The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 489: Haitang, who is thinking about Tianya and Yi Dao, wants to marry Wan San, what a compli

Chapter 489 Haitang, who is thinking about Tianya and Yi Dao, wants to marry Wan Sanqian. What a complicated relationship.

"Mom, please take the third piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom quickly."

In the Qianqing Palace, Cheng Shifei and Su Xin's mother and son recognized each other, which was deeply touching. However, he did not forget that his mother's physical condition was not that good. He quickly took out a luminous pearl from his arms and crushed it, and finally a heavenly fragrant cardamom. It was taken out and he brought it to Su Xin.

Su Xin naturally believed in her son, opened her mouth and swallowed the third piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom. Over there, Zhu Wuwu couldn't bear it anymore when he saw Su Xin taking another piece of heavenly fragrant cardamom.

"Your Majesty, I have a request!"

Zhu Wulan saluted the emperor.

The emperor looked at Zhu Wuwu with a smile and said, "My uncle has devoted himself to the imperial court and made countless contributions. If you ask for anything, it doesn't matter. As long as it is reasonable, I will be satisfied."

"I ask your Majesty to grant me a marriage and make Su Xin my royal concubine."


As soon as Zhu Yili said this, Cheng Shifei spoke up to object before Zhu Houzhao could say anything.

"Uncle Emperor, it's not that I don't want to be beautiful as a grown-up. Let's not talk about the late emperor's will. You can't pass the test of being the consort alone. And if you want to marry me, they may not be willing to marry you!"

"Ignore, I can't marry you."

At this time, Su Xin also spoke up. She had given birth to a son for Xu Xin, and she had broken up with Zhu Wuwu a long time ago, so she naturally did not want to marry him.

"Your Majesty, please read this to me..."

"There is no need to talk about this matter anymore. Uncle Emperor, you should think about how to explain other things to me, such as this iron-clawed flying eagle..."

Zhu Houzhao beat Zhu Wuwu coldly. Cao Zhengchun was finished. Zhu Wuwu was the only one in the family. This was not what he wanted to see. The emperor's uncle must be allowed to spit something out.

"Your Majesty really doesn't want to fulfill his wish and insists on having his own way."

Zhu Wuyi clenched his hands into fists and his eyes became sharp.

"Zhu Wuyi, what do you want to do!"

A voice sounded behind him, and Zhu Houzhao of Qianqing Palace suddenly smiled.

"Little Emperor Uncle!"

There is only one person in the world who can be called that by Zhu Houzhao. Zhu Wuwu tilts his head slightly, and it turns out that he is the guy who has always been against him.

As soon as Cao Zhengchun died, the benevolent king of Liaodong appeared. Maybe a few days ago, when he was still fighting with Cao Zhengchun, he had been secretly recalled to the capital. Is this the little emperor's back-up plan?

"I resign!"

Zhu Mingli's mind was spinning. With this person here, and with him and the Ouchi minister who protected the emperor, he was not sure that he could take Su Xin away safely alone, so he could only take a step back temporarily. After saying his resignation, he could not He ignored the emperor and left Qianqing Palace without looking back.

"He is becoming more and more domineering. He is breaking up with me. Just now was the best chance to keep him!"

Zhu Houzhao looked at Cheng Shifei and the little emperor's uncle. If Zhu Wuli had not been able to hold back and take action, he could have eliminated the two major scourges Cao Zhengchun and Zhu Wuli in one fell swoop and truly regained his power.

"You underestimate him too much. If we all fight together, we may not be able to defeat him. At most, we will only hurt him!"

"Even if we use a large army, we may not be able to surround and kill them."

The little emperor's uncle Renwang said this. When he spoke, his eyes made contact with Cheng Shifei's eyes. The two brothers didn't have much communication, but they had a tacit understanding.

"Can I just let him go?"

Zhu Houzhao said unwillingly.

"He won't last long."

