The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 439: Framing the brother and seducing the second sister-in-law, Zhu Ignorance, 2 must realiz

Chapter 439: Framing the brother, seducing the second sister-in-law... He Zhu ignored it and must realize his dream

On the day when the Eight Great Sects were scheduled to fight, Gu Santong was walking alone by the Taihu Lake. Before he came, he had heard about the Eight Great Sects' clearance, so it was not surprising that no one was watching the show along the way. But the strange thing was that he When we arrived at the shore of Taihu Lake, we still didn't find anyone.

The most important thing is that I can't even sense my breathing.

With his skills, he should be able to sense movement in a place where more than a hundred people gather.

Gu Santong was puzzled, but he did not stop. He finally arrived outside the Taihu Water Village, but everything inside surprised his eyes.

More than a hundred people, all dead, without any breath.

Gu Santong sensed carefully and determined that there were no survivors.

He stepped forward and looked carefully, but found that there were almost no complete bodies. More importantly, he found traces of the Dharma of absorbing energy here.

"The great method of absorbing energy? Tieteng?"

Gu Santong was stunned on the spot. Chuan Zhu ignored the power-absorbing method, but he felt that the opponent was practical and talented, and might be a good opponent. It was just fun.

Zhu Wuli had never done anything to feel sorry for him. But I didn't expect... He actually arrived at Taihu Lake in advance and killed more than a hundred people, including the masters of the eight major sects and the four major arrests of the Ministry of Punishment. Even Gu Santong couldn't do this.

Gu Santong stayed at the bank of Taihu Lake for a long time. After carefully checking it many times, he picked up his sword and turned around to leave. He wanted to go to Zhu Wuwu to ask clearly.

I will never be mistaken. These people were drained of their power by the power-absorbing method and died.

Today, although there are some methods of absorbing gong, such as the devil's sect's method of absorbing stars, the heretical method of transforming gong, etc., the method of absorbing gong is very special. Gu Santong has also practiced it himself and can distinguish it. This is The authentic method of absorbing energy.

Apart from Zhu Tiedan, he couldn't think of anyone else in the world who could.

It's a pity that Gu Santong came too late. When Zhu Wuwang woke up, he took Su Xin on the road early the next morning, and Gu Santong would not find him anywhere.

The ancient three links had just left the scope of Taihu Lake, and not far away, someone discovered its traces. Not long after, someone entered Taihu Lake and saw... a mess.

Not long after, rumors spread in the world that Gu Santong, an undefeated naughty boy, went crazy on the banks of Taihu Lake and used the method of absorbing energy to kill the masters of the eight major sects and the four major arrests of the Ministry of Punishment, a total of 108 people.

This matter has been fermenting since then, and the imperial court has also issued a reward. The emperor personally ordered the arrest of the imperial convict Gu Santong.

One hundred and eight masters were killed. In such a martial arts world, how high is the martial arts worth? The emperor had seen Cao Zhengchun fight Liu Xi. How could he not be afraid when he knew that such a murderous maniac appeared in the world? Moreover, the four major arrests of the imperial court's criminal department were all killed together, so he must find a way to deal with it!

The imperial court offered a reward for the capture of Gu Santong, and the eight major sects also offered rewards respectively, and more masters were born, chasing Gu Santong day and night.

Although Gu Santong was naughty, he was not bad in nature. Although he sent away these pursuers, he did not kill him. Unexpectedly, the more he tolerated, these people felt more hopeful and desperately wanted to deal with him and send a group of soldiers away. Another batch came, making it difficult for him to walk normally.

Unknowingly, Gu Santong fell into an endless pursuit...

Here Gu Santong is being hunted by the entire Jianghu, but over there Zhu Wuwu is contented to take Su Xin away from Taihu Lake and on the way back to the capital.

Along the way, he just immersed himself in the journey and deliberately did not inquire about the news about Gu San Tong. As he got closer to the capital, Su Xin seemed to accept his fate.

Zhu ignored the news and didn't inquire about the ancient three connections, and Su Xin had no way to inquire about it on her own. In this way, the two of them arrived in the capital in peace and quiet, without any news.

"Su Xin, let's enter the palace now. I will go to the emperor today to ask him to agree to your marriage."

Outside the Forbidden City, Zhu Wuwu grabbed Su Xin's hand emotionally, with sincere and loving eyes. Su Xin silently glanced in the direction she came from, with mixed feelings in her heart. Her cousin left a message and left. Now she has followed Zhu Wuwu to the capital and entered the palace, unable to look back. Zhu Wuli was really good to her, and in the end, she did not refuse.

Zhu Wuwu received Su Xin's silent response, and his heart was beating loudly. He felt that his life had reached its peak moment and his "dream" was about to come true.

He did not take Su Xin to his Shenhou Mansion, but went directly to the palace, placed Su Xin in the palace where he lived before, and then went to find the emperor. He wanted to tell his emperor brother.

Zhu Mingwu no longer wants to be a prince, he wants to be a prince and wants Su Xin to be his princess. He loves Su Xin and wants to give her the best. In fact, if possible, he would even want Su Xin's mother to be the empress of the world.


"Nonsense. She is a commoner's daughter and someone else's fiancée. What's the difference between doing this and taking someone else's wife? They are married to someone else's fingertips and there is a marriage contract."

In the Wuying Palace, when Zhu Wuli confessed Su Xin's affairs frankly, he only started to speak, and he was scolded by the emperor.

The fact that Suxin is a daughter of the people is actually nothing. Unlike other dynasties, the Ming Dynasty did not pay attention to the right family. Even the queen chose a small family. If the daughter of the people is innocent and the emperor is willing to fulfill her wish, becoming a princess is it's nothing.

The emperor used the civilian daughter as an excuse, of course, because he did not want to fulfill Zhu Yiyi's wishes. He regarded Zhu Wuwu as his right-hand man, and now this arm is actually going to fly? How could this be possible, and he also believed from the bottom of his heart that Su Xin was not a good match for Zhu and was unwilling to consummate the marriage.

"What's more, the ancient three links are now..."

"What happened to the ancient three links?"

When Zhu Wuli heard the emperor mention the ancient three links, he pretended to be confused and asked.

"What happened to him in Santong?"

"Hmph, that Gu Santong, he is now an imperial prisoner wanted by the court!"

"Prisoner? Why is this happening?"

Zhu Wulan looked sincere, and Zhu Youtang did not doubt it at this time. The two brothers had another conversation, and Zhu Wuying took the initiative to ask Ying to deal with Gu Santong.

In the end, the emperor decided to use Su Xin as a guide to let Zhu Wuwu return to his use. He said in a deep voice: "Wang Wu, if you can defeat Gu Santong and arrest him, I can consider letting you accept Su Xin." As a concubine."

"Thank you, Brother Huang."

Zhu ignored what he had said before, just to get the emperor to let go, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed at this time.

He has absorbed Qigong from a master of 108. He has been refining Qi along the way and is making progress every moment. He believes that he will soon become a peerless master who is not inferior to the ancient three tongs. With his understanding of the ancient three tongs, There is some confidence in the design to deal with that guy.

Although it is not very authentic and unloyal to do so. But he, Zhu Jingli, had already done dishonest things, so it didn't matter if he did it again.

The three taboos in the world are: cheating, framing brothers, and seducing second sisters-in-law.

But he is not a charlatan, why should he care about these things. He Zhu ignored it and must realize his dream...

(End of this chapter)

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