister, even foolishly loyal. When the coup happened, he could have stopped it, but he didn't. He allowed Zhu Qizhen, who had regained the throne, to despise him.

Zhu Qi's killing of Yu Qian was definitely an extremely ugly thing, but Yu Qian did do something bad to the Ming Dynasty, and civilian officials took the lead in military affairs. After him, civilian officials gradually extended their hands into the army, affecting military power. This was a challenge to imperial power.

An emperor without military power is like a man's balls being grabbed. No matter what, the emperor cannot accept it.

Zhu Qizhen has no ability to take back military power from civilian officials. He is a waste.

However, Zhu Jianshen, who succeeded him, was very capable and relied on various means to regain part of his power. However, Xungui was so completely deposed that even if he tried to support him, he could not restore the relative balance between civil and military affairs that existed before orthodoxy. status.

In the end, Emperor Chenghua had no choice but to release the eunuch, a vicious dog, and create a large number of factory guards. Although the government was barely balanced, it also caused more problems.

Now that Emperor Hongzhi had secured his throne and suppressed the factory guards, he naturally wanted to completely take back military power and re-establish the balance between civil and military affairs.

Xu Xin naturally came up with the idea at this time, to set up a martial arts school or something, select students and disciples, and those who practice martial arts as teachers, supervise the classes strictly, clearly determine the promotion, and focus on military affairs. In the future, the martial arts lecture hall can also be turned into a military academy, and some kind of "imperial auxiliary" military academy can be established.

Although it seems too weird to have a "Royal Auxiliary Military Academy" in the Ming Dynasty... I have to admit that this method is very effective.

One of the most critical reasons why modern armies surpass ancient armies is the large number of qualified middle- and lower-level officers. In modern times, all soldiers are educated. In any dynasty, one can become an officer or a general. Such soldiers are naturally the best among the best.

In many novels, people travel to ancient times to engage in "imperial assistants". You must admit that this method is indeed efficient and useful.

However, there are many problems in getting this thing done. The first is the mountain chief, also known as the principal. Because it involves the promotion of officials in the Ming Dynasty, it is similar to the determination of family background in the imperial examination.

All the Jinshi grades in the imperial examination are given by the emperor. Such Jinshis can call themselves disciples of the emperor, and the emperor is naturally the teacher of all Jinshis.

The military preparation academy clearly decided that the matter of promotion could only be decided by the emperor, so the principal of the "Imperial Auxiliary Military Academy" could only be the emperor.

However, the person who is responsible for the specific management, that is, the vice-principal, is also very important. He must be someone trusted by the emperor, so Zhu Wuwu was initially chosen, but now, it seems that he can only be forced to take charge of this matter. .

"Shouren, since I can't come back for the time being, I'll leave it to you to take care of the martial arts hall!"

The emperor sighed and made his decision, feeling deeply that there was no one available to him. Although Xu Xin was "loyal and capable", the emperor felt embarrassed if he was allowed to do anything. Moreover, such a minister was too powerful and would have the ability to rebel sooner or later.

Here in the capital, a vast military reform has begun. In the world over there, starting from the Kunlun sect in the northwest, the undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong started his own path to fame. Following the list of the eight major sects, he challenged them one by one, gaining momentum. To be number one in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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