The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 459: You must make things right if you go too far, and you must obey authority when things a

Chapter 459: It is necessary to make corrections when things are wrong, and when urgent matters arise, one must obey authority...Xu Xin wants to "become a saint"...

In the Forbidden City, in the Palace of Wenhua, Xu Xin is dealing with one thing after another. There have been a lot of things recently, mainly because they involve reforms, so there are so many voices below.

"Grand Master, this is the memorial your Majesty asked me to send. It contains some... outrageous remarks."

Cao Zhengchun's voice came into the palace, and with him came some memorials. Some memorials first passed through the Supervisor of Ceremonies and then were sent to the cabinet for processing.

It's just that Xu Xin is the only one in the Ming Dynasty's cabinet now. There are some staff under him to help deal with things, and they have been very busy recently.

Xu Xin casually opened the top book, which was a memorial written by a certain censor, secretly reporting that the emperor said bad things about him.

The details are as follows. First, he said that Xu disrespected the heaven and earth, which was mainly reflected in the recent number of natural disasters. Then he actually did not let the emperor issue an edict to sin against himself. This was very excessive and inconsistent with Dong Zhongshu's theory of the induction of heaven and man. Then he said nonsense about Mr. Xu blocking the way of speech.

Later, he went on to say that the recent reforms to rectify the officialdom are not in line with the laws of the ancestors... If it were in person, I really want to slap him in the face, saying the laws of the ancestors, right? That guy Zhu Chongba is greedy for sixty ounces of ink and he will be skinned. Damn it, I don’t know if this person likes this ancestral method.

Xu Xin's reforms to rectify the administration of officials were similar to those carried out by Yongzheng Laosi in the Qing Dynasty. They specifically restricted civil servants, and also stipulated the number of tax-free acres for scholars and candidates. Those who had vested interests in the so-called "farming, reading and heirloom" Of course I won't like it.

But Xu Xin doesn't care. Now he has all the power in the Ming Dynasty. The more disobedient people, the better. There is a shortage of people for the development of Northeast China...

Xu Xin thought of this and continued reading. The emperor deliberately placed it in the first volume. There must be something in this memorial.

Oh, sure enough, they also said that he blocked the way of speech and did not allow the gentry and members to discuss politics, otherwise he would be dismissed from serving the people. He said that people's words are not worthy of mercy and good advice must be widely accepted... Xu Xin knew that they were relying on this. To cause trouble in this way, we must take precautions!

Finally, the censor came up with another summary, using Wang Anshi to refer to him as Xu, and said...Wang Anshi used it to mislead the Song Dynasty, and your majesty must take a deep warning...

After Xu Xin read the memorial, he understood why the little emperor was angry. The censor not only scolded Xu, but also scolded the little emperor.

Before modern times, after the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, Wang Anshi had always been the image of a traitor in the propaganda of scholars.

Since the Southern Song Dynasty, scholar-officials had placed the blame for the Jingkang disaster on Wang Anshi, and this view still exists in modern times.

On the surface, Wang Anshi's reforms intensified party strife in the Northern Song Dynasty. Those who controlled the government in the late Northern Song Dynasty happened to be the "New Party" related to Wang Anshi.

In addition, Neo-Confucianism began to flourish in the Yuan Dynasty, and the scholar-bureaucrats were mainly conservative and very resistant to reform. They subjectively denounced Wang Anshi as a traitor. Mainly in the ancient context, the emperor could not be scolded, even if the two useless emperors Huiqin and Qin were the previous emperors.

With such an era background, in today's Ming Dynasty, to say who is Wang Anshi is to scold him. It can be seen from this that it was not easy to reform in ancient times. If you are not careful, you will be infamy for thousands of years.

Anyway, most of the scholar-bureaucrats in this era were just wastes waiting to die. In their view, instead of wasting efforts on reform, it was better to indulge in pleasure, wait for the revolution at the bottom or the invasion of foreigners, and then change the dynasty.

These "elites" will still be reused, so there is no need to reform and heal the dynasty that is hard to recover from.

Xu Xin knew very well what these people thought, and he was working as a scholar-official. He carries out reforms not only to make the people of this world live a better life, so that everyone can have good food and clothing, but he is also practicing his skills and gaining experience.

