The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 479 Xu Xin has always disliked extravagance and waste.

Chapter 479 Xu Xin has always disliked extravagance and waste.

The frost is like a dream, the clear autumn locks the moon, the stars are dim, and the dark clouds in the sky cover the moonlight in the sky. It is a night with dark moon and high wind.

Xu Xin looked down at the State Guesthouse from a high position. He could sense that there were many familiar smells nearby, including people from Dongchang and Ouchi spies from Hulong Villa.

The clues to the Queen Mother's disappearance were found in the State Guesthouse. Everyone knew there was something wrong here. However, because this place was very special and the emperor did not order a forced search, drastic measures could not be used. They could only disguise themselves and sneak in to find out the news.

Outside the room of the State Guesthouse, Xu Xin appeared quietly. He had already guided Cheng Shifei to find the whereabouts of Empress Dowager Zhang. Then there was no need for the two masters Zhu Wuli secretly recruited to continue living. .

The fate of these two people is to die anyway, it is better to become his "leeks" and be harvested before dying.

In the room, Fake Karasuma and Fake Lixiu are practicing martial arts. Fake Karasuma's martial arts is also a flame knife. It is the version that Xu Xin deliberately spread more than 20 years ago. His skills are quite high and he has barely entered the innate realm.

Fake Lixiu's martial arts are stronger and weirder than his, similar to the upgraded version of the Sunflower Book from another world. He is obviously a man, but he can reverse the yin and yang and transform into a quite beautiful beauty.

This hermaphrodite has extremely weird and powerful martial arts. He can achieve a Vajra body similar to the indestructible magical power of Vajra. Of course, his martial arts has a flaw, that is, he cannot be hurt by others while performing the martial arts. to that part.

In the original plot, he relied on his weird martial arts and King Kong body to even be unafraid of Duan Tianya and Gui Hai Yida's team-up, but was caught by Cheng Shifei and tried to break his martial arts, and died miserably in the end.


Xu Xin estimated that Cheng Shifei had almost rescued the Queen Mother, so he casually threw a stone and landed on the roof. Such an obvious movement was naturally felt by the two people in the room. After fake Karasuma and fake Toshihide looked at each other, the former flew out of the room with a slight whistle.

"What is the purpose of hiding on the rafters at night and sneaking around!"

Fake Karasuma flew out of the room and jumped up, but when he screamed and rushed to the roof, he realized that there seemed to be no one on the roof.

"Hey, it's down there, come down quickly."

Xu Xin waved to the fake Karasuma from below. The latter was also considered to be an expert and brave, so he jumped directly from the roof to attack Xu Xin.

Fake Karasuma's flaming sword was quite hot. Using his hand as a sword, he raised his hand and drew a spark in the air. The fiery sword energy burned the air and blasted towards Xu Xin's position.

"Zhu Wuwu taught you this kung fu, right? I'm curious, how long has Zhu Wuwu trained you?"

Xu Xin waved his hand and grabbed the flaming sword energy. Holding the fiery red mass of energy in his palm, he walked out of the shadows as he spoke.

"You, you..."

Fake Karasuma stared at Xu Xin in surprise. He had obviously recognized him, and he should have had information about him before. He knew that this grand master was a person who did not understand martial arts, but at this moment he showed martial arts. Being so high and telling the truth about the instigator Zhu Wuli, how could this not surprise the fake Karasuma.

"Flame Knife!"

Xu Xin walked towards the fake Karasuma with a smile. The latter attacked fiercely, inspiring one flaming knife after another, but there was nothing he could do. They all fell into Xu Xin's palm, and the blazing red knife energy became more and more intense. Terrible.

"Do not!!!"

Seeing that he was outmatched, Fake Karasuma decisively chose to fly away, but just as he jumped up, Xu Xin stretched out his other hand and grabbed it in the air. The strong suction force directly pulled his body towards Xu Xin. In an instant, his Tianling Gai was grabbed by Xu Xin's hand.

Xu Xin said with a smile: "How about my power-absorbing technique? It's more powerful than Zhu Wuwu's! You tell me everything about Zhu Wuwu, and I'll leave you a complete corpse. How about..."


The fake Karasuma would rather die than give in, and was tortured by Xu Xin's methods and screamed. The moment he opened his mouth wide, Xu Xin stuffed the flaming sword energy brewed in his other hand into his mouth. It's like using the other person's way to repay the other person's body. "You, what did you do to me..."

Xu Xin let go and threw the fake black ball on the ground. The latter quickly held his throat and retched, looking at Xu Xin in horror, eager to know what had happened to him.

"I want to breed a pure fire. You are a very suitable furnace. This is your honor!"

Xu Xin smiled and looked at the fake Karasuma in front of him. The latter's skin was rapidly becoming hot and red, and his expression was gradually becoming ferocious and twisted.

"The Lord God will avenge me..."

Before Fake Karasuma could finish his words, he suddenly opened his mouth and raised his head to the sky. A stream of fiery red energy rushed out of his body, circled around, and fell into Xu Xin's palm again.

"There is another excellent furnace cauldron here. Today is my lucky day!"

Xu Xin passed by Fake Karasuma, and the latter's clothes fell to the ground, leaving only a little bit of warm ashes scattered in the wind.

Xu Xin has always disliked extravagance and waste. He only killed people without damaging their clothes, so that his clothes could be reused and donated to people in need.

Xu Xin's love overflowed here, and then he pushed the door open and forced his way into the fake princess's room. The screen in the room was vaguely visible, and there was white air coming out, as if someone was taking a bath inside.

"Ah... Young Master, who are you? How can you break in here without permission..."

A woman's panicked voice came from behind the screen in the room, and a charming head carefully poked out. One thing she said was that this fake princess was really pretending to be pretty and charming.

The shadow of the princess bathing is hazy, and the gauze on the screen is messy.

Unfortunately, this was a man, a hermaphrodite, which made Xu Xin instantly lose interest in admiring it.

"Zhu Wuli gained a lot of benefits from the Demon Cult back then! He trained you to practice this evil skill of inverting yin and yang. You should have also studied the Sunflower Manual, but why didn't you get completely cut off? "

Xu Xin asked curiously, this fake Lixiu had practiced the Sunflower Book without even leaving the palace. This was a very important breakthrough. Xu Xin became more interested in his martial arts.

"Don't come here...someone is coming..."

The fake princess shouted loudly, but there was no sound after he shouted for most of the day. Apparently the place had been blocked by Xu Xin.

Suddenly, a beautiful shadow flew up, and the fake princess in the water raised her beautiful long hair. The bath water was raised and wet her transparent cloak, and a long snow-white leg came through the air.

"Dead shemale!"

Xu Xin just stretched out his hand, and the fake princess's eyes widened and she fell to the ground. At this time, his disguise was also removed.

Although he looks pretty and charming, his crotch pain and Adam's apple clearly reveal that he is a hermaphrodite.

"Your yin and yang energy and martial arts will be wasted if I don't take them!"

Xu Xin's palm fell, and the fake princess refused to close her eyes. He didn't even have time to say harsh words, and he had already followed the fake Karasuma, and now everything was over.

(End of this chapter)

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