The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 551: The Way of Acupoints, Nine Transformations of Condensation

Chapter 551: The Way of Acupoints, Nine Transformations of Condensation

The rebellion of the Forbidden Army and the chaos in Jiangdu, this major event tore off the last fig leaf of the Sui Dynasty, allowing powerful powers from all over the world to see opportunities. Many regions started to stand on their own, either following orders but not the propaganda, or just obeying the central government in name, or even worse. , directly separatizing one side or even killing officials and rebelling.

Jiujiang under the control of the Iron Cavalry Association is the last category. However, Ren Shaoming, the "Qingjiao", is not a man of the world. He only dominates one side and affects the government. He fails to actually control Jiujiang's army, defense, and government. Neither side can do it.

Although Jiujiang is now controlled by the Iron Cavalry Association, it is nominally the territory of the "Great Chu Kingdom".

After the Jiangdu Rebellion, Poyang Hui and Lin Shihong split off one side and established the Chu State.

Ren Shaoming of the Iron Cavalry Association and Lin Shihong of the Poyang Clan are known as the twin hegemons of Jiangnan. The relationship between the two is also very close in private. Therefore, in Jiujiang, administration and defense are now under the control of "Da Chu", and interests such as tax collection and exploitation are closely related. The remaining part belongs to the Iron Riding Club.

Because Jiujiang already belongs to the "Great Chu Kingdom", Xu Xin and Kou Zhong naturally need to be careful in their actions, so they chartered a grain ship to go to Jiujiang. The grain was real, and so were the workers. There were only two bosses, which was not serious. businessman.

After the grain ship docked in Jiujiang, Xu Xinqian cleared the way, and a group of porters loaded the goods quickly. Someone had already informed the local officials. In order not to arouse suspicion, everything was done according to the procedures until noon, when all the procedures were completed. , the two of them followed the porter into the city.

The Iron Cavalry has always had a bad reputation in Jiangnan, but Jiujiang City is well managed. The city has a prosperous population, but looking at the appearance and attire of those people, in addition to businessmen and travelers, there are also many martial arts figures.

The local snake Xu Xin found introduced to the two of them: "The Iron Cavalry Association has accumulated a large amount of property through plunder in recent years, so people from other places flocked either to do business or to join the Chu army. Many people Everyone is optimistic about the merger between Lin Shihong and Ren Shaoming."

Kou Zhong looked out the window and said, "These people seem to be very well-behaved."

A local snake laughed and said: "This is just a situation during the day. At night, people in the world get into fierce fights due to personal grudges and interests, and many people are killed or injured."

Jiujiang City is similar to most cities in the south of the Yangtze River. The main internal and external transportation is rivers. The main layout is a cross-shaped street with four gates and stone paved streets. It is spacious enough to accommodate eight horses galloping at a time. The alleys lead to the main streets in a square grid, in an orderly manner.

Ganbi Street, where Xu Xin and his two men are currently located, is a prosperous area. There are houses everywhere along the way. The gatehouses are decorated with bricks and tiles, and the courtyards are planted with trees and flowers. The atmosphere is peaceful and there are no traces of war. There are rivers interspersed in between and green trees on the banks. , thin willows blowing over the water, there is another beautiful scenery.

It was already dusk when Xu Xin and the others had freshened up and rested. After resting for a while, they went to the bustling area of ​​Jiujiang City to inquire about news. The two of them deliberately concealed their appearance, just like two ordinary martial arts figures.

There are countless ordinary-looking Jianghu people who come in and out of Jiujiang every day, and they don't attract anyone's attention at all.

"The girl Ren Shaoming likes is Huo Qi, Chun Zailou's number one."

Kou Zhong inquired about such news, but Xu Xin didn't care much about it. If he wanted to kill Ren Shaoming, there were many ways.

The more important thing is that after killing someone, it is time to take action against Jiujiang and seize the opportunity to seize this territory.

This is also the reason why he went to negotiate with the Song clan first. When Yangzhou took action against Jiujiang, it was to confront the "Great Chu Kingdom" and win over the Song clan, who also viewed the "Great Chu Kingdom" as an eyesore. They sent troops on both sides. Not to mention killing Lin Shihong, at least Jiujiang can be steadily eaten.

