The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 460: In one sentence, the current Xu Xin is the acting emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Chapter 460 In one sentence, the current Xu Xin is the acting emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

"You must correct what is wrong, and you must obey authority when things are urgent..."

In Wenyuan Pavilion, Zhu Houzhao's eyes became brighter as he recited Xu Xin's words. He bowed respectfully to Xu Xin and said, "Shou'er will bear in mind Father Zhong's teachings."

"Eunuch Cao!"

Following the little emperor's soft call, Cao Zhengchun quickly appeared beside him.

"What the Grand Master said, immediately draft an imperial edict and issue it to Yousi!"

"According to the order!"

Cao Zhengchun hurriedly went down to do things. He was now the head of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, so he naturally handled these things quickly. Not long after, the imperial edict was sent to the Sixth Department, and the Punishment Department and Jinyiwei North Town Fusi Yamen acted quickly.

During this process, the decree that the imperial censor was sentenced to death and that three generations of the three clans were not allowed to take the imperial examinations became known to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and naturally caused an uproar in public opinion, especially among the imperial officials.

"Not to mention restricting the way of speech, not to mention being good at exerting authority, but now he wants to directly kill the speech officials, implicating the three families who made speeches. Wang Shouren is so domineering, where does he put his father?"

"A man must fight to the death for justice, how can he sit back and watch powerful ministers mess up the government!"

"Gentlemen, we, the gatekeepers of Fuque Palace, would like to request the Queen Mother. Although the Emperor is young and is deceived and kidnapped by powerful ministers and eunuchs, it does not mean that the Queen Mother can also be deceived and kidnapped. As long as we go to Fuque to ask to see the Emperor and the Queen Mother, we will definitely Let the Queen Mother and the Emperor know the sins of powerful ministers!"

"The Queen Mother has always been kind, courteous and honest, and she has strictly taught the emperor to be a benevolent and virtuous king. How can she sit back and watch your Majesty being deceived by powerful ministers and ruining your king's virtue!"

"I'll wait for all the Liu Keyan officials to leave, and contact other colleagues to bring more people to Fuque, and let the Queen Mother know that not all the foreign dynasties are his Wang Shouren's party, and we and other foreign dynasty's critics have long been ashamed of him. very!"

"Everyone! Let's go together!"

“Let’s go together!!!”

Xu Xin's imperial edict was still going through the process, but the officials at the Metropolitan Procuratorate had already received the news and linked up, and soon a large group of people gathered at Donghua Gate.

In the palace, the brave God Hou Zhu ignored the report on the note in his hand, threw it into the incense burner calmly, and sent someone to report to the Queen Mother and the Imperial Capital. Hundreds of officials gathered outside the Donghua Gate for unknown reasons. .

Yes, the time was too short. When he noticed the gathering of hundreds of officials at Hulong Villa, he reported it without having time to investigate the reason. Then Zhu Wuwu hurried to Fengtian Hall, where the emperor should usually have his office. As for Wenyuan Pavilion, he If he knew where the little emperor had gone, wouldn't it mean that he had been paying attention to the emperor's every move?

It was already the afternoon when many officials and civil servants came to Fu Que.

The sky is getting darker and colder, the clouds are densely covered, and it seems like heavy snow is about to fall.

In Wenyuan Pavilion, Xu Xin continued to deal with state affairs, while the young emperor Zhu Houzhao stood aside to study, serving tea and pouring water. Xu Xin would sometimes give him memorials to tell him how to deal with the matter, and test this disciple. The relationship between the two, now look at it. When we get up, it is exceptionally harmonious.

At this time, Cao Zhengchun walked quickly from outside the palace, bowed in front of Xu Xin and Zhu Houzhao, and reported: "Your Majesty, Shenhou, Bachelor Xie Qian, Bachelor Yang Yiqing, Bachelor Yang Tinghe... all ministers, please see me."

"In addition, outside the palace gate, many court officials came to Fu Que, saying that they wanted to plead for the executed censor, to meet with the emperor, and to discuss the crimes of the powerful ministers..."

"How dare they do this."

