The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 488: From death to life, Su Xin wakes up. The goddess has a son and the furious Zhu ignores

Chapter 488: Back to life, Su Xin wakes up. The goddess had a son... The furious Zhu ignored...

In the nameless valley outside the capital, Shenhou told Cao Zhengchun some of his secrets, and then asked about the whereabouts of the third heavenly fragrant cardamom.

However, the result made him extremely angry. Cao Zhengchun frankly told him that he did not know the whereabouts of the third Tianxiang cardamom.

In Zhu Wuli's rage, he was about to kill Cao Zhengchun under his palm. A figure suddenly appeared and blocked his palm at the critical moment.


Zhu Wulan looked at the sudden appearance of Cheng Shifei, and the smile on his face instantly faded. The true energy in his body surged, and he might continue to take action at any time.

"Your Majesty has an order to bring Cao Zhengchun into the palace to question him."

Cheng Shifei looked at Zhu Wuwu and saw that the latter still had the intention to take action, so he continued: "Also, the person Shenhou cares about is also in the palace. After the person from the Xuanbing Cave in Tianshan Mountain was brought out, If I didn’t take the Tianxiang Cardamom in time..."

"how dare you!"

When Zhu Wuwu heard it, he mentioned Tianshan Xuanbing Cave, and immediately thought of Su Xin.

Su Xin was placed in the Xuan Bing Cave in Tianshan Mountain. In his opinion, only he and Gu San Tong knew this secret. Cheng Shifei could not tell it. This was probably what Gu San Tong asked him to do before he "dyed".

"Hasn't Shenhou already obtained Tianxiang Cardamom? Don't you want to save people?"

Cheng Shifei stared at Zhu Wuwu, the true energy in his body was flowing, and the "Little Golden Man" state would break out at any time.

"Okay, let's go meet the emperor together."

Zhu Wuli did not have an attack in the end, agreed to Cheng Shifei's request, and spared Cao Zhengchun's life.

Cheng Shifei helped Cao Zhengchun up and went with Zhu Wuwu to meet Shangguan Haitang, Duan Tianya and others. After that, all the living people returned to the capital and entered the palace to face the saint.

"See Your Majesty!"

Cheng Shifei led everyone to the Qianqing Palace. In addition to the emperor and Yun Luo, there was also a black ice coffin with Su Xin sleeping inside.

"Everyone is safe!"

The emperor looked at Zhu Wuwu, then at Cao Zhengchun who was kneeling on the ground, and sighed in his heart.

After today, the balance of the imperial court was finally broken.

"Your Majesty, Cao Zhengchun harmed Zhongliang, threatened the ten generals to hand over their military symbols, and intended to rebel. His crime is unforgivable..."

Zhu Mingwu slapped a hat on Cao Zhengchun as soon as he came up, and the evidence was so perfect that he could definitely nail Cao Zhengchun.

But this time, Cao Zhengchun was speechless.

Zhu Houzhao sighed again in his heart, a eunuch who wanted to rebel? Who would dare to believe this? But Cao Zhengchun did lose control, and the things he did were almost the same as treason, and the traitor Iron Claw Flying Eagle got key evidence...

"Uncle Emperor, I already know about this matter. Cao Zhengchun is guilty, but remembering that he was given a life certificate and reduced his rank to the people, he should go and guard the tomb of the late emperor..."

The emperor finally gave Cao Zhengchun some relief. On the one hand, it was indeed because Cao Zhengchun had made meritorious deeds, and on the other hand, it was to gain power under Cao Zhengchun.

Cao Zhengchun fell, and if his forces were not gathered together, they would be used by Zhu Wuwei, which would make it even more difficult to control.

"Old slave, thank you for your forgiveness!" Cao Zhengchun knelt down to the emperor to thank him. Although he knew that the emperor did this for the sake of his subordinates, he was lucky to be able to save his life.