"Young Master Zhong, look over there."

Xu Xin suddenly pointed in a certain direction. Kou Zhong followed the pointing and saw a man sitting alone at a table near the door of the restaurant next to him.

This person is as majestic as a mountain, has a handsome face, a green outfit and a cape, and has an indescribable charm. He is none other than the young Turkic master Ba Fenghan who has caused a sensation in the martial arts world recently.

This foreign master, who has gained a great reputation, is drinking alone at this time. There is a pot of wine and several plates of side dishes on his table. Those side dishes have obviously not been touched. This guy is drinking alone and is acting like a gangster. The style of a leisurely and contented expert.

He carried a knife and a sword with him, both of which were placed on the table. He had a posture of keeping away from others, but no one had the courage to share a table with him. Xu Xin looked at Ba Fenghan and said pointedly: "Young Master Zhong, don't you think we need a helper?"

“Lao Ba’s skills are quite good, but I heard he’s rather arrogant.”

Kou Zhong understood Xu Xin's intention as soon as he heard it. He wanted to recruit his younger brother. Could it be that he, Kou Zhong, could be upgraded from a follower and younger brother to the number two figure?

"Small thing!"

Xu Xin stood up with a smile, followed closely by Kou Zhong, and the two of them came to sit down in front of Ba Fenghan.

"Who are you two?"

Ba Fenghan was stunned for a moment when he saw the strange visitor. After carefully looking at it, he felt doubtful in his heart. If it hadn't been for the warning from his spiritual sense, telling him that the two people in front of him were not easy to mess with, given his character, he would have taken action long ago instead of like this. Ban first spoke to test him.

Xu Xin casually took off the mustache he used to disguise himself and said, "Brother Ba must have heard of our name Yangzhou Shuanglong!"

"Your Majesty, is this Brother Xu? I wonder if you have something to do with Mr. Ba?"

Ba Fenghan became even more vigilant. Xu Xin has been in the limelight recently. Some people say that he can control the thunder and is a reincarnated heavenly master and a divine figure.

Although Ba Fenghan sneered at this statement, the Yuwen Clan was indeed destroyed.

"Our brothers want to negotiate a business deal with Brother Ba. Is Brother Ba interested? Please raise your worth."

Xu Xin took Ba Fenghan's wine bottle and poured himself a glass, then clinked the glasses with Ba Fenghan, and after drinking it in one gulp, he said: "We are going to kill Qingjiao Ren Shaoming. This is a piece of cake." Little things.”

"However, Ren Shaoming's father, Tiele's "Flying Eagle" Qu Ao is somewhat famous. Brother Ba, isn't he aiming at Bi Xuan? This Qu Ao is one of the most famous among Bi Xuan's defeated generals. If you are Zai If you defeat him, you will truly have the qualifications to challenge Bi Xuan."

"I just don't know if Brother Ba dares."

Xu Xin told everything straightforwardly, leaving the choice to Ba Fenghan.

Qingjiao Ren Shaoming is actually not from the Central Plains, but from Tiele. His real name is Qu Te, and he is the only son of Qu Ao, the top master of Tiele and a great master. He was ordered to come to the Central Plains to stir up trouble.

Tie Le Feiying Qu Ao was once a martial arts prodigy who made great achievements in the exploration of the acupoints. At the age of twenty-three, he successfully mastered seven acupoints and created the innate miraculous skill "Seven Crazy Waves". "Zhuan", and ten years later he learned another acupoint and created "Storm Eight Folds".

When Qu Ao reached the age of forty-one, he could control all the acupoints in his body at will, and integrated his internal energy into the "Nine Transformations of Condensation". "Nine" does not refer to nine acupoints, but because "nine" is the ultimate number. , and take its endless meaning.

Qu Ao's martial arts was only accomplished at this point, and he was determined to challenge the martial master Bi Xuan.

He was defeated miserably in that battle and was completely disabled. After that, he indulged in sexual activities and retreated instead of advancing in martial arts. However, this man was also a martial arts wizard, and he was also an excellent stepping stone and nourishment. Xu Xin's Little Book It is an honor for this Tiele Flying Eagle to have his name on it.

(End of this chapter)

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