The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 507: Practicing Qi for the first time, harmonizing Yin and Yang

Chapter 507: Practicing Qi for the first time, harmonizing Yin and Yang

"Xiaoling, we are considered safe now!"

In the mountains and fields far away from the river bank, Kou Zhong saw Xu Xin, who was carrying Fu Junma on his back, stop. He also stopped and put his hands on the tree next to him to support his body. His legs were trembling.

Although his physique is not bad, it is not as good as a guy like Xu Xin who is making progress in practice every moment. Being able to run with him for so long in one breath is considered a gift.

"Let's go over there. There seems to be a small cabin there. It should be left by hunters in the mountains."

Xu Xin pointed in another direction. His five senses were amazing and he could see without any pressure at night. Now he was basically sure that Yu Wenhuaji and others could not catch up for the time being, so he stopped to rest. Fu Junma's internal injuries also required meditation.

"Sister Ma, are you okay?"

Kou Zhong gathered his strength and continued to follow Xu Xin. He was also very concerned about Fu Junma's situation.

Fu Junma was the main force in the battle just now. She and Yu Wenhua fought with their lives and both suffered losses. This gave Xu Xin the opportunity to kite the opponent. Without Fu Junma's help, even Xu Xin would have been difficult to fight with his current strength. An innate master.

"Sister Wu is in good condition and fell asleep, just like that night."

Xu Xin checked Fu Junma's condition and found that the injury was not serious, but it was not to the point of being exhausted. There were still ways to save her.

"It's almost dawn. I think those guys won't be able to catch up."

Kou Zhong followed Xu Xin to the abandoned wooden house. Looking at the white fish belly on the horizon, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. This kind of experience of the rest of his life was really too uncomfortable.

"Xiaoling, you and Sister Wu have a rest first, I'm going to... hunt... ah yo..."

After resting for a while, Kou Zhong was about to go out to find some prey, but as soon as he got up, he staggered and fell to the ground, with stars in his eyes and his head feeling dizzy.

"Stop working so hard. You've been traveling all night and you need to rest now."

Xu Xin checked that Fu Junma's condition was still good. He was also very tired, so he kicked him, found something to keep out the cold, found a comfortable position, hugged his good sister and closed his eyes to sleep.

After hearing what he said, Kou Zhong narrowed his eyes and soon began to purr. The two of them had been trekking all night, and their bodies had long been exhausted. They felt they could still walk just now because they were so tense. Now they sat down and rested for a while, and the energy had long since been released.

At the turn of spring and summer, the weather in the south is hot. One of Xu Xin and Kou Zhong's excellent talents is their good physical fitness. Plus, Fu Junma next to her heals her injuries and regulates her breathing. Her body is like a stove, warming the two people in the wooden house together.

Early the next morning, the warm sunshine hit Xu Xin's body. The little finger of his left hand moved first. He felt that his left forearm was a little numb. He realized that he had used his left arm as a pillow. It was uncomfortable. That's the weird thing.

"Xiao Ling, Xiao Ling, do you see what I caught?"

Kou Zhong's cheerful laughter came from outside the wooden house. The boy was carrying a few fresh fish in one hand and a fat hare in the other.

Koo Zhong walked into the house and shared his joy with Xu Xin. It turned out that there were traps and fish cages left by hunters nearby. It must be said that their luck was really good.

"Hey! Why haven't you woke up yet?"

Xu Xin and Kou Zhong simply cooked the prey and ate it. The good sister here still looked like a sleeping beauty, showing no signs of waking up.

The beauty is as beautiful as jade, her beautiful eyebrows are lightly frowned, and she is asleep. Xu Xin checks Fu Junma's pulse and finds that her injury is slowly improving, but her pulse and heartbeat are extremely low-frequency, like a turtle, which only occurs once in a long time.

"Could it be the Turtle Breathing Technique?" He thought of a secret technique used by Fu Junma's sister Fu Junyu in the original work, which could put oneself into a turtle breath state to heal injuries.

"Sister Wu suffered internal injuries. If we want to help her, we must first develop her true energy."

Xu Xin said as he took out a scripture from his arms, which was the secret to longevity that caused all this turmoil.

"Now, this is the only way!"

Kou Zhong nodded and came to his side, and the two of them looked through the seven Qi training catalogs together.

"Xiao Ling, I think this sixth picture seems to be... easier..."

Kou Zhong and Xu Xin were watching and discussing. He felt very strongly about the sixth qi training diagram, and felt as if he could master it.

"Young Master Zhong, if you think this picture is destined, then give it a try, maybe it will work."

Xu Xin said some words to Kou Zhong again, and then leaned next to Fu Junma. The oracle bone fonts flashed in his mind, and the seven qi training diagrams were constantly intertwined and pieced together.

Metal, wood, water, fire, earth, yin and yang, these seven pictures each represent a path of attributes. The combination of yin and yang and the five elements is the real secret to longevity.

The two protagonists, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, originally practiced the last two pairs by chance. They performed a qigong cycle of complementary yin and yang to achieve the incomplete secret of longevity.

They were able to practice things by chance. They had no one to guide them, and they couldn't decipher the oracle bones. In addition, they didn't practice more Qi training diagrams, so they stumbled on the road to growth. They were always groping forward, and the final achievements were limited and wasted. Many opportunities.

Xu Xin knew Oracle Bone Inscriptions, but he was not sure that what he had deciphered was completely correct. However, by comparing the Qi Training Diagram and the deciphered scriptures, he sorted out some of the key points.

There are seven qi training diagrams of the Immortality Secret. The first five represent the five elements and are consistent with the five internal organs. The last two represent yin and yang. They specialize in cultivating the yin and yang qi of the human body. They are also the most mysterious. If the yin and yang and the five elements are completed, you can obtain the foundation of immortality and reach the heaven. The way of man is to realize the beauty of brokenness.

"The orthodox practice method takes a very long time, and I am not sure that the method I deciphered and deduced will be correct. It is better to follow the opportunity. This seventh picture suits my physique, so I can give it a try."

Xu Xinxin made a decision, but he did not rush to practice. Instead, he kept studying and taking care of his body. Waiting until the early morning of the next day, he faced the rising red sun and entered meditation. He held one in his arms and introduced Qi into his body. Suddenly, the energy in his body began to rise, and a trace of purple energy flashed in his eyes and disappeared in a flash.

The innate purple energy can only be collected when the sun rises every day. It is the purest vitality in the world. Xu Xin uses this as a guide to mobilize the changes in the vitality and create the most perfect Tao foundation.

Waves of abnormal conditions erupted in the body. Xu Xin first felt hotness in the soles of his feet, burning like fire. Then the heat rushed up and poured into all the large and small pulse points. That feeling made people unable to help but want to Kill yourself.

In this situation, most people will definitely regard it as being obsessed. If they continue to let it go, they will be paralyzed, or their meridians will burst and die. However, Xu Xin knew that this was a necessary step in practicing the Secret of Immortality, so he ignored the pain in his body, and ignored the zhenqi that was rushing around in his body. He calmly thought about it and stayed in one place.

The sense of Qi in Xu Xin's body was newly born, and the manic Yang Qi filled his body. He couldn't help but reach out and hold Fu Junma's jade hand, and a trace of Qi flowed in, not only to relieve his pain, but also to help his sister's recovery.


The effect of the Immortality Qi was surprisingly good. Xu Xin looked up after hearing Fu Junma's voice, but felt a hot body wrapped around him.

"Sister, I..."

Xu thought that this longevity energy was effective, but he didn't expect it to be so effective. It seemed that he was... reconciling yin and yang?

(End of this chapter)

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