The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 501: In this life, I have to change my way of living

Chapter 501: In this life, I have to change my way of living

Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind blew against his face, and Xu Xin's eyes blurred as he saw the beautiful woman in white had already arrived in front of Xu.

She groped his body with her slender hands, and there was a trace of surprise in her eyes. Finally, she sighed regretfully: "You have good bones, but it's a pity that you are too old..."

Xu Xin has been reincarnated for several lives. In each new life, his memory will be "washed" with the awakening of his soul, allowing him to regain his young mind and his memory will be more profound.

Although he had just woken up, he already had a certain understanding of the world, and he knew that she was regretting that she had missed the best time to practice martial arts despite her obvious talent.

If you want to achieve excellence in martial arts in this life, it is best to lay the foundation of martial arts before the age of fifteen. Learning martial arts after the age of fifteen is half the result with half the effort. Even if you have excellent bones, it will be difficult to achieve anything.

Unless... the day after tomorrow, chance comes and good luck continues. This is the treatment that only the protagonist can get. He, Xu, is looking forward to this.

"Sister, please take us away, please!"

There is no psychological pressure for Xu Xin to pretend to be young and cute. In his previous life, he woke up too early and the development time was so long. He has been a child for more than ten years, and even had several years of infancy. To pretend to be cute, he Be experienced.

Kou Zhong got up at this time, holding his shaved cheek, and also said: "Um, sister, we had a misunderstanding before."

As soon as Kou Zhong opened his mouth, he received a look from his sister in white clothes, "You brat, why do you call me sister? First slap your mouth hard ten times and see if you dare to scream like a mother-in-law or a mother-in-law in the future."

There was a look of indignation on Kou Zhong's face. The scholar could not be killed, and he also had dignity.

"This, sister..."

Xu Xin stretched out his hand and tugged at the corner of the beautiful woman in white. Although he was a little timid to do so, it was obvious that this beautiful woman had a special regard for them. Isn't it delicious!

"Forget it, I'll spare you."

The beauty in white looked back at Xu Xin. She didn't know why, but she had an inexplicable affection for the two boys in front of her, but she couldn't be cruel.

The woman in white stretched out her hand and held Xu Xin under her ribs. Just as Kou Zhong was about to say something, he felt his vest tighten, and his whole body was lifted up like a chicken. Suddenly, he felt the wind in his ears, and the three of them had already submerged into the river bank at high speed. in the wild forest.


Xu Xin only felt that the scenery in front of him was changing rapidly. It was the beautiful woman in white who was leading him and Kou Zhong on the way. Kou Zhong could be heard screaming in his ears. He must have been seriously scratched by the branches.

He, Mr. Xu, is not so miserable. He is well protected by the beautiful sister's energy, and his sweet mouth is indeed beneficial, although it is a bit troublesome for the brothers. Xu felt something warm and soft next to his head. Judging from his experience, the beautiful sister is definitely a girl who is easy to give birth to.


There was a sound of a heavy object falling to the ground. Xu Xin couldn't help but shrink back and mourned in his heart for his good brother Zhong Shao.

Suffering a loss is a blessing. If your brother suffers more, he will suffer less.

And it's not that high, just about ten feet high, and it fell down the slope, and then rolled down for seven or eight feet, until it fell to the ground with all four legs in the air.

As long as no one can die, it will be fine.

Xu Xin landed safely on the ground, staggered when he fell, and fell onto the soft body of his good sister. The good sister really felt sorry for his younger brother, and held him steady with both hands, preventing him from being hurt at all.

"Sister, thank you!"

The sister in white originally wanted to push him away, but after he thanked her, her movements became much gentler.

"This, below is Beipo County... you guys..."

The beauty in white let go of Xu Xin and pointed to the front of the hillside. It was the entrance to a town, and it was very lively with passers-by coming and going.

"Sister, we got into trouble with the officers and soldiers because of the secret book. In order to arrest us, Nayu Wenhua and others have sealed the city of Yangzhou. They will definitely not give up easily. Please help us." When Xu Xin spoke, Carefully tugging at the corner of my sister's clothes, she asked pitifully for a hug on her thigh.

