Chapter 436 Shaolin in this world

"Gu Santong invites you to invite me to fight in Shaolin?"

In the palace of the capital, Xu Xin, who had just finished his official duties, received the latest information from Hongye Zhai. Gu Santong, the undefeated naughty boy who was now stirring up trouble in the world and had defeated Kunlun, Emei, Wudang and other sects, once again sent out a greeting. This time His goal is Shaolin.

Shaolin Temple is a thousand-year-old temple with a long history.

As long as there is a Shaolin Temple in a world with a martial arts background, it is basically a famous sect, the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world.

In Xu Xin's previous world, the strongest master he had seen practiced Shaolin magic. Although he has not had much contact with the Shaolin Temple in this life, he still has some interest.

And if Xu Xin remembers it well, not long after Gu Santong challenged Shaolin, the Eight Great Sects made an appointment with him to fight against Taihu, and then... the brave god Hou Zhu ignored, after Gu Santong pushed Su Xin to him, he played There is a big wave of people who not only want the brother's woman, but also want the brother's reputation to be ruined, and justifiably trample him to death.

"You can go take a look at this matter."

Xu Xin estimated the time. According to the agreed time, it was still too late to rush from the capital. Moreover, during the recent period, the matter of the martial arts hall in the capital has basically been settled. Just some trivial matters. Is he in the capital? It doesn't matter.

He also recently discovered that the emperor seemed to be interested in cultivating new people. Xu Xin is naturally not a man who loves power and position, so he should give more opportunities to the young people who follow him. Anyway, those people are learning from his "King Study".

Over the years, Xu Xin's books such as "Inquiry into Knowledge" and "Basic Science" have been integrated and improved into a new academic discipline, referred to as "Wang Xue", which is mainly practical. Emperor Zhu Youtang learned it with gusto. Naturally, it became the key for him to select talents.

Things in the court are difficult to say and simple to say. As far as being an official is concerned, the main thing is to stand in line. The key to distinguishing oneself from outsiders is whether the ideas are unified, that is, "the way is the same" or "the way is different."

If the emperor likes "Wang Xue", then naturally there will be people below to study it. Science is more practical and interesting than Confucianism. Xu Xin can easily identify those who really study hard and recommend it to the emperor. .

That's right, most of the "own people" trained by the emperor were recommended by Xu Xin. In this situation, what's so scary about him, Xiao Wangge.

So, after only thinking for a moment, Xu Xin sent someone to the Forbidden City to summon the message.

The emperor is actually also concerned about Jianghu's affairs. After all, the world's top masters have too terrifying martial arts, and it is really possible to succeed in killing the king and assassinating him.

The emperor still trusted Xu Xin, and without thinking for too long, he sent someone to send him a gold medal, so that Xu Xin could take advantage of it while he was relaxing. At the same time, he also told him that if there was a chance, he would take care of his troublesome brother Zhu Tie. Bring me back the courage.

Xu Xin received the gold medal and rested in the ladies' room until very late that night. The next day, he left in a carriage. After all, seven nights and so on was still a bit stressful.


Shaolin Temple is located in Shaoshi Mountain, Henan Province. Since Taihe in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Shaolin has gradually become famous all over the world for its martial arts. People in the world often say that the world's martial arts originated from Shaolin. Although there is suspicion of flattery, Shaolin's influence in the martial arts can still be seen.

After the founding of the Ming Dynasty, Wudang was made the state religion, and "the world's martial arts originated from Shaolin", which gradually became "Shaolin is respected in the south and Wudang is respected in the north."

This duo of Buddhism and Taoism is known as the Taishan Beidou in the martial arts world, and is the only one among the eight major sects.

The arena this year is very lively. The undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong started from Kunlun and challenged heroes from all walks of life in the martial arts. He just picked Wudang last month and broke the Zhenwu Sword Formation. Now he has sent a letter of thanks to Shaolin. Naturally. It caused a storm and countless people gathered in Shaoshi Mountain to watch the battle.



In the Shaolin Temple, the morning bells are ringing. This is the first time Xu Xin has come to the Shaoshi Mountain Shaolin Temple in this life. It is a little different from the previous ones in the world, but the overall layout is similar, and the overall strength is stronger.

But what makes Xu Xin a little disappointed is that this Shaolin Temple does not have a "sweeping monk". The so-called "inheritance" is just a senior monk like "Sandu" in "Yi Tian", I am afraid they will all be beaten. But Yaoyue and Lianxing.

But even though they were here, he just watched the fun. Just after noon that day, I heard a commotion. Gu Santong, Zhu Wuwu and Su Xin arrived together.

When Xu Xin heard the news, he did not go out immediately. Instead, he enjoyed the vegetarian meal in the kitchen. He said that the vegetarian meal in Shaolin Temple was really good.

He didn't forget to listen for a while while eating. As he expected, those people outside must have been polite at first instead of taking action directly, so he was too lazy to go out so early.


With an ear-splitting roar, Xu Xin walked outside the gate of Shaolin Temple with Diao Buyu and Heizi, who were also well fed and drunk. People from Gu Santong and Shaolin Temple were already taking action.

"It's snowing on Tianshan Mountain!"

"Be merciful!"

In the center surrounded by countless Shaolin monks, the ancient three-tong sword fight Shaolin was "three times". Liao Kong and his junior brother had been defeated, and only the strongest one was still holding on with his Great Compassion Palm.

"Monk, your martial arts are good, but you should fall down!"

Gu Santong said cynically, and suddenly broke the knot with a flick of the sword flower, sheathed the sword, turned around and made another move, using the scabbard to knock away Shaolin's strongest contemporary finishing master.

"Is there anyone in your Shaolin Temple? I heard that your Arhat Formation is very powerful."

Gu Santong's sarcastic words suddenly aroused the anger of many Dalin monks.

That's how he is, he's actually not a bad person, and he always sticks to the point of fighting. It's like he deliberately changed the sword blade into a scabbard after winning just now, so it doesn't hurt anyone.

But he has a really bad mouth and a naughty personality, so he can easily offend people.

He was now a arrogant and arrogant maniac. Faced with such a provocative speech, Buddha was also angry. The Shaolin monks naturally complied with his request, and the Arhat formation went straight to it.

The Arhat Formation includes the Twelve Bronze Man Formation, the Thirteen Bodhidharma Stick Formation, the Eighteen Arhat Formation, and a series of other formation combinations. It is supported by twelve people on the top, bottom, left, and right, and sixteen people guard the four corners of the southeast, northwest, and northwest, at least one hundred people. Zero eight people.

Shaolin monks built one upon another, as high as three stories high.

Ordinary people see so many people and are already panicked before they even take action.

But facing the undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong, with just half a cup of tea, the Shaolin Arhat formation was broken, and a bunch of monks lay on the ground.

"It's boring."

Gu Santong put his sword on his shoulder, glanced at the monks, and walked away without looking back.

"From today on, I, Gu Santong, accept anyone's challenge!"

Gu Santong's voice floated over Shaoshi Mountain. He defeated Shaolin Wudang one after another and defeated all eight major sects. Now, even if he claims to be the best in the world, not many people dare to refute him.

So now Gu Santong no longer needs to challenge others, he only needs to wait for others to challenge him.

(End of this chapter)

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