The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 480: True Dragon 22 don’t meet? If you still want to be a disciple, it’s too late!

Chapter 480 Two real dragons don’t meet each other? If you still want to be a disciple, it’s too late!

"The symbiosis of yin and yang in this fake princess is a rare and excellent furnace. If the way of yin and yang can be continuously explored, the potential is endless. However, the shemale with a male body and a female body is a bit uncomfortable after all..."

Xu Xin whispered to himself and thought about it. Regarding yin and yang, some sages once said that the essence of human beings is yin and yang, men are yang and women are yin. This is a natural complementarity. When the two are combined into one, they can form a complete Taoist body.

According to this statement, isn't the Yin-Yang Avenue of the incarnation of gods and humans in the Sunflower Book a supreme and wonderful method?

But the real situation is that there is neither yin nor yang, neither male nor female. Normal people will be shocked when they see it. It should be said that the concept is profound and profound, but the method of pursuing "Tao" is wrong. In other words, it is difficult to correctly sort out the yin and yang in a low-level world.

However, although this fake princess's path is wrong, the "yin and yang energy" he provides is of great value, and is far more mysterious than the flaming sword energy of the fake Karasuma. Therefore, he, Xu, rewarded this guy with breaking his bones and raising ashes, and even burned his clothes, leaving no residue behind.

The main reason is that this guy who is neither male nor female is a bit alien to others after all. The key is that he is not bad looking. Xu thinks that he should wash his eyes when he goes back.

Try sister flowers tonight, inviting the moon and pity the stars? Shuer Xianer? Jade phoenix and jade swallow? Xue Ji Piaoxu? It’s so hard to choose! Xu was thinking about how to pamper the beauty at night. After all, there were four pairs of sisters, so they couldn't do anything at the same time.

As Cheng Shifei rescued Empress Dowager Zhang, the little emperor was woken up in the middle of the night. The little emperor, who had just enjoyed a massage service at Leopard Garden and fell asleep, received the news and rushed back to the palace overnight to see Empress Dowager Zhang. It was safe and sound, so I felt relieved.

Queen Mother Zhang was kidnapped not long ago. Although the young emperor was anxious, he was not too panicked. Since those assassins chose to kidnap people instead of killing people, they must have had other motives. The safety of the Queen Mother was most likely not a problem.

Now that the person was rescued in time, and after examination by the imperial doctor, there was indeed no major problem. The little emperor was very happy, and was about to reward the righteous man who saved the life, Cheng Shifei. However, when he learned about the origin of Cheng Shifei, he felt a little confused. .

The son of Taishi Wang, a servant who was ordered to deliver meals to Gu Santong, a prisoner on the ninth floor of the Heavenly Prison, unexpectedly gained the favor of Gu Santong, acquired his martial arts inheritance, and became the top master in the world.

For such a person, regardless of his background, the little emperor would try his best to win over him just because of his martial arts skills. But Cheng Shifei had something to do with the Wang family, which made him scruple.

When the Queen Mother came back, she had already understood what had happened recently. She had already thought about it in her mind, so she suggested to the emperor: "Emperor, Cheng Shifei has something to do with the Grand Master. You should ask your question how to handle this matter." Teacher, he is your elder..."

The emperor's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "What the Queen Mother said is that the son has not visited the teacher for so long since he came back. It is indeed the son's fault!"

After Xu Xin came back, because of his special status, the little emperor didn't know how to deal with it. The real dragons never met each other. He and Xu Xin now have special statuses. The relationship between Ming Dynasty and Da Xu is even more complicated. for special.

The little emperor decided to visit Xu Xin the next day. The news spread everywhere that night. Cao Zhengchun and Zhu Wuwang had different ideas. As for Xu Xin...he was sleeping soundly with his sisters on both sides. Is this a small thing worthy of disturbing Xu Xin's rest?

After the court meeting on the second day, the emperor and the queen mother set off, taking Princess Yunluo, Cheng Shifei, Cao Zhengchun, Zhu Wuwu and others with them. The vast procession went from the Forbidden City to Wangfu Street. The entire street had already been under martial law. Ouchi guards took over the guard.

