The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 506: Lime Arrow God, should I take a last-ditch attack?

Chapter 506: Lime Arrow God, should I take a last-ditch attack?

The void is covered with frost, and the ice is bone-chilling. The cold environment can easily affect people's actions.

As soon as Yu Wen Clan's Ice Xuan Jin was activated, the cold wind howled around him. Along with Yu Wen Wen and his divine skills, the biting cold air penetrated his body and faintly condensed into the shape of a lifelike ice tiger with a vicious and lifelike appearance.


The strongest master of the Yuwen family in the Mesozoic era had bright eyes. The moment Fu Junma's sword seemed to be delayed, he roared deeply, like a tiger rushing down the mountain. He punched wildly without thinking, and the momentum was so powerful. Fierce, more powerful than thousands of horses and thousands of armies.

Yu Wenhuaji's punch failed, and Fu Junma's sword was delayed not because of the cold air, but because of deliberate momentum, preparing to strike later.

The Nine Mysteries of Internal Skills she has learned are not afraid of Bingxuan's strength, and the Yi sword skills she learned from her master, the "Yi Sword Master" Fu Cailin, are even more exquisite, and they focus on playing against the enemy like Yi chess. Use people to fight the sword, use the sword to fight the enemy.

This can be regarded as an infinitely upgraded version of "Dugu Nine Swords". If "Dugu Nine Swords" is compared to an all-encompassing chess book, then Yi Jian Shu is to read the chess book well and be able to sublimate it, learn and use it flexibly to open up the "God's Hand" people.

This is a perceptual martial art, and its subtlety lies in combining the feeling of the whole heart and soul with the sword. The external feeling is virtual, and the inner feeling is real.

Yi swordsmanship focuses on predicting the enemy's intentions first. The prerequisite is to have a keen eye to grasp the opponent's martial arts skills and understand the opponent's background, so as to make judgments and block the opponent's back moves first, so as to defeat the enemy.

Just like when playing chess, you must first understand the eternal rules of the chessboard before you can always take the initiative.

Yu Wenhuaji was coming fiercely, but Fu Junma responded calmly, her sword trembled slightly, and immediately burst out with thousands of green rainbow sword energy, like clouds rolling around, swarming towards him.

However, this stormy attack was just a way to hide from others, and the real killing lies in the few flaws inadvertently revealed in the sword's power. If Yu Wenhuaji followed the loopholes and found gaps to advance, he would have to suffer a big loss on the spot.


The sky roared, but the sound had not yet fallen, and the situation in the field had changed as quickly as the wind and clouds.

Bing Xuan Jin is known for his weirdness, not for his power. Yu Wenhua and the overwhelming row of punches in front are all just showy.

In the flash of light and stone, his cold fist wind unexpectedly circled behind Fu Junma and launched a surprise attack, targeting those few flaws. The cleverness of his movement was truly astonishing.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

The sword light in Fu Junma's hand bloomed, and countless sword energies collided with the cold fist wind.

Yu Wenhuaji flew forward, closed his fist and turned his energy, raised his palm like a knife, and slashed out with a palm full of 100% of his true power, and suddenly a storm of blades covered him and fell.

This move was originally meant to be used with a weapon, but it was executed quickly with a dense sword force, to cause the enemy to be cut to pieces in a matter of seconds. However, Yu Wenhua and Bing Xuanjin have successfully practiced Qi. The two palm knives may seem ordinary, but they have integrated the power of thousands of knives into one.

The fierce force of ice surged in from all directions at the same time, making it impossible for the enemy to retreat or escape.


A ray of sword light split the sword. Yu Wenhuaji did not expect that his move would be broken so easily. Instead, he fell into the opponent's back move. He narrowed his eyes slightly and raised his body. The sword's edge was less than three inches in front of him. His face hurt from the sword energy.


At the critical moment, Yu Wenhua and Hu roared and spurted out a stream of cold air. At the same time, he staggered and finally gave way to the sword edge and regained his footing on the boulder.

He regained his composure, his breath was still lingering, but there was a slight blood stain on his face.

Fu Junma spun in mid-air and floated into the air, her sword edge still pointing at Yu Wenhuaji who turned around.

The two of them faced each other again, but their respective directions and positions were changed with the big rock as the center point.

Yu Wenhua had long Qi pulses, better cultivation, and quite sufficient energy. After observing the beads of sweat appearing on Fu Junma's forehead, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Her skills are better than Fu Junma's, and her men are still behind her, so this woman can't escape this time.

