The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 437: In Taihu Lake this night, Zhu Wuwu went crazy.

Chapter 437: In Taihu Lake that night, Zhu Wuwen went crazy.

I left Su Xin. I must compete with the Eight Great Sects and other martial arts masters to convince them completely.

You don't have to wait for me, I'm not suitable for you.

From now on, you will follow Tiedan and Santong.

In a ruined temple somewhere in the land of Jiangnan, I couldn't find Gu Santong's Suxin when I woke up early in the morning. After reading the message from my cousin and fiancé Gu Santong, I just felt unspeakable grievance in my heart, and tears flowed down my face. stop.

Seeing Su Xin's heartbreak, Zhu Wu quickly said: "Su Xin, don't worry, I will do my best to take care of you, protect you, and make you worry-free..."

He revealed his identity to Su Xin. He was the younger brother of the current emperor and the iron gall god of the imperial court, Zhu Wuwu.

"Su Xin, I will take you back and ask the emperor to allow me to accept you as my concubine."

Zhu Wu said sincerely, but Su Xin, who had lost all traces of the ancient three links, finally nodded in confusion.

Zhu Wuwu felt happy, and his long-term wish finally came true. At this moment, he just felt that he was the happiest and happiest man in the world.

Immediately he found a carriage and wanted to take Su Xin back to Beijing to meet the emperor. He did not want to do it anymore. He wanted to be the prince and let Su Xin become his princess.

Shortly after Gu Santong and Su Xin left, a figure quietly appeared in the ruined temple. He glanced at the handwriting left by Gu Santong, and then looked at Su Xin and Zhu Wuwu who were walking away, with particularly deep eyes.

"Zhu Wuyi, what on earth do you think?"

Xu Xin whispered to himself. At such a close distance, he could feel the strangeness in Zhu Wuli's body. His heart was beating very fast and his mood was fluctuating. In short, it was not a normal state.

Xu Xin's eyes were cast in the direction of Taihu Lake. He already knew about the eight major factions' appointment to fight against Gu Santong. On that day, Taihu Lake should be very interesting.

Xu Xin's figure also disappeared into the ruined temple. He had a hunch that Zhu Wuwu in Taihu Lake would give him a big surprise that day.


The night before the eight major sects made an appointment to fight against Gu Santong, a fast horse galloped up outside the Taihu Water Village. Zhu Mongli, who was dressed in a red robe, felt quite uneasy.

This evening he took Su Xin to stay at an inn on the bank of Tai Lake. Su Xin shed tears for Gu San Tong again. After comforting his sweetheart, he chose to ride his horse to Tai Lake late at night.


When Zhu Wuwu's figure appeared outside the Taihu Water Village, he was discovered by the masters of the eight major sects. They had already driven away the people nearby for tomorrow's decisive battle. In order to prepare for tomorrow's battle, they had some arrangements and naturally did not allow outsiders to see the truth.

"Messenger from the Ministry of Punishment, please see the four major arrests."

Zhu Wuwu took out his token and threw it up. For convenience, he carried the token of the Ministry of Punishment with him when he traveled around the world.

Soon someone opened the door and directed him to the residence of the four top arrestees of the Criminal Department.

Tomorrow's decisive battle, the four major arrests from the Criminal Department will serve as witnesses, proving that the eight major factions did not use some underhanded tactics in order to win.

Zhu Wuli came to the room, opened the door and went in. He saw the four famous arrests there. The four of them sat together, not knowing what they were discussing.

"Tiedan Shenhou, what are you doing here!"

One of the four major arrests spoke very rudely. Zhu ignored the incident of killing the emperor's eldest son after the 100-day banquet. The guy who was killed was somewhat related to them. Seeing this guy suddenly appear here, the four major arrests immediately Just frown.

"Four of you, Zhu Wuli is bold and wants to ask you to help mediate tomorrow's duel." Zhu Wuli still has some friendship with Gu Santong. His good brothers have given up their fiancées to him, and Su Xin is worried about tomorrow's duel. Being scared, he just wanted to do something, so he came to Taihu late at night to find the four chief arrests of the Criminal Department and asked them to help mediate.

"Tiedan Shenhou, you have a relationship with Gu Santong, that is your business. Tomorrow's decisive battle has nothing to do with you, and we cannot give you this convenience."

The mustached head catcher immediately replied rudely, just like Zhu Wuwu didn't give them face that night in Ningbo Ship Division, and they naturally wouldn't be willing to give Zhu Wuwu face today.

"Four, this matter..."

"The Lord Shen can leave."

Zhu Yingwang wanted to say something else, and the four people in the room immediately raised their tea cups to see him off. Seeing that he had no intention of leaving, one of them slapped him with a palm.


Zhu Wuwu was struck by this palm force, and the suction method subconsciously operated to absorb this external infuriating energy into his body.

"I said how dare you come to meddle in other people's business. It turns out he has grown up. I'll beat him out."

The four big catchers all looked at Zhu Wuwu, and the next moment they took action again. Just like that night in Ningbo, the four of them joined forces to deal with Zhu Wuwu, but this time they really took action, using their true energy to attack, instead of like the previous one. This time it was just Qi suppression.

A purple halo suddenly appeared in Zhu Wuwu's eyes, and a puff of white energy was stimulated from his body. The true energy of the four big catchers collided with him. He immediately used the method of absorbing energy through the air to capture the four people. Into the air.


The bodies of the four major catchers flew up, and their internal energy surged toward Zhu Wuwu like a rushing river.

Zhu Wuwu immersed himself in it, absorbing the inner energy of the four big catchers to his heart's content, until nothing was left. In the end, only clothes were left on the ground, and all the energy and spirit of the four big catchers were absorbed by Zhu Wuwu.


Zhu Wuwu let out a satisfied groan, feeling that his whole body was full of strength and his internal energy was surging.

"Senior Brother Tie, Senior Brother Tie, are you okay? I thought I heard someone taking action just now."

Just when Zhu Wuli was digesting the energy of the four head-hunting spirits, a voice suddenly came from outside the door. However, it was the previous time when the movement of several people was so loud that someone was coming.

The four major arrestees of the Ministry of Punishment were all members of the Eight Major Sects in the past. Many of these masters who came here are their relatives and friends. It is very unfair to let them be the notary public. The Eight Major Sects will tomorrow He had no intention of competing normally with Gu Santong.

"If you don't do it, you won't stop. People like the Eight Great Sects are only thinking of using despicable tricks. Gu Santong, I am also doing it for your own good..."

When Zhu Wuyi turned around, murderous intent boiled in his eyes.

He had received some information before he came to Taihu. The eight major sects were preparing to use some destructive means in the competition tomorrow. He did have the intention to stop it, but he also had some crazy thoughts in his heart, that is, to kill all these people.

Now, this thought is out of control, and he has already found a reason for himself. In order to prevent his good brother Gu Santong from being plotted, it is up to him, Zhu Tiedan, to take care of these people from the eight major sects for him!

Zhu Mingli had already made up his mind. The man outside the door was still calling. He walked over, opened the door, arrested people, and absorbed power... What a dragon did was very skillful. His eyes gradually turned red, and then he looked at the water of Taihu Lake. Everywhere in the village, murderous intent was surging.

That night in Taihu Lake, Zhu Wuwen went crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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