In the early morning, Xu Xin woke up, a little nostalgic for the warm and fragrant quilt. The beauty he had tortured last night was still sleeping. He did not disturb her, but carefully lifted the fragrant quilt with great perseverance. One person walked downstairs.

He breathed a sigh of relief and walked out of the attic. He sat in the courtyard and stared at the water in a daze.

The Wang family's residence occupies an entire street in the capital. The courtyard where Xu Xin lives has naturally been expanded. There is a small lake in front of the courtyard and an attic next to the lake. It is called Ruiyun Tower. It has the same name as the one in Yuyao's hometown, and its layout is roughly similar. , but it’s bigger and taller and has more rooms.

Xu Xin and all his wives lived there. He, Xu, would go to any room at will every night. Sometimes when the mood struck, he would even break into several attics.

The house where Ruiyun Tower is located has been rearranged according to the Feng Shui pattern. The attic is towering. A small lake was specially dug in front and built near the water to gather the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun and moon. Mr. Xu was sitting by the small lake. He knew how to fish when he was interested. He was very relaxed this morning. He sat by the lake with a fishing rod. When he got tired, he rested on the lounge chair and enjoyed the warm sunshine in winter. Gradually, As I fell asleep, the fragrant breeze filled my nostrils, and several beautiful figures came to wait on me.

Xu Xin casually hugged him and leaned against him, his head resting on his shoulder. His eyelids became heavier and heavier, and he was about to fall asleep again.

"My lord, someone is coming."

A gentle voice sounded in my ears, was it Piaoxu or Xueji? It seemed that both of them were here, and Xu Xin woke up a little from his stupor. The life of indulgence was really unforgettable.

When Zhu Houzhao led people to the courtyard, he saw his teacher... Obviously everyone in the courtyard was tightly covered, and there was no leakage, but it gave people a very absurd and excessive feeling.

The man in front of the loft was surrounded by several beauties. He was leaning casually in the arms of a beauty in a plain skirt, with his chin resting on his shoulder. There was a beauty kneeling behind him for massage, and there were others comforting him with fruit cakes. Feed him, but he only opens his mouth occasionally.

Such a scene is simply... a life that countless men would envy. If they had a choice, who wouldn't want to live it up, let alone live it up with so many stunning beauties waiting for them, even the emperor would envy him!

"Meet the teacher!"

The little emperor raised his hand to stop everyone's noise, and stood in front of the courtyard gate and bowed respectfully.

He still considers himself Xu Xin's junior, but in this situation, it is not appropriate to call him Father Zhong.

"Come in, you guys! No need to be restrained or polite."

Xu Xin snorted lazily, too lazy to even move his head.

"Teacher, are you... fishing?"

Zhu Houzhao came to Xu Xin's side, while the rest of the people, including the Queen Mother, stayed a little further away, leaving the situation to the two "True Dragon Emperors".

"Well, I have nothing to do. I can't go to Goulan to listen to music. What's the matter with fishing?"

When Xu Xin opened his mouth, he was talking about tigers and wolves. When Zhu Houzhao heard the words Goulan Tingqu, he raised his eyebrows slightly. He did not expect that the teacher who was very serious in front of him in the past was actually a fellow student...

Although he, Zhu Houzhao, would occasionally sneak in for excitement, but with their status, how could they talk about such things in public? It's despicable...

Xu Xin raised his head slightly, tapped his chin and shoulders, as if showing off to Zhu Houzhao, and said: "Piaoxu and Xueji, the two youngest ladies in our courtyard, are still sisters, slightly younger than you... "

"How about it, just envy it. There's no point in envying it. These are all mine..."

"My life is good!"

Xu Xin sighed, Zhu Houzhao recalled his own experience, and then thought about the teacher's experience, he suddenly felt that he was an emperor, and he felt sour in his heart!

Xu Xin seems to be half asleep, but in fact his head is clear. The little emperor and he are playing with the real dragon without seeing each other? If you still want to be a disciple, it’s too late!

He has many ways to make the little emperor break through his defenses, and he also wants to play with him. An apprentice will always be an apprentice, so what a joke!

(End of this chapter)

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