The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 508: Building foundation every day! day? Taoist companion?

Chapter 508 A hundred days of foundation building! Hundred days? Taoist companion?

In the early morning of the next day, the sun was high in the sky outside the window, and the warm sunlight shone through the gaps on the simple big bed in the wooden house, making the place warm.


A snow-white arm was raised, and a stunning beauty came to life. Her eyes were very smart and pure without any impurities.

She was very beautiful, with bright eyes and white teeth, which would captivate the whole country. The sun shone on her body, her delicate body was gleaming, her exquisite curves were flawless, her skin was as shiny as ivory, and she was extremely eye-catching in the sun.

"Xiao Ling..."

Fu Junma gradually recalled what happened yesterday, and traces of blush emerged, gradually spreading to all parts of her delicate body. Her face turned red with embarrassment, and her eyes were as bright as water.

She tried to get up, but found that her whole body seemed to be weak. She was lying softly on her side in the crook of an arm. She took a peek and symbolically stopped the big hands wandering on her smooth back, but then gave up. The silent movement The friction made her even more powerless.

"Sister Wu, it would be great to give birth to a child for me."


"I seem to have mastered this longevity secret, but I feel... it seems to cause difficulty in breathing, so the sooner you have children, the better."


Fu Junma was heartbroken by Xu Xin's sudden words, and her body that originally wanted to escape was pulled back again. Yesterday's scenes are still echoing in her mind, but today a new round has begun.

The fastest way to a woman's heart is often simple and direct, but the prerequisite is that she is willing to do so, just like Xu Xin and Fu Junma. The latter has obviously always had special feelings for the former, so when something happened, things suddenly progressed. Soon, it seemed like everything was going smoothly and naturally.

At noon, Xu Xin didn't even want to get up. He held his head with his left hand and looked at the body close to him in his arms. He put his right hand on his waist and quietly enjoyed the tranquility.

"Xiaoling, if we really have one..."

"Sister Wu, if I really have one, I will be a good father. It doesn't matter if I don't have it, just let it happen."

"I, I will work hard to continue the incense of the Xu family."

Fu Junma's words moved Xu's heart, and his repayment was very direct, and he turned over again. Suddenly, my good sister exclaimed.

"Don't...Xiaoling, it's very late, Xiaozhong..."

"Master Zhong ran away to practice."

Xu Xin easily broke down the resistance of his good sister, but what about Kou Zhong who might become a light bulb?

Yangzhou Shuanglong has been out and about since he was very young, and once went to a brothel to spy on Sister Hong. Although he has no experience with this matter between men and women, he is not unfamiliar with it, so when Xu and his good sister became good friends for the first time At that time, Kou Zhong hid far away.

"Yes, practice. Xiaoling, you have just cultivated your true energy. It still needs to be consolidated. You still have to practice!"

Sister Wu found another excuse and wanted to push her stinky brother away, but her strong and strong body was too powerful for her to resist.

"Tender Hometown, Tomb of Heroes, I am willing to fall."

"Besides, sister Wu, haven't you noticed that when we do things like that, our true energy can also be strengthened..."

Xu Xin's gentle voice came, and Fu Junma's delicate body trembled. She was shocked when she sensed her own situation. She unknowingly broke through the seventh level of the Nine Mysteries. While her true energy became purer, her total amount also increased. Got stronger.


Xu then did bad things again. Just when the good sister wanted him not to indulge in it too much, she felt that the two's true energy flowed through each other and became stronger. Now...she no longer resisted and even started to cooperate. "Xiaoling, are you okay yet?"

"I think I heard the Taoist priests in Yangzhou City say that it takes a hundred days to build a foundation. It might take hundreds of days."

"Hundred days? Yeah..."

Day after day, month after month, people who are immersed in cultivation always lose track of time.

The so-called foundation building, as the name suggests, means laying the foundation. When a tall building rises from the ground, the key is to lay a good foundation first. Only if the foundation is solid can a tall building be built. If the foundation is not solid, even if the building is built, it will fall apart.

All practitioners of martial arts in this world need to go through the foundation-building stage in order to lay a good foundation for their future cultivation path.

Fu Junma said that the most important ten years of life are actually the ten years most suitable for building a foundation.

Xu Xin missed the most important ten years, so he can no longer miss the most important hundred days. The first hundred days of Qi sense is the easiest time to achieve breakthroughs in Qi refining practice. This is the so-called hundred-day foundation building. .

Of course, practicing qi is not just about meditation or yin and yang... ahem, to coordinate the dual cultivation, you also need to stop and comprehend, eat and drink... to replenish your physical strength. As for sleeping... sleeping can't be as comfortable as practicing.

Time flies, summer passes and autumn comes, but the simple wooden house is still the same, and there are rumbling sounds.

It was vaguely visible that inside, a figure was wrapped in the blazing masculine energy, and the bright energy spread all over the body, as if it was burning.

Every inch of his limbs, head, and torso was glowing, and the wooden house exuded an indescribable strange aroma.

If you look carefully, you can find that this handsome man, who can be described as exquisite, does not give people a feminine feeling, but is more like a symbol of masculinity.

His Qi and blood were very strong, his heart was beating powerfully, his blood vessels were flowing and rumbling, and the bones under his skin seemed to be glowing, and there was a vague light flowing in his body.

The blood of the human body comes from the bone marrow. The sublimation of the bone marrow brings about the transformation of the blood. The transformation of the blood promotes the overall evolution of the whole body.

"Ah... I've almost transformed. It feels so comfortable..."

Xu Xin finished a new round of spiritual transformation, took the secret book woven with black gold threads in his hand and read it carefully, gaining a deeper understanding of it.

"Eternal life, eternal sight, movement and stillness, yin and yang, endless mysteries... This longevity formula directly cultivates the innate true energy. The starting point is innate, and after practicing it, you can lay a solid foundation. It is worthy of being a wonderful book written by a strong man in the broken realm. But because It is a bit troublesome to directly refine Qi and affect the heirs..."

Xu Xin had a clearer understanding of the Secret of Immortality. This magical skill was said to have been created by Guangchengzi and later acquired by Emperor Xuanyuan Huang.

According to legend, in ancient times, the Yellow Emperor once asked Su Nu for advice on Fang Zhongshu and health preservation, and was able to pass on the Su Nu Sutra and the Secret of Immortality.

"Su Nv Jing" talks about the taboos and techniques for men and women to have sex, while "Secret of Immortality" teaches the essence of seizing the heaven and earth, consolidating the foundation and cultivating the vitality.

As time goes by, "Su Nv Sutra" has become a model for newlyweds and men to learn, but the practice method of "Secret of Immortality" has been lost.

However, after Xu Xin spent these hundred days... building the foundation, he has realized the similarities between the two methods. It can also be said that they have not been lost.

"The road is endless and requires a Taoist partner. The Taoist partner who is truly suitable for me does not necessarily refer to a female companion, but someone who is beneficial to the Taoist path. Counting...Kou Zhong can mutually promote the development of my true energy." Is he the most suitable Taoist companion?"

"Yangzhou Shuanglong, there must be destiny somewhere in the world!"

Xu Xin muttered quietly, and at this moment there was a slight sound of wind outside the window. Good sister Fu Junma was back, and she should have brought the latest news from the outside world.

(End of this chapter)

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