The next moment, Fu Junma turned into a ghost and attacked continuously from all directions. The divine sword in her hand turned into thousands of shadows. The sword light overwhelmed Yu Wenhua and drowned her. She was always attacking and had no intention of defending at all. Fight hard. At this time, Yu Wenhuaji was also extremely serious, with a solemn expression, fisting, grabbing, or palming his hands, occasionally raising his feet to kick quickly, and the slightest bit of cold air wrapped around the sword light.

The sonorous sound continued, and Fu Junma's swordsmanship became more vicious and vicious, only attacking but not defending, while Yu Wenhuaji only defended but not attacked.

The sword blade and the palm of his hand clashed, and Yu Wenhuaji suffered the disadvantage of not having a weapon. Fu Junma's moves, which were personally trained by the grand master, were also more sophisticated, but Yu Wenhuaji's defense was extremely tight and did not give Fu Junma a chance at all.

A sharp look flashed in Fu Junma's eyes, knowing that if she continued like this, she might not be able to escape at all.

She used a desperate move to exchange injuries for injuries. Regardless of the opponent's left hand, she stabbed Yu Wenhuaji's right ribs diagonally with her sword.

This sword was beyond Yu Wenhuaji's expectation, but Yu Wenhuaji didn't believe it at all. Fu Junma dared to fight to such an extent, and still did not avoid heavy blows. Even if this sword really hit him, it would not be able to kill him. Life.

"watch out!"

A sudden loud shout surprised Yu Wenhuaji, who was fighting for his life. He was very familiar with the whistling sound. It was a hard crossbow. The next moment, the sharp black arrow had hit the front door. There was a flash in his mind, and he immediately started to dodge in a hurry.

Masters compete for the upper hand. Yu Wenhuaji's momentary distraction gave Fu Junma an opportunity. Her sword got closer even faster. Blood light shot out from Yu Wenhuaji's ribs, and the sword energy entered his body along with the wound. , quickly affected the internal organs.

Yu Wenhuaji, who was extremely horrified, realized that this was a life-threatening sword strike. He was about to slap Fu Junma away with his palm, when there was a sound of wind behind him. This time, he hit the back of the head, and the arrow was more accurate than the last.

Yu Wenhuaji quickly closed his palms and forcibly dispersed some of the sword energy that had not invaded his body. At the same time, he used the force to move sideways and flew up like a kite in the air.

He had a chance to seriously injure or even kill Fu Junma with one palm, but he did not dare to take the risk. The wind roared on the back of his head, and he rolled and crawled to avoid it, his figure was extremely embarrassing.

"Sister Wu, heal your wounds first and leave this to me."

Xu Xin quickly came to Fu Junma's side. Her injuries were more serious than Yu Wenhuaji's. If he tried forcefully, the injuries would be too serious to be cured and there would be no way to save her.

Yu Wenhuaji, who landed on the ground, stared at Xu Xin. His true energy traveled through the wound to seal the blood and lock his veins, and he was barely able to hold up his body. Although his injury was serious, he was still capable of fighting.

Xu Xin and Kou Zhong are just two little gangsters. As long as they are careful with their crossbows, Yu Wenhuaji is confident that they can be eliminated.

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

Xu Xin stared at Yu Wenhuaji and shot arrow after arrow.

"Boy, you think you can kill me. Even if a tiger falls in peace, you are not a puppy to be bullied."

Yu Wenhuaji was disdainful, but his eyes were scanning all directions. He wanted to use the shortest time and the least effort to deal with the three of them, so he had to seize the opportunity.

Xu Xin suddenly stepped aside, and Kou Zhong threw something. The howling wind sounded continuously, and there were some small bags mixed among the stones. The whistling sound of sharp arrows sounded again. Yu Wenhuaji quickly dodged, but a puff of white powder was Covering his face.


The screams were very shrill and lime dust got into your eyes, which was not fun.

Human eyes are vital and will shed tears when hurt. Lime powder reacts with water and releases high temperature. The burning pain will definitely penetrate deep into the bone marrow. Even someone as strong as Yu Wenhuaji will roll on the ground in pain.

Xu Xin shot arrow after arrow and quickly emptied his inventory. After shooting out all the arrows, he stopped. Yu Wenhua and his screams over there gradually stopped and lay motionless on the ground.

Xu Xin wanted to make a last-ditch attack, but the gap between him and Yu Wenhuaji was too big. One move could kill him, so he couldn't gamble.

"Come on!"

He observed for a moment, then decisively turned around and carried Fu Junma on his back, and quickly left with Kou Zhong, disappearing into the vast night.

(End of this chapter)

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