This time around, there is indeed a "destiny". The standard role of the protagonist is to get into trouble with powerful forces and be hunted down, and then be rescued by a noble person. The good sister in front of me is a noble person, and I must hold on to her thighs, otherwise I will have to rely on him and Gao Zhong to escape on their own, and the future will be bumpy.

The beauty in white also realized after listening to Xu Xin's words. If the two boys were left alone, they would probably not be able to escape the pursuers. By then, the secret book and people would fall into the hands of Yu Wenhuaji and be handed over to Hunjun. Then what she is doing now Wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

"All right!"

After thinking for a while, she nodded lightly and decided to take the two burdens with her. She was here to protect the secret book, not the brat in front of her, Fu Junma, the beauty in white, thought to herself.

"elder sister!"

Xu Xin called out again, and Fu Junma came back to his senses.

"Let's go! Go in and meet up again."

After she said something, she took the first step and disappeared from Xu Xin's sight with a movement of her body.

"My sister's martial arts are close to innate, but she is still far from a breakthrough. Jiu Xuan Dafa... I have to coax her to teach me martial arts as soon as possible..."

Xu Xin looked at his good sister's retreating back and murmured to himself: "My previous life was too smooth, and I reached the pinnacle of my life casually, without any training or opponents."

"In this life, I have to change my way of living."

"After living in poverty for three lives, I have to be more radical in this life."

Xu Xin has already thought about the path he should take in this life. What he seeks in this life is transcendence, so he must join the world.

Gou Dao is suitable for accumulation. When you accumulate to a certain level, you have to use various means to stimulate your own heritage and use it for your own use. In this world, it means growing through war.

The world he is in now is "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty". It gives him the feeling that the power of heaven and earth is not as easy to pry as in the previous world, but the overall level should be higher and there is the possibility of transcendence, which is "Broken Void" .

Shattered Void, the strongest realm in this world, or rather not a realm, can be regarded as "ascension", transcending the world and reaching a higher level of life.

According to Xu Xin's memory of the world of this series, it is very difficult to break the void. It is very difficult to break it by practicing hard on your own. It seems that only one "supreme master" made Donglai succeed, but he was also "born" Pass.

In addition to working behind closed doors, the best way is to break through through battles. The strong players in this series of worlds focus on spiritual confrontation. By defeating others, they can gain some benefits.

Therefore, Xu Xin was going to change his life, from being the evil Lord Goudao to being the "Emperor of Covering the Sky" who was fighting all over the world. He was so reckless.

"Ouch...Xiao Ling, why don't you come down? Aren't you hungry?"

Xu Xin was thinking about the problem here, and the call of a good brother came from below. After hearing it, he walked slowly down. You can see that Kou Zhong was in a very embarrassed state. After getting up, he kept rubbing his body and screaming.

Kou Zhong came over to him, leaned against his shoulder and said: "Two brothers in one generation, Xiaoling, you are too unloyal, just watch me being taught a lesson!"

Xu Xin tilted his head, recalling this guy's tragic experience, he couldn't hold back the corner of his mouth, and wanted to laugh, and said: "Fuck you, if I didn't show loyalty, how could you get away with those ten slaps!"

"And although my sister looks fierce on the outside, she is really kind to us, otherwise she wouldn't have sent us here."

"Sister? Xiaoling, you are not really fascinated by her, are you! Although I admit that she is more beautiful than any woman we have ever seen, but a man should put his achievements first, especially if we have not yet accomplished our achievements, we should not be obsessed with beauty. So that the ambition is depressed... Hey! What are you laughing at... Ha..."

Kou Zhong's eloquent words, combined with his current shabby appearance, made Xu couldn't help but twist his lips, and he really couldn't hold back his laughter. His laughter also infected Kou Zhong, and the two immediately laughed together.

"We really need to change our way of life. But let's go to the city and fill our stomachs first."

(End of this chapter)

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