The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 443: We still need to train some masters !

Chapter 443: We still need to train some masters (leeks)!

"Don't make blind guesses about my origins. I'm not interested in your grievances. Previously, you and I were on equal footing, so I was too lazy to care. Now that you're leaving, I'll give you a ride and have a fight. After all, at my level, it’s hard to find an opponent.”

The blurry figure in front of Gu Santong said this.

This guy with white hair who stops people in the middle of the night is naturally Xu Xin.

He also thought it was a good idea for Gu Santong and Su Xin to leave Tianshan. After all, it was not the time for him and Zhu Wu to fall out.

Zhu ignored this person and was very tolerant most of the time, but when it came to Su Xin's matters, he would go crazy.

When he comes back to the capital, if he knows that Su Xin was kicked out of the palace and then got into a relationship with Xu Xin, this guy will definitely explode.

Xu Xin is not afraid of Zhu Yiyi, but if he fights with this guy or even kills him and exposes his unique martial arts, it will definitely be extremely difficult for him to do anything in the court.

Xu Xin's talents in civil affairs and military strategy have already made courtiers and emperors very afraid. With his unparalleled martial arts skills, those people will definitely think about guarding against him, so how can he carry out his work.

Once he has done all the things he wants to do, it will be free then.

Therefore, Xu Xinhui's martial arts cannot be exposed, at least not now.

It is a good thing for Gu Santong to take Su Xin to Tianshan now.

But Su Xin was his woman no matter what, and thinking of what might happen to her, Xu Xin felt that he had to leave some means behind.

Also, Gu Santong, that bastard, actually dared to plot to stun him. It was because he, Xu, was a very skilled martial artist and didn't fall for the trick. Only then could he enjoy the "process". Otherwise, he would tremble in his dream and see a fallen red handkerchief in the morning. I just found out what happened. What is this?

Gu Santong doing things like this naturally made Xu Xu very unhappy, and it was very necessary to beat him up to vent his anger.

"You want to fight, okay, come on, come on, I'm in a hurry, let's end it quickly..."

Gu Santong put Su Xin aside and gave her a cloak to keep out the cold. At the same time, he winked at her repeatedly, telling Su Xin to stay away if she had the chance. He was not sure about this battle.

The undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong was most serious about two things in his life, martial arts training and fighting. He seemed to be casually urging Xu Xin to hurry up, but in fact he kept tightening his body to adjust his condition to the peak.

"You're such a naughty kid. You're so old, but you still act like a kid."

Xu Xin could naturally see what Gu Santong was thinking at a glance, but he didn't care if this guy was being cunning. He didn't come with any ill intentions.

Xu Xin struck out with a simple palm, without any probing, and launched a huge zhenqi palm print towards Gu Santong.

"Can't hide, what a powerful guy."

Gu Santong felt like Sun Monkey who fell into Wuzhi Mountain. The surrounding air was pressing at the same time. No matter how he dodge, he could not completely avoid the range covered by this palm print. Since he could not avoid it, he chose to confront it head-on. He looked at the palm technique falling from the sky with burning eyes.

Before the huge palm print hit the ground, there was a gust of wind. There was no ripples in Su Xin's direction, while the rest of the directions were full of wind and smoke.


Suddenly there was a dazzling light in the dark night sky, and at the moment when the two qi collided fiercely, a loud noise was heard and then quietly dissipated. The movement that could have alarmed half of the city was restricted to this street.

The dazzling golden light gradually subsided, and a little golden man appeared in front of Xu Xin. There was a bang bang sound when he moved. Naturally, it was the undefeated naughty boy Gu Santong in golden body. "Your martial arts skills are so terrifying. You can even block sounds."

Gu Santong stared at Xu Xin and then looked around. When Xu Xin fought against him, he could also use special means to limit the spread of sound, which proved that he still had some strength left and was truly a formidable opponent.

"The magical power of indestructibility!"

Xu Xin looked down at Gu Santong, who was in the state of a golden man, with a strange look in his eyes.

"Good knowledge, this is the indestructible magical power of the Vajra that was truly passed down by the Tianchi Weixia. If you want to defeat me, you must first break my indestructible Vajra body!"

Gu Santong said and rushed straight towards Xu Xin, intending to use the advantage of the Vajra Body to engage in close combat with him.

Xu Xin struck Gu Santong with a palm strike, and his zhenqi palm prints were dispersed by force with his chest. This is indeed a terrifying martial art that is respected as the strongest defensive magic.

It is said that the original version of the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill was inherited from Shaolin, and is one of the seventy-two unique skills of Shaolin. However, this magical skill in this world is probably the result of the improved inheritance of the Tianchi Weixia sect, and was completed by combining it with the Dharma Absorption Technique. Oversublimation.

Once used, the human body's appearance is like wearing golden armor, and it transforms into a vajra body. It is invulnerable to weapons, water and fire, indestructible, and can lift mountains without any internal force. It can be invincible only by its own terrifying power. Before the golden body is broken, it can resist all attacks from external forces.

After practicing this magical skill, the practitioner's own "power" can also be integrated. Not only can all the martial arts of the practitioner be fully utilized, but also the skill can be sent and received freely. The skill has been integrated with the body, soul, skills, will, etc. One body.

After transforming into a golden man, not only is the power of blessing astonishing, but also it cannot be shaken by any external force. It is called the round body, which can greatly increase the power of the moves. Every move is accompanied by the inner connotation of round and round. strength.

What's more, as the practitioner's skill increases, the defense effect, speed, immunity, and destructive power of the Little Golden Man will become better.

It is currently known that its state cannot be broken by any technical means such as sealing the pulse, absorbing power, etc. It can only be broken by force, which can be called a bug-level magic.

Xu Xin naturally knows the Indestructible Magic Power, but he has never used it. After all, in this life, he has been taking the path of creating power, sublimating it and "absorbing power". He doesn't have the energy for the time being, or in other words, he has not encountered a bottleneck yet. No need to draw parallels.

Now that he saw Gu Santong performing the indestructible magic skill of the Vajra, he naturally couldn't let go of this fleshly target. While beating him, he could also experience the mystery of this magical skill, so why not do it.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

Under the night sky in the capital, a series of sounds continued. Gu Santong had never had such a frustrating fight. The opponent's speed, strength and skill were all superior to his. He could not hit the opponent at all, and every time the opponent struck They seemed to intentionally stimulate his acupuncture points, making him very uncomfortable.

With Xu Xin's palm hitting his chest, Gu Santong's golden figure state was shattered, but he himself was not seriously injured.

"The Vajra Indestructible Magic is powerful, but don't forget the great method of absorbing power. Only by integrating it into one can you transcend the stereotype. In the end, you still have to go your own way..."

Xu Xin patted Gu Santong on the shoulder, and a line of pure gold blood appeared in his palm. At this time, he used the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" to condense the "golden blood". There was something magical about it, which gave him some insights.

Xu Xin restrained the ancient three links in place, and walked towards Su Xin. With a blue-purple halo entering his body, Su Xin completely became his person.

This time I went out and easily defeated Gu Santong, but suddenly I felt quite boring.

Now he seems to be truly invincible. How to make rapid progress without opponents? He still has to train some masters (leeks)!

(End of this chapter)

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