Because he is not sure what kind of world he will go to in the future, and what kind of things he must do to open up the situation.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to wait for death like these guys, and he even wants to keep an eye on them and send these guys to their death.

"What did your Majesty say?"

Xu Xin read a few books at random, and they were all about the same stuff, so he turned his head and asked Cao Zhengchun.

"Your Majesty said that the grand master will vote according to his own wishes, and the old slave will watch and criticize the red." Cao Zhengchun's response was not what Xu Xin expected.

The processing of memorials in the Ming Dynasty basically went through two stages: voting and approval. The cabinet committee gave opinions on handling, while the approval was made with a red pen. Basically, they were written according to the opinions of the vote, but The decision is final.

Why is the Chief of Ceremonies the ultimate target of many eunuchs? Because this department has the opportunity to be praised on behalf of the emperor.

Most of the emperors of the Ming Dynasty were not very diligent, and basically only approved the most important memorials. The rest were left to eunuchs such as the eunuchs, such as the ceremonial supervisor, who held pens and palm seals, to approve them. This gave them room to maneuver.

Of course, after Xu Xin came to power, he personally approved and drafted the memorial. The Chief of Ceremonies did not dare to mess with it, so Cao Zhengchun said that he watched the criticism.

"I have clearly announced that we will implement reforms, but I actually have a secret order to ask for orders. I don't know how to do anything, I only know how to oppose. I heard that this is not what he was told to do. Go to jail..."

Xu Xin didn't like most of the imperial censors and officials. He would report anything without any evidence when he heard something was going on. This was not supervision, but chaos in government.

Xu Xin has made a decision. The cabinet voted to send these censors to the Jinyi Guards Prison, and asked the Jinyi Guards to investigate and deal with them for the crime of conspiring with party members, threatening the court, and disturbing state affairs.

Then, within a few days, a concentrated counterattack came from the vested interests among the literati and officials. Memorials against Xu Xin floated to the emperor like snowflakes, all saying that he disrupted the ancestral system and was good at imposing authority, and that the emperor should be punished. Convict him, the Grand Master.

These people spoke very nicely, saying that the young emperor had the ability to accept advice, but Xu Xin, the chief assistant, was speechless. He also listed Zhu Yuanzhang's mistakes of previous generations. There was no prime minister, and Zhu Di established a cabinet, but there should be multiple cabinet ministers. This is the ancestral law.

There have been no new members in the cabinet for several years, and Xu Xin is the only one who is in charge of the government, good at doing things with authority and doing good things, and he also wants to do the same things as Wang Anshi. It is really against the ancestral system...

In fact, it was Xu Xin's reforms that touched the interests of these people and the forces behind them, so they jumped out impatiently.

However, what Xu Xin wants to do must be accomplished. If these people dare to block the way, then send them on the road. Reform has always been bound to involve bloodshed. These people like to join forces so much, so let them be the first to bleed.

"Father Zhong, how should we deal with these people..."

In Wenyuan Pavilion, the little emperor's voice rang out. So many memorials made him feel the pressure. After all, he was not experienced enough.

Xu Xin glanced at the little emperor and said calmly: "Shou'er, do you think their remarks are good or bad, good or malicious?"

Zhu Houzhao replied loudly: "Hulong Villa, Dongchang and Jinyiwei have all reported. Father Zhong, your reforms have been very effective, so their memorials are all about speaking for those who do evil, which is wrong."

"Since it's wrong, there is no need to re-trial. Those who are imprisoned will be executed for the crime of deceiving the emperor! The imperial examination will not be allowed within three generations of his father's family, mother's family, and wife's family!"

Xu Xinping's plain words meant that heads fell to the ground one after another, and at the same time, their three clans would also be affected. This was the price of doing evil things.

"Is this... too much, too fast?"

The little emperor was frightened by Xu Xin's decision. Now, he still has some kindness like his father, but in the future, he will definitely not.

Xu Xin looked at Zhu Houzhao and said something meaningful. He was so anxious to reform. In addition to helping the Ming Dynasty turn around, more importantly, he wanted to get rid of the ethics and make his "Wang Xue" online as orthodox. He had a hunch that becoming a "sage" might be beneficial.

“In extraordinary times, extraordinary things should be done.”

"It is necessary to make corrections when things are wrong, and when it is urgent, it is necessary to obey the authority!"

(End of this chapter)

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