After Zhu Houzhao heard Cao Zhengchun's report, he was so angry that he clenched his fists. After all, he was still a child and had little experience.

"Shou'er, do things consistently, be serious, and continue to do your job well."

"Let them come in!"

Xu Xin's last words were addressed to Cao Zhengchun. Eunuch Cao glanced at Zhu Houzhao, who obediently returned to Xu Xin, poured a cup of tea and sent it to his mentor. Even an extremely senior eunuch like him, there was a glance from the corner of his eye. smoke. This one really treats the emperor as a disciple and trains him. The key is that the little emperor also recognizes him.

According to this situation, Xu's current power is far greater than that of the Hongzhi Dynasty, which is why he did not start thorough reforms until the Zhengde Dynasty.

During the Hongzhi Dynasty, it seemed that the emperor had absolute trust in him and supported his reforms. However, Xu Xin and the emperor had a relatively equal relationship. They were friends or brothers. They were not true to their word, and they had to respect the emperor's opinions.

At that time, other reforms had not yet been basically settled, and Zhu Youtang might not be able to withstand the current situation of violent rebellion caused by rashly attacking civil servants.

Emperor Hongzhi is a soft-tempered person. If Song Shenzong betrays Wang Anshi, even if Xu Xin uses spiritual means to hypnotize and influence him, it will be a trouble that is easy to explode. It is too bad, so at that time he Choose hibernation.

But now, Zhu Youtang is dead. Before his death, he was given absolute power, which is more than just something that can be described simply as Minister Tuogu.

In a word, the current Xu Xin is the acting emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Before Emperor Zhu Houzhao came to power, Xu Xin was the biggest.

But the key point is that according to the late emperor's will, when the young emperor takes office, he, the grand master, has the final say, rather than whether the emperor is married or not. This is absolute power, which cannot be controlled by the queen mother, the young emperor, or Zhu Shi. he.

The premise of Zhu Wuli's secret order to deal with Xu Xin was that he wanted to change the dynasty and usurp the throne. Even if Xu Xin really did such a thing, Zhu Wuli could not kill him. He could only abolish Xu Xin's authority through the little emperor.

But what Xu Xin is doing now is reform, so the decree in Zhu Wuli's hand is just a piece of waste paper.

Absolute power, implemented from beginning to end, is the prerequisite for reform. Otherwise, if the emperor says he wants to stop halfway through the reform, what is the point? Looking forward and backward, people will die and the government will stop. This is the most taboo thing in reform.

"I pay my respects to Your Majesty! Grand Master!"

Iron Courage God Hou Zhuwu entered Wenyuan Pavilion with a group of important ministers and bachelors. When he saw the young emperor standing next to Xu Xin adding tea and water, even Xie Qian, who was Xu Xin's elder, and Iron Courage God Hou Zhu Ignoring such a scheming person, I can't help but have my eyelids twitching.

"You don't have to be polite."

Zhu Houzhao waved his hand.

"My lords, come and see me, what are you doing?"

Zhu Houzhao spoke again, and the ministers looked at each other in confusion. Finally, Xie Qian, who was from the same hometown as Xu Xin and was considered his elder, stood up.

"Your Majesty, the ministers outside the palace gate are here to pay their respects and intercede for the imperial censor..."

After Xie Qian told the matter, he carefully looked at Xu Xin, who was still at the desk handling official duties. This person was still his nephew and descendant. When he was a child, he looked like a slightly more sensible child. He never expected that one day he would be like this. Like... monopolizing power.

Now Xu Xin can be said to be the most powerful minister since the founding of the Ming Dynasty. The last prime minister Hu Weiyong is nothing compared to him.

"I have a memorial to present."

Xu Xin said calmly.

"Grand Master, the ministers outside said that they want to see His Majesty in person, and asked Your Majesty to go out to see them. They will tell the powerful ministers to disrupt the government in person..."

At this time, a sharp voice sounded in the palace. Xie Qian, Yang Tinghe and other civil servants followed the sound and looked at the smiling Cao Zhengchun. They had only one thought in their minds, kill the eunuch, he is trying to kill people...

(End of this chapter)

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