The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 552: Use wine as a sword and kill people with ease

Chapter 552: Use wine as a sword and kill people with ease

On the spacious streets of Jiujiang City that can accommodate five carriages traveling at the same time, facing the row of shops at the main entrance of Chun Zai Lou, five of them are pharmacies. Jiujiang has always been full of rich people, and there are countless times for fun and revelry, so there are always people The culture of drug dependence.

Of course, Xu Xin doesn't need such things.

Xu Xin and the others were high up in a restaurant next to Chun Zai Lou. From their position, they could clearly see the street in front of them. They could also observe Chun Zai Lou's backyard from the window on the side of the room.

Xu Xin, Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan stood side by side, looking around, paying particular attention to the alleys on both sides of the street and the people walking around.

"This spring is in the building, maybe it is a trap specially arranged."

Ba Fenghan often works as a bounty hunter and is considered a professional in this area. He made a judgment after observing for a long time.

Xu Xin nodded and said: "Brother Ba is right, but Ren Shaoming is courageous enough to use himself as a weapon. As long as our hands are hard enough and our movements are fast enough, we can achieve our goal."

"That's what Brother Xu said."

Ba Fenghan agreed with Xu Xin's opinion. He was a bold character who dared to take risks. In his eyes, small dangers were just a training process.

The sky gradually dimmed as the three people talked. The once bustling street ushered in another bustle, with wealthy businessmen and wealthy customers coming and going, and many brothel people coming and going.

The cold moonlight spreads over the earth, and the big and round moon just shows its fairy shape in the east. The night sky is cloudless, and the moonlight shines all over Jiujiang City, reflecting the bright color of Jiujiang tonight.

"Ren Shaoming is here."

Ba Fenghan, who was observing in the restaurant, suddenly spoke and saw a cavalry team coming from the end of the street. The Iron Cavalry Club, one of the "Eight Gangs and Ten Clubs", many of their core gang members are Tiele people, so they have superb riding skills. After the Jiangdu Rebellion, the Iron Cavalry Association swept across Jiujiang with its elite cavalry.

"Jiujiang will be very lively tonight."

Xu Xin looked at the night sky, the full moon above his head was bright and clear. As he was speaking, Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan were dispatched one after another, throwing things they had prepared in advance on both sides of the street and Chun Zai Lou.

Explosions, fires, thick smoke... Soon the whole street was in chaos, especially some of Chun's men who were ambushing inside the building, and they fled in a hurry.


"If you dare to rub the iron cavalry tiger's beard, you will die."

"Kill them."

There were loud shouts on the street, followed by the sounds of weapons clashing.

Ba Fenghan fought against a beautiful woman, a pretty nun who wore a colorful dress and used it as a weapon, Chang Zhen, nicknamed "Yanni".

"Yanni" Chang Zhen, like "Mermaid" You Qiuyan, is also a disciple of the Yingui sect. She has a pair of big, black and bright eyes that can captivate the soul, a healthy blush on her delicate face, and pink lips with neat Snow-white teeth, as bright as the sun.

This pretty nun wears long robes that are as bright as clouds. Her colorful robe technique is the master's secret skill. Not only can she change the shape in a thousand ways, she is also the best at resolving the internal energy.

But when facing Ba Fenghan, the difference in strength between them was too big, and they would fall into a disadvantage after just three or five moves.


The crisp sound on the other side shook the whole audience. Kou Zhong swept all the way and was blocked by someone for the first time. It was a ferocious monk holding a Zen staff. Yanni Changzhen's fellow disciple and husband, the "evil monk" was in trouble.

This ferocious monk was knocked back by Kou Zhong's sword and hit a pillar. At this moment, he was standing with a cross staff and a steel hoop on his forehead. He was tall and ferocious, wearing a red monk's robe, and his evil face was very scary.

"Kill!" At this moment, dozens of big men rushed out from all around, all of them with strong auras and obviously good fighters. They shouted and went to attack Kou Zhong and Ba Fenghan.

Seeing this, Xu Xin, who was high up, just shook the wine bottle in his hand, and a pool of wine rose into the air. He flicked his finger, and a water arrow shot out. It quickly flew away and condensed into pieces of ice crystals during the high-speed flight. , and then covered all the people who rushed out.


The screams started up quickly and stopped very quickly. As long as the ambush masters rushed out, they were not left behind.

Xu Xin uses wine as a sword and kills people at will. He is quite like Li Chungang, the sword god in "Snow", who used water as a sword.

A single blast of Ice Xuan Sword Qi destroyed most of Ren Shaoming's men who were ambushing here.

Dozens of corpses were thrown down in the chaotic street at once, many of them were familiar companions. Some people who rushed in later still had the courage to attack again, and some of them were timid and just turned around and ran for their lives.

"Death to those who run away!"

The wind roared continuously, and the two people who took the lead to run away were smashed in the head by two black stars. The two heads exploded while running, and red and white splattered everywhere. It was very scary and disgusting.

No matter how many people are around Ren Shaoming, he will always be recognized at a glance.

This is not only because of the tattoo of a blue dragon about half the size of a palm with fangs and claws on his forehead, but also because of his unique appearance and sharp eyes.

Ren Shaoming's skin shone with a unique bronze color, and his whole body was as if made of iron. His tall and straight body, paired with a black outfit and a white robe, gave him a strong contrast, making him look particularly majestic.

He has a face covered with pockmarks, deep-set eye sockets, protruding eyebrows, and eyebrows like thick ink. His long and narrow eyes emit an electric light of cruelty and hatred that can chill anyone's heart. He looked at Ba Fenghan coldly. and Kou Zhong.

His hands, which are thicker than ordinary people, hang on both sides, each holding a huge and heavy bolas as big as a head. The two meteor hammers made of fine steel are now stained with a mixture of red and white blood, dripping down the tips of the hammers. fell to the ground.

On his right is a tall and thin scribe with a pointed and narrow face and a beard on his lips. He looks a bit like a goat, but his eyes are bright and calm.

The tall and thin scribe was the first to say with a smile: "I have seen a few of you, Cui Jixiu. You are already surrounded by our elite troops from Chu. Why don't you just surrender and capture them quickly?"

Cui Jixiu was Lin Shihong's first adviser. He was named a national advisor by Lin Shihong, the Emperor of Chu. He was known for his wisdom and scheming in the world. The trap arranged by Yu Chunzai Lou was most likely planned by him.

"Lin Shihong's dog-headed military advisor, let me take your life first!"

Xu Xin's leisurely voice came and instantly attracted everyone's attention when he spoke. He was the kind of born protagonist.

Abrupt shadows appeared above the heads of Ren Shaoming and Cui Jixiu. Xu Xin's Qi was stronger now, and his skills were naturally higher. He didn't even walk when he started to attack, but was used to fly.

"How brave!"

Ren Shaoming looked up and saw Xu Xin falling quickly, with a hint of anger in his eyes. He was also considered a famous master of his generation, and he was the only one who successfully walked out of Song Que's "sharpening hall" in recent years. Although Song Que had let him go Reason, but the skills under his hands are also strong enough.


Ren Shaoming swung the meteor hammer hard and released one end towards the falling Xu Xin, but Xu Xin's palm only covered it. The moment the two touched, the meteor hammer exploded instantly, splashing out The fragments suddenly exploded in all directions.

Including Cui Jixiu, a group of people who were very close to Ren Shaoming didn't even have time to scream. They seemed to have been swept by shotguns, and they couldn't even look at the corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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