The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 442 Ban Yini, all kinds of enchanting

Chapter 442: Thousands of beauties, all kinds of enchantments

The warmth of the red candle touched people's hearts. When Su Xin chose to fall into Xu Xin's arms, he really wanted to take the initiative. After all, as a man, how could he be subordinate to others.

But right now, he is in a state of being knocked unconscious. That guy from Gu Santong was too cunning. He really just asked him for help and had no intention of letting him enjoy it at all. If he, Xu, was not also a strong martial artist, he might not have been able to do it at all. I can't understand the process at all.

He Xu is able to bend and stretch, so when the ancient three links are still outside, he can temporarily aggrieve himself and be passive.

A hot stream of warmth came to Xu Xin's chest, and he felt hot and heavy on his chest. A touching fragrance entered his nose, the warm fragrance of nephrite.


Su Xin's consciousness was still relatively clear, her gentle and jade-like hands gently caressed Xu Xin's face, and she undressed and undressed him while whispering softly.

She didn't regard Xu Xin as anyone, which was good.

Although Xu is willing to sacrifice his life to save others, he has no interest in being anyone's substitute.

Su Xin is a very traditional woman of this era, so she has naturally learned some... knowledge of serving people. She was a little green at first, but under Xu's guidance, she soon got better.

The mandarin ducks with their necks crossed are playing in the water, and the phoenixes and phoenixes are piercing the flowers.

The branches are connected, tied together with knots, the skirts are tall, the gold hairpins are falling sideways, the red lips are close to each other, the pink faces are leaning sideways, the clouds are shy and the rain is shy, the pulse is strong in spring, slightly breathless, the starry eyes are hazy, all kinds of charming, all kinds of Enchanting... Two crescent moons are visible on the shoulders, and a dark cloud piles up next to the pillow...

When everything returned to calm, Su Xin's delicate body leaned on Xu Xin's body, her beautiful eyes closed gently, her delicate face showed a peaceful look, and she rubbed against Xu Xin's chest.

Suddenly, I don't know how long it took, she opened her eyes in a daze, raised her body slightly, and gently caressed Xu Xin's face with a pair of jade hands, as if she wanted to carve his appearance into her heart.


Su Xin called out softly, and a white shadow fell in the courtyard outside. Gu San Tong hadn't left too far, and Su Xin still had a place in his heart.

"what's up?"

Gu Santong said with his back to the door, but his voice fell accurately into Su Xin's ears.

"How about you take me back to Tianshan Mountain."

Su Xin said this.

"Aren't you going to stay? Don't you like him?"

Gu Santong outside the room said in surprise.

"I don't have much contact with Prince Wang, and Tie Dan... I'm afraid that when Tie Gan returns to Beijing, it will be detrimental to Prince Wang..."

"Don't worry about Tie Gu, I will take care of it."

Gu Santong was serious when he said this. He was now basically sure that Zhu Wuwu was responsible for the battle at Taihu Lake. Whether it was for himself or Su Xin, he was prepared to cause trouble for that guy.

"No, you, Tiedan and Prince Wang are all friends. I don't want you to turn against each other."

"Cousin, you promised my father that when you get married to me, you will go to his grave to pay your respects. Just think of it as a way to complete this thing, okay!"

Su Xin's words were sincere. She was different from the modern "tea". She really didn't want Gu Santong and Zhu Wuli to fight, and she didn't want Xu Xin and Zhu Wuli to turn against each other because of her. .

She is a traditional woman, from the beginning to the end. Now that she has had a relationship with Xu Xin, she regards herself as Xu Xin's woman and lets Gu Santong take her back to Tianshan. It is more for Xu Xin's consideration. She doesn't want to Because her own affairs made her embarrassed.

As for Gu Santong taking her away and confronting Zhu Wuwu, at this time, she had already put her cousin in second place, and her first consideration was her husband. "Then you and him!"

Gu Santong was silent for a long time, and felt very complicated when he said this half-sentence.

"If he and I are really destined, we will meet each other in the future."

Su Xin said this, started to pack some things on the bed, put on her own clothes, and covered Xu Xin with the quilt. Finally, a jade pendant fell on Xu Xin's palm. There were also folded clothes next to it, and there was a piece of clothing under the clothes. handkerchief.

Su Xin is indeed a gentle, elegant, smart and careful woman. She chose this time to ask Gu Santong to take her away because she considered that once Zhu Wuli came back and found out about her and Xu Xin, he would most likely be furious against Xu Xin, and she was worried about Xu Xin. Hurt.

But at the same time, she also left a chance for herself and Xu Xin to "meet each other by fate" in the future. The jade pendant is a token and the handkerchief is red.

Although Xu Xin is "asleep" now, when he wakes up, he will definitely be able to think clearly about what happened. If he is really a person worth trusting, with these two things, she will still be able to come to him when the time is right. Live a stable life.

"He probably won't wake up until noon tomorrow. You can stay a little longer."

The ancient three-way voice sounded outside again.

"No, let's leave now!"

Su Xin on the bed shook her head, looked deeply at Xu Xin, as if she wanted to carve him into her heart, her red lips fell gently, printed a mark on Xu Xin's forehead, and then struggled to get out of bed.

With a "squeak" sound, Gu Santong opened the door with his back, supported Su Xin with his true energy and brought her to him, and then closed the door with another palm.

With a flash of white shadow, the two of them disappeared into the night.

However, the moment they left the courtyard, on the bed in the room, Xu Xin, who Gu Santong said would not wake up until at least noon tomorrow, suddenly opened his eyes.

He glanced at the jade pendant in his palm and the clothes on the bed. He just reached out and finished putting on the clothes, and disappeared into the room the next moment.


In the capital city at night, Gu Santong flew by with Su Xin. Since he decided to go back to Tianshan Mountain, he didn't waste any time and rushed on the road at night.

Although Su Xin had just lost her virginity, she was the one who took the initiative after all, and she was not too much in love to be unable to act. In addition, Gu San Tong protected her whole body with her true energy, so she didn't have to worry about catching cold or getting sick while traveling at night.


Gu Santong, who was on his way, suddenly stopped and looked around with vigilant eyes, trying to find the master in the dark. He was sure that his perception was not wrong. Moreover, this breath seemed familiar, he had experienced it briefly before.

"Gu Santong, your senses are very keen. The day you entered the capital, you almost discovered my whereabouts."

A vague figure suddenly appeared in front of Gu Santong. Even Gu Santong, who was as powerful as the best in the world and was vaguely the best in the world, felt a shiver in his heart when he saw this figure.

This man covered his figure and appearance with a large cloak. Only a stray long snow-white hair could be seen. The rest could not be seen clearly, and it was even impossible to distinguish between male and female.

Gu Santong's own zhenqi was already at the pinnacle of the world, but when facing this person, his whole zhenqi was restless, which was unprecedented.

"It turns out that my perception was right! Are you an old monster in the palace? Why didn't you take action against me before? Are you suddenly going to do it again today?"

Gu Santong put away his usual cynicism, gently let go of his heart, and secretly circulated his true energy between his Dantian and Tanzhong, so that he could transform into a golden body at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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