The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 440: People’s ambitions expand with their abilities. Su Xin left the palace.

Chapter 440: People’s ambitions expand with their abilities... Su Xin left the palace

"Ignore it, just go down and prepare! This matter has a great impact. We must capture Gu Santong and come back as soon as possible. Otherwise, I will change my mind at any time."

In the Wuying Palace, Zhu Youtang said this, and Zhu Wuwu also saluted quickly.

"Yes, brother, I will set off immediately."

Zhu Wuwu turned around and retreated. Since the emperor had made the conditions, he had to complete the task as soon as possible.

The ancient three links are the only flaw in the Taihu case. Zhu Wuwu also wants to send this "sworn brother" on his way as soon as possible, so that he can peacefully enjoy everything that the ancient three links should have, the inheritance of the Tianchi Weixia, and the ancient three links. All his fiancées will be ignored by him.

Zhu Wuli's "dream" was very beautiful. In order to realize this "dream" as soon as possible, he couldn't wait to leave Wuying Palace, met Su Xin, and only told her that he would go to Gu Santong to find a way to resolve the misunderstanding. , and then left the palace impatiently.

Forbidden City, Xihua Gate, when Zhu Wuwang rode out of the palace, Xu Xin happened to arrive in a carriage.

Zhu Wuwu saw his carriage, but without stopping at all, he led a group of imperial guards to ride past. Now his only thought is to find and kill his sworn brother, so that he can justifiably marry his "second sister-in-law" back home, so naturally he doesn't bother to pay attention to anything else.

Just after the sound of Zhu Wuli's horse hoofbeats, Xu Xin opened the curtains and looked at the direction in which he was leaving, with an inexplicable smile on his lips.

"These two people are really interesting. One is entering the city and the other is leaving the city. They just don't meet each other."

The two people Xu Xin was talking about were naturally Gu Santong and Zhu Wuwu. The intelligence of the two of them has always been under Xu Xin's control.

Gu Santong has been hunted by the entire Jianghu since the Taihu World War, and has always wanted to find an explanation from Zhu Wuwu. However, due to many fights with people along the way, he happened to arrive in the capital a little later than Zhu Wuwu and Su Xin, so he still entered the city from the east.

Zhu Wuli must have just received the order from the emperor, and he was walking through Xihua Gate, so he was most likely going to find Gu Santong.

But for these two people, one had just entered the city and the other was about to leave the city. Their directions were opposite, so it was strange that they could have touched each other.

But regarding the two of them, Xu Xin doesn't intend to interfere now.

He gained a lot from this trip to Taihu Lake, and he still needs to digest and perfect his "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique". For the two of them, he only needs to pay attention to them without making too many movements.

Here, Zhu ignored his horse and left the palace, full of ambition. He was thinking about how to make this sworn brother's death unclear when he met Gu Santong again. It would be best if he didn't even have time to say a word.

Since returning from the shore of Taihu Lake, because his skills have been increasing every day and making progress all the time, Zhu Wuwu is now very confident. His martial arts has reached the highest level in the world. He is also sure and confident about the ancient three-way indestructible magic skill. .

Although he has not digested all of the 108 masters who have absorbed Qi by the Taihu Lake, his total amount of Qi is already very impressive. Looking at the entire world, no one should be able to surpass him.

Before leaving, Zhu Wuwu glanced at the palace. Su Xin should be fine inside. Once he solves the ancient three connections, he can stay with her forever without any worries. At that time, he may be able to plan for the throne again. .

People's ambitions expand with their abilities. Zhu Wuwu had a very difficult time a few years ago. At that time, Zhu Youtang just gave him some brocade quilts and fox furs, and Zhu Wuwu could be moved to the point where he was devoted to the emperor's brother.

But now, with the surge in martial arts, his ambition is also reviving. As a prince and the emperor's son, who dares to say that he has never thought about ascending to the Ninth Five-Year Plan and becoming the Supreme.

He had no ability before, but now, with his martial arts skills, there is no hope for anything.

Moreover, the emperor's rejection in the palace made him very unhappy. Zhu Mingwang thought of this and couldn't help but let out a long roar, and the lingering sound lingered for a long time. He felt that he now had endless strength and exerted endless efforts. He wished that Gu Santong would show up soon, give him a good fight, and capture him back to life.

However, it was not so easy to find the ancient Santong that had been hunted down. Zhu Mingwu went in the wrong direction. After leaving the capital, he searched for a long time but to no avail. He could only wander around day by day.

Zhu Wuli left the capital to look for Gu Santong. After Gu Santong found that the capital could accommodate him temporarily, he was in no hurry to continue looking for Zhu Wuli.

At first he insisted on looking for Zhu Wuwu, but he was chased by various martial arts sects along the way. After fighting after battle, he couldn't argue and could only run for his life. In the end, he didn't even have time to practice martial arts. For Gu Santong, a martial arts idiot, , is unbearable.

Fortunately, the situation improved after he sneaked into the capital.

As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

No one expected that the wanted Gu Santong would be so bold as to run to the capital and get under the emperor's nose.

Gu Santong's death warrant is now everywhere in the world, and he may be recognized wherever he goes. The capital is the territory of the imperial court, under the emperor's feet, and the forces of the martial arts sect are suppressing it here.

Although there are portraits of Gu San Tong everywhere in the capital, those ordinary people and merchants cannot have the good eyesight of people in the world. If Gu San Tong is a little low-key, no one will recognize it.

The Ming Dynasty this year was relatively peaceful. Xu Xin stayed in power for a long time, gradually established his prestige, and began to have the authority of the chief minister. He carried out drastic reforms one by one, starting with military affairs and holding the gun firmly.

He knows better than anyone else that as long as he has a gun in hand, he has the ability to overturn the situation. If he really encounters other people who are unsatisfactory in reform or disobedient and are determined to do the right thing, even though overturning the table will destroy everything, it is still the best. Good idea.

Everything in the court was developing steadily, but the world was in chaos.

One hundred and eight masters of the eight major sects died in the Battle of Taihu, which can be said to be a serious loss of vitality. Although many masters came out to hunt down Gu Santong, they were no longer the constant little tricks in the early days of Emperor Hongzhi's succession. In other words, I didn't dare to go against the imperial court.

When Emperor Hongzhi first came to the throne, he did not show enough prestige and ability. The old emperor had just died. Of course, the various martial arts factions that had been dormant for so many years wanted to take the lead and open up the situation.

But no one expected that in just a few years, two major incidents, namely the East China Sea and Taihu Lake, would occur, and most of the masters in the sect would lose most of their money.

In addition, during this period of time, Zhu Mingli couldn't find the ancient three links, but when he patrolled the rivers and lakes, he killed many leftist sects, and the main altar of the Demon Cult was breached by him. The leader of the Demon Cult was killed by him, which greatly increased the power of the imperial court.

The court here is enjoying great momentum, but over there in the palace, Su Xin's life is not so good.

People in the palace are accustomed to flattering the superiors and suppressing the inferiors, so Zhu Wuli asked someone to take care of Su Xin before leaving. But as time went by, everyone knew that the emperor did not like Su Xin. Sometimes, the person in charge doesn't even need to say anything, and just one person who doesn't like it can make the person below him suffer.

Su Xin had a difficult time in the palace, and was even "voluntarily left" later on.

When Xu Xin learned the news, he just asked Heizi to take care of him secretly to prevent something unbearable from happening. Even though we are at the feet of the Emperor, there are still a lot of things that are like flies and dogs...

(End of this chapter)

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