The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 500 Xu finally becomes the protagonist

Chapter 500 Xu finally becomes the protagonist

It was windy and rainy, the waves were turbulent, and in the turbulent water where he couldn't see his fingers, Xu Xin felt that his condition was very bad. He was the weakest when he just "awakened", but he didn't expect to encounter such a crisis. How about love? Earth, let it be your fate!

With this thought in mind, he wrapped his arms harder around a certain soft and delicate body. He didn't know how long he struggled, but the rain gradually slowed down, and a little of the moon in the sky showed its face.

The confused Xu Xin felt as if he had been dragged to the shore and slept with a certain beauty. As for why he was so sure...don't ask, it's just experience.

He was in a very bad state now. He was tired, hungry, and his brain ached. He smelled the fragrance of virginity and the smell of wet earth on the tip of his nose. He opened and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In a daze, it seemed like someone called him twice, but he didn't respond and made no movement. He seemed to have fallen asleep on the other side of him.

The sky was bright and the sun was shining everywhere, warming the two people sleeping on the wet grass.


A young boy who looked a little immature sat up from the ground. He didn't know how long he slept. The sun shone on his body warmly, and the heat seemed to penetrate into his soul. He groaned in comfort, and for a moment he thought he was still in the small nest in the abandoned garden of Yangzhou City.


The sound of waves crashing across the shore made the young man suddenly wake up. What happened last night was still vivid in his mind. He quickly got up from the ground and looked around.

Surrounded by mountains, the sun has already risen over the top of the mountain, and the river comes from the south and flows by the side. Looking around him again, he saw that his good brother was still sleeping, but the heroine in white who had saved them had disappeared. The young man quickly touched his body and his expression suddenly changed.

"Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling! Xiao Ling..."

The boy quickly patted his brother who was still asleep next to him. After shaking for a long time, the boy on the ground woke up.

"It's already dawn!"

Xu Xin's head was facing the sky. When he was shaken awake, he struggled to open his eyes, but couldn't bear the dazzling sunlight, so he immediately closed them and muttered: "I haven't slept enough yet..."

"Xiao Ling, don't sleep now. Our secret book was stolen by that straight bitch."

The boy next to him was still shaking Xu Xin, but Xu already felt the "danger" approaching, shrank back, patted him and comforted him: "Young Master Zhong, there is no point in being anxious with our little arms and legs, calm down. .”

His words made the young man beside him calm down a little. He patted his head and sat on the grass, sighing feebly, feeling that his future was bleak.

The two of them are half-brothers. Their parents and family were killed by thieves while fleeing the war, and they became orphans without a father or mother. The two boys happened to meet together, they had the same spirit, and they became dependent on each other and became... two inconspicuous gangsters and thieves in Yangzhou City.

Kou Zhong next to Xu Xin is older, seventeen years old this year, and he, Xu, also has the surname Xu in this life, and is called Xu Ziling, who has just turned sixteen.

Xu Xin recalled the memories in his head. Most of them were useless things. He "woke up" relatively late in this life, but in terms of talent, he was definitely the best in the world. Only this good brother beside him could rival him.

Xu Ziling, unsurprisingly, is one of the protagonists of this era. Among the "Two Dragons", he is more like the real protagonist. He is accompanied by adventures, beauties, fairies and witches. He picks and chooses, and finally secures a world-famous talented woman. An existence that is envied by countless men.

He has struggled for so many lives, from the very beginning as a low-key in the Longmen Escort Bureau, to the top step by step, and finally from scheming against the son of fate to becoming the son of fate himself.

Xu finally became the protagonist.

"This is a world where there is a chance for transcendence. The one who is most likely to be transcended and broken is naturally the "protagonist". It's just a pity that he is a "double talker". I just don't know what will happen if my brother accidentally "fishes into the water". Is there such a thing as a transfer of luck?" Xu Xin thought a little greedily, looking at the sighing young man next to him with a rather amused look in his eyes, but in the end he just smiled and shook his head.

It's enough that there is only one person who shines, there is only one true protagonist... Shit, the way to luck is not to just kill people to gain luck.

Moreover, the protagonist of "Child of Destiny" just has more opportunities and luck than others, which does not mean absolute success. After all, along the way, he, Xu, has killed more than one or two protagonists directly or indirectly.

"I have no people, no money, and no secret books. I have become a fugitive again. God! Everything is over for us... No, how can I get the secret books back... Ah..."

Next to Xu Xin, good brother Kou Zhong felt sorry for himself and then regained his will. He gritted his teeth and stood up, clenching his fists and shouting wildly. He had a feeling that his fate was in his hands, but he was soon slapped in the face.

Something flew from the side and hit him in the face. Koo Zhong screamed and fell to the ground.

Xu Xin, who was next to him, shrank subconsciously, and then he didn't care about his brother. He quickly took off the secret book on his brother's face and read it. The serious look on his face was definitely a good student, as if he could really understand it. .

On a big rock about ten feet away, a beautiful figure in white appeared at some point. At this moment, her pretty face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, her almond-shaped eyes stared fiercely at...Kou Zhong beside Xu.

Dead Taoist friends are not dead, but brothers are just for betrayal.

Mr. Xu looked at his nose with his eyes, and his nose with his heart. He read the book very carefully and did not squint to prevent himself from being scolded. One thing he said was that the position he was holding last night seemed a bit...he had to lower his sense of presence.

Become a grandson first and then be a father, and then give in to the idea first. Wait the future, there will always be a time when someone like him or Xu becomes the master.

Xu Xin was curled up reading a book, while Kou Zhong also struggled to get up from the ground and leaned over to study this unique secret book together.

The woman in white clothes next to her looked at their appearance and snorted coldly: "What martial arts secrets? Don't laugh to death. Just looking at those seven images, you can tell that this is a trick of Taoist immortal training. Those talismans are even more mysterious... …”

Kou Zhong tilted his head and said happily: "It's best if the master thinks so. Hey, we finally saved the master's life last night. Although it is said that kindness is not repaid, a small reward is always deserved." Sir, can you give us two strings of money, and then we can all go our separate ways peacefully, so that we can have a good start and a good end."

Xu Xin, who was next to Kou Zhong, couldn't help but shrink back when his good brother said this, and then heard a roar next to him.


Kou Zhong fell to the ground again, with five clear finger marks on his face. Of course, it was the white-robed scholar who slapped him from the air.

The good brother groaned on the ground, and Mr. Xu continued to pretend to be cowardly and reduce his sense of presence, but after all, he was the God of Destiny, and he attracted attention everywhere. The eyes of the stunning beauty in white had already moved to him.

"This one……"

Xu Xin's back felt a little cold, and his forehead seemed to be sweating. He quickly raised his hands in surrender to show his innocence and obedience, and said: "I didn't say anything, so don't stare like that! Or do you think my sister wants to be beaten?" I'm going to vent my anger."

"You are so obedient!"

The woman in white was staring at Xu Xin, their eyes facing each other. The more she looked, the more she felt that the young man in front of her... was surprisingly pleasing to the eye.

(End of this chapter)

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