The emperor looked at Zhu Wuwu and then said, "Husband-in-law, use the fragrant cardamom to save people!"

The emperor was also curious about whether the naturally fragrant cardamom could really bring people back to life.

"Please Lord Shen, please take out the Tianxiang Cardamom."

Cheng Shifei came to Zhu Wuwu and stretched out his hand. Zhu Wuwu stared at him for a long time, and finally took out the brocade box he had previously obtained from Cao Zhengchun, which contained a heavenly fragrant cardamom.

Cheng Shifei was extremely excited when he got the heavenly fragrant cardamom. He quickly came to the Xuan Bing coffin and dropped his palm. The masculine energy merged with the Xuan Bing. As traces of white air rose, Su Xin's body slowly Standing up and sitting cross-legged, Zhu Wuwu also became excited.

Cheng Shifei pressed a hand on Su Xin's back and used a special technique to neutralize Xu Xin's previous tricks. A wave of true energy enveloped the two of them. His and Su Xin's eyebrows flashed with light patterns at the same time. The breath quickly revived.

Zhu Wuwu watched silently as Cheng Shifei used his zhenqi to comb Su Xin's body, and the heavenly fragrant cardamom was also taken out. When it fell into Su Xin's mouth, Cheng Shifei immediately increased the input of his power, and the powerful zhenqi fluctuations Sweeping the entire hall.


Zhu Wuwu looked at Su Xin's reviving breath, wishing he could do something wrong instead, and use his true energy to awaken Su Xin. But he also knew that this was not the time to argue, so he could only wait quietly.

"I are..."

I don't know how much time passed, Cheng Shifei, whose forehead was covered with sweat, carefully stopped his hand. Su Xin's delicate body was trembling while he was holding her. Her eyelids moved, and finally she opened her eyes. The first thing she saw was not Zhu Wuwang with excited eyes. , but the success and failure behind it.

At this time, Cheng Shifei's true energy was extremely depleted, and his lips were a little white. But when Su Xin looked at him, a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he called softly, "Mom, I am yours." Fei'er."

"Fei'er? You are... Fei'er..."

Su Xin was a little confused at first, but when she saw the looming snow lotus pattern on Cheng Shifei's forehead, the memories of the past instantly came to her mind. The feeling of blood connection was unmistakable. He was her child.

"Fei'er, mother, Fei'er..."

Tears welled up in Su Xin's eyes, and she excitedly hugged Cheng Shifei in her arms. Cheng Shifei also gently hugged his mother, enjoying the long-awaited maternal love.

"Suxin, Suxin, Suxin...ah..."

Cheng Shifei and Su Xin's mother and son reunited. Most people in the hall did not expect that they were mother and son, but their reactions were not too excited. Only the iron-hearted God Hou Zhu ignored them. He only felt that his life was about to collapse, and his dream seemed to be all at once. destroyed.

Su Xin was his dream. During the Tianshan battle, he never expected that Su Xin would rush out at the last moment. He defeated Gu San Tong with his ruthlessness, but he almost killed Su Xin and almost destroyed himself. dream.

Fortunately, he had a piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom in his hand at that time, and he took it to Su Xin in time, so that she could save her life. However, she fell into a deep sleep and could only place it in the nearby Xuanbing Cave in Tianshan Mountain.

At that time, Zhu Wuwu also checked Su Xin's pulse when he was treating her. From Su Xin's physical condition, he guessed that his goddess might have just given birth to a child.

The goddess gave birth to a child, but the groom was not him. He had guessed this but never investigated it, so he just pretended that the child did not exist. Anyway, if no one cared for him, the child would most likely die.

But he never expected that on the day when the goddess was resurrected, the child would suddenly appear.

When the prince-in-law turned out to be the son of his goddess Su Xin, no wonder Gu Santong would accept him as his disciple. Looking at the mother and son embracing each other, Zhu Wuli felt his head was green and he was screaming furiously in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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