The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 569: The concept of nothingness, intentional or unintentional, the supreme illusion turns fa

Chapter 569: The concept of nothingness, intentional or unintentional, the supreme illusion...refining the false to become the real

In the dark night, the silver crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the sky is filled with endless stars.

In the back hill of Pegasus Ranch, crickets are singing endlessly.

Xu Xin stood on the edge of the lonely cliff, with the mountain wind blowing in his face, making his clothes rustle. He slowly closed his eyes and immersed himself in the world, as if he was integrated with the dark and silent night.

I don't know when, the sound of the flute suddenly sounded, as if it was nothing, blending in seamlessly with the mournful cicadas all around. With the whistling wind, the sky is looming like a bright moon covered by light clouds.

The mesmerizing and moving Xiao Yin seems to be rising from nine heavens away, transforming the solemn autumn into a splendid world full of vitality. The bright notes are independent of the heaven and earth for a while, and are in harmony with all changes. Tight fit.

When Xu Xin slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were exceptionally quiet and clear, and his whole person seemed to have had a layer of impurities removed, becoming extremely pure.

He turned around with a sudden thought, and he came to the hillside next to him. A beautiful figure turned her back to him, standing on a big rock, like a fairy wandering in the empty mountain spiritual valley in a dream.

Xiao Yin stopped suddenly, and the beauty looked back. Her shining eyes looked at him passionately, and she smiled and said, "You idiot, you're here early!"

Looking back with a smile, this sentence is perfect to describe Shi Qingxuan at this time. She is not a person who loves to smile, but Xu Xin can always see her smile.

When they saw each other again, the emotion was like a flood that broke a dam and was out of control.


Xu Xin was only two steps away from Shi Qingxuan. Their eyes were attracted to each other like magnets, unable to move away.

Shi Qingxuan's pair of beautiful eyes ranged from calm to affectionate, staring at him without blinking, returning his fiery gaze, showing all the feelings in her heart to his eyes without reservation, which was better than a thousand words and endless words of love.

Although he doesn't wear any makeup, his quiet and elegant manners and light and graceful figure can make anyone's heart enchanted.

What she brought with her was not the jade flute that was her mother Bi Xiuxin's relic, but the bamboo flute that Xu Xin made that night in the palace. Just one glance could tell that the jade lady took great care of this bamboo flute and maintained it extremely well. good.

Xu Xin looked at the beauty so close, and his soft call contained strong emotions. Regardless of whether it was love at first sight or lust, he wanted her now.

Xu Xin could feel her feelings for him. Although the two had been in contact once before, this might be a natural fate, or it might be true love at first sight, and they both liked each other.

He walked to the big stone with a smile and stared at her in a daze.

Today's Shi Qingxuan is wearing a lavender sutra robe on the upper body, a plain and elegant shawl on her fragrant shoulders to keep out the wind and cold, and an apricot-yellow silk skirt on the lower body.

Shi Qingxuan's delicate body trembled slightly, her eyes showed an extremely complicated expression. She opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Xu's next action.

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Mr. Xu boldly stretched out his hands, hugged the beauty in front of him directly into his arms, found her lips, kissed her hard, and touched her soft and boneless shoulders, as if I want to completely turn this beauty into my own.

Shi Qingxuan's delicate body trembled violently with unbearable stimulation. Her lips became hot and soft, and she reached out her jade hands to hug his neck and indulged in his hot kiss.

The world was spinning, and both of them were completely lost in this sweet dream. Xu Xin hugged the real soft beauty in his arms tightly, and his nose was filled with the fragrance of Shi Qingxuan's hair and delicate body. Their lips parted, Shi Qingxuan pressed her cheek against his, gasping softly: "I was wrong, you are not an idiot, you are a bad guy."

Xu Xin hugged her and said with a smile: "If I wasn't a bad person, how could I have dispelled Qingxuan's idea of ​​escaping from the world? If I had been too slow and ran away from such a beautiful wife, I would have regretted it for the rest of my life."

"Bad people know how to bully others."

Shi Qingxuan said that he was a bad person, but there was a faint smile on her face, and it was obvious from a glance that she was in a great mood.

She turned around and saw Xu Xin staring at her blankly. She couldn't help but chuckle and said, "You idiot, what are you thinking about!"

The night covered her delicate body like a gauze. She was close to her eyes, but she seemed to be invisible in a fairyland that was different from the human world.

Xu Xin couldn't help but said: "I'm thinking of you."

The smile on Shi Qingxuan's mouth widened. Turning into a bright smile, she naughtily nudged Xu Xin's chest with her little head, and said: "I can easily deceive others with my coaxing words. I don't know how many little girls I have deceived. Your eyes are more frank than yours."

Xu Xin turned away from Shi Qingxuan's delicate body, looked directly into her eyes, and said, "Now in the dead of night, when Qingxuan looks into my eyes, she knows what I want to do!"

Shi Qingxuan reached out and put a pair of royal fingers on Xu Xin's lips and said, "It's night, don't think about doing bad things, okay! How about you go back to the house and have a good sleep? Just be a good boy!"

In the quiet night of the single room, Xu Xin was lying on the beauty's fragrant bed, half leaning against the beauty's delicate body, his head resting on her slender legs, and he was reading a parchment by the bright candlelight.

This parchment is the "Seal of Immortality" left by the evil king Shi Zhixuan in the past. It mainly records the core ideas and formulas of Shi Zhixuan's "Seal of Immortality".

The immortal seal method was created by the evil king Shi Zhixuan. It is based on the profound thought of "not on this side, not on the other side, not in the middle" in Buddhist doctrine. It combines the Huajian sect, which represents "life", and the Butian Dao, which represents "death". The supreme method of extremely opposite mentality.

Its core is a superhuman philosophical thought, which represents the void between Buddhism and Taoism's intentionality and unconsciousness. It coincides with Tai Chi thought and is the limit that a person can achieve.

It represents the contradictions and conflicts in human nature, and represents people's willful rebellion in the face of many restrictions brought by their own identities.

It is precisely because of its contradictory ideological core that it is difficult for ordinary people to understand it thoroughly. Therefore, Bi Xiuxin, who forcibly observed and deduced it, eventually died, and Shi Zhixuan, who created it, also suffered from mental problems and schizophrenia.

Its thoughts are too profound and contradictory, almost stretching the fickle and contradictory side of human nature to its limit. Normal people would only find it extremely awkward to understand it, but the power of the techniques derived from it is also extremely miraculous.

The Immortal Seal Technique is infinitely more advanced than the ordinary methods of unloading and borrowing force. It uses the principle of yin and yang to produce each other, and the extremes of things must reverse. Through the rapid transformation of life and death of true qi, it can achieve an endless stream of life and death, and can freely move between the two qi of life and death. Shift switch.

Use the extremely rapid conversion of the two qi of life and death to borrow energy and transform it into qi (death energy) attacked by others into vitality, restore your own qi and blood, and ensure that you are always in peak condition.

Such a miraculous seal of immortality is still a supreme illusion that can deceive others' perceptions. Even if you practice it to the highest level, you may be able to refine the false to become the real, blur the boundary between illusion and reality, and truly make the virtual and the real. Oneness.

(End of this chapter)

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