This sentence was not spoken by anyone in the Qianqing Palace, but by Xu Xin, who had been watching. He could see that Zhu Wuwu was unwilling to wait, so it was time to dig out the ancient three links he had buried. …

Cao Zhengchun was defeated by Zhu Wuwu. Even if Zhu Houzhao saved his life and used him to gather forces, he only got part of Cao Zhengchun's power, and more of it fell to Zhu Wuwu's side. Zhu Houzhao became more powerful. rise, and gradually reveal its true colors.

After Su Xin came back to life, she was left in the palace. She stayed with Cheng Shifei and Yun Luo in Yun Luo's previous palace. The family of three lived happily. Occasionally, Xu Xin would show up to have secret meetings with her. Of course, Zhu ignored this. Yes, he only found out that Su Xin was in the palace.

Zhu Wuwu felt that this was the emperor's way of restraining him. He did not want to continue to do nothing, so he began to choose a radical approach.

He used private means to threaten the ten generals, and asked Wan Sanqian to prepare enough food and equipment for an 800,000-strong army. Then he recalled other Ouchi spies and recovered martial arts masters he had secretly trained.

Zhu Wuwu was making frequent moves here. When he forced Shangguan Haitang to marry Wan Sanqian, Duan Tianya and Shangguan Haitang finally determined the true face of this "loyal" Tiedan Shenhou.

They had long discovered that something was wrong with Zhu Wuli, but he was their adoptive father after all. At first, they were still making excuses for him in their hearts, but they were both unwilling to forcefully marry Shangguan Haitang. But at this moment, they It was no longer possible to resist.

Zhu ignored and imprisoned Duan Tianya and forced Shangguan Haitang to marry Wan Sanqian. In an emergency period, everything was kept simple and the marriage was held at Hulong Villa.

The sound of "cracking" firecrackers kept ringing, the gongs and drums of Hulong Villa were noisy, and the rituals and music were singing.

Wan Sanqian is the richest man in the country and the sponsor of the No. 1 village in the world. He has extensive connections all over the world.

On the day of his wedding, many people from both the black and white circles came to congratulate him.

Zhu Wuwu and Wan Sanqian planned to take advantage of today's great opportunity to gather a group of people to contribute to the rebellion.

In the main hall, the dragon and phoenix wedding candles have been lit, with a large lacquered gold word 'happiness' hanging behind them.

Wan Sanqian was dressed in wedding clothes, with an unconcealable smile on his face, and his face was radiant. Zhu Wuwu sat in the high hall on the left with deep eyes.

"The auspicious time has come."

With a shout, Xipo helped the bride walk out of the back hall. Haitang, who was wearing a red hijab and lowered her head, had no expression on her face, her expression was unwavering, like a pool of stagnant water, her heart was dead.

"Tianya, one knife...I'm sorry..."

Shangguan Haitang silently remembered his two childhood sweethearts.

Duan Tianya was released, but with his acupuncture points pressed, he could only watch his adopted sister marry someone he didn't like, feeling complicated and heavy.


Just when Wan Sanqian was about to worship heaven and earth, the eaves above his head suddenly exploded, and a figure fell from the sky, filled with the aura of crazy riot.

"One knife!"

Duan Tianya saw the appearance of Gui Hai Yi Dao, who had almost killed him. Instead of having any thoughts of hatred, he was extremely excited.

"Haitang, I'll take you away."

The sound of Guihai Yi Dao's hall was heard. Shangguan Haitang immediately took off his red hijab, turned around and looked back at him, tears filling his eyes unconsciously.

It was not that she had never imagined such a situation, but she also knew that it was impossible, but she didn't expect that it would actually happen now.

"Gui Hai Yi Dao, what do you want to do!"

A sharp shout came from the high hall, followed by a terrifying momentum that pressed down on Xiang Guihai and struck him with a knife.

Zhu Wuli was extremely angry. Everything was going wrong for him these days. He finally had a chance to recruit more people to rebel, but he was slapped by Gui Hai to cause trouble like this. How could he bear it?

(End of this chapter)

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