The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 570 Welcome to the endless hell!

Chapter 570 Welcome to the endless hell!

On the top of the solitary cliff, the mountain wind is fierce. When the sun is approaching dusk, the world in the distance seems to be divided into two halves by a fairy light that penetrates the blue sky and the yellow spring. One side is snowy and silvery, and the other side is golden. This wonderful scene is really amazing. An unforgettable sight.

Chong Shenxiu, yin and yang cut faintly.

At this moment, the famous ancient poem had a realistic picture. Xu Xin, who was sitting on a lone cliff, slowly opened his eyes and started to move slowly. The moment he pressed forward with his right hand, the void in front of him seemed to be distorted.

The surrounding air suddenly became dull, as if it had substance, as heavy as a boulder pressing down on the body. The chirping of insects and birds disappeared, as if the sky and the earth had lost color and everything was silent.

Everything that was originally moving went straight in an instant, including the flying birds and insects, they were all frozen in the void, as if they were petrified. Even actions such as shaking their heads and blinking were difficult to do, their eyes were so A moment of alertness and fear, that is the fear of death.


The invisible palm print was slapped on the mountain wall next to it. It was full of vitality with the ultimate intention of death, and it was all-pervasive, leaving a palm print on the stone wall that was very permeable to look at.

"Idiot, what kind of kung fu are you doing? It looks so scary!"

A pleasant voice sounded behind Xu Xin. Shi Qingxuan walked up to him, took out the brocade handkerchief and carefully wiped the sweat from his forehead. She glanced at the palm print and wrinkled her nose slightly. She felt that this kind of kung fu was very evil.

"The presence of death always makes the living feel uneasy, although we will all face death one day."

"Qingxuan, look."

Countless butterflies and beautiful birds gathered towards the sea of ​​clouds, dancing around Xu Xin and Shi Qingxuan, their eyes full of pursuit and desire for the breath of life.

The white clouds carried the fairy couple flying into the sky, heading towards the harbor of happiness.

Late at night, on the bed in the room, Xu Xin rested his head on Beauty Qingxuan's thigh, and gently massaged his head with a pair of delicate jade hands. He smelled the fragrance of the beauty close at hand. Xu Xin felt that certain impulses became increasingly uncontrollable. , it’s a pity that there are still two light bulbs in this cozy home.

Xu Xin smiled slightly and raised his hand to point forward, and countless butterflies and birds flew past, changing into lines in their sight, and finally intersecting in the sky to form a picture of a man and a woman embracing each other. If you look carefully, But they are exactly the same as they are now.

A sea of ​​clouds floats on the grassland and flowers of the pasture. The clouds are rolling and relaxing, and they are ever-changing. The white clouds seem to be floating leisurely, but they have the indifference and arrogance of remaining unmoving despite the changes in the world.

Xu Xin held the jade hand of the person next to him, gently asked her to bend down into his arms, and then smiled and said: "Forget the bad pictures, I will show you some good ones."


Xu Xin waved his sleeves as he spoke, and a large cloud of white air gathered to wrap them both up. Then Shi Qingxuan felt her body lighten up, and she had followed Xu Xin down the mountain, flying through the sky like a fairy. .

Although Xu really wanted to throw Lu Miaozi and Kou Zhong out, and then continue the emotional exchange with Qingxuan Baby, it is obvious that today's romantic atmosphere has been destroyed, and it is impossible to hit a home run. At most, it will be like before. Kiss and touch, let the baby warm up the bed.

Suddenly, Xu Xin, who was on the bed, opened his eyes and looked in a certain direction. His spiritual sense sensed that the night was not peaceful, so he sat up from the bed.


Xu lowered his head while learning to direct and act. The beautiful woman did not refuse. She closed her eyes like the previous "heroine" and enjoyed the tranquility and happiness of this moment.

The scene changed rapidly, like a realistic animation video, and soon progressed to the scene of a man and a woman embracing and kissing. Shi Qingxuan lowered her head when she saw this scene, her expression was shy, and her ears were red.

Previously, when he was about to enter the bridal chamber with Shi Qingxuan in his arms, he was about to enter the bridal chamber, but he didn't expect that two long-eyed men, one old and one young, came out and asked if they wanted to have dinner. After dinner, the two of them were still hiding in the dark room. Listening to Qiang Gen, it’s simply...

"what happened?"

Shi Qingxuan asked softly.

"There are enemies approaching outside the ranch." Xu Xin's spiritual sense was astonishing. He even discovered the problem earlier than the guards outside the ranch. Just as he was talking to Shi Qingxuan, fire and smoke rose from the west of the ranch. This meant there was an enemy. Invasion alert.

"There are many enemies coming back this time, and some of them are masters."

Although the place where the chaos occurred was dozens of miles away, Xu Xin's martial arts and spiritual perception had already reached inhuman levels. Only his vague perception allowed him to judge that the enemy coming this time was not simple.

"Old man, you and Xiaozhong bring equipment to help."

"Qingxuan, just stay here..."

Xu Xin first called Lu Miaozi and Kou Zhong who were listening to the wall, and then said goodbye to the beauties around him. He took the lead in leaving his comfort zone and went to high places as quickly as possible to observe more situations.

Xu Xinzhuo stood on the top of a big tree on the top of the mountain, overlooking the dark wilderness outside the mountain city. He had a panoramic view of everything around him.


On the edge of the pasture, there is a small village built along the river. There are no lights in it, and there is no sound of chickens or dogs. It is a deserted village with no one. But if you look closely, you can find that the houses here are built a little strangely, and they seem to have some kind of pattern.

There were sounds of fighting from time to time in many places around, but this deserted village was as quiet as a ghost land.

Suddenly, thunderous sounds of hoofbeats were heard from both ends of the village, and a large number of bandits surrounded the abandoned village.

“Shopping mall owner, don’t be shy~”

"Come out and have fun~"

"I gave Ba Tian, ​​my joke-loving friend in the world, the nickname "No Grass Can Grow". It was all because of the misunderstanding that he didn't understand me."

"In fact, I am a person who loves and cherishes flowers. If the shopping mall owner doesn't believe me, just try to commit yourself to me for three days. I guarantee that I will come out to correct this wrong idea of ​​the world."

A loud voice echoed in the village, and the many bandits accompanying him immediately burst into laughter, full of obscene connotations.

"The owner of the field has gone into battle recklessly and has already lost. But if he is willing to devote himself to serving us and become a family in bed, then everything can be easily discussed."

"We are like a family in bed. Third brother Fang's proposal is amazing. But the shopping mall owner's daughter, Huang Hua, even if she is absolutely convinced in her heart, is shy and speechless in front of so many people. What do you think of me?" Has Mao Zao understood the psychology of his daughter’s family thoroughly enough?”

Many thieves spoke wantonly and irritated the people in the ranch who were hiding in the secret passage in the village. They all laughed and talked nonsense with great satisfaction.

This time they got the help of a traitor, ambushed Shang Xiuxun's small group, forced the owner of the beauty'er farm here, and succeeded in their goal before they saw it.

"The four great bandits, you are so courageous!"

A plain voice echoed in the village. It was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears accurately. Everyone subconsciously looked up and saw a figure slowly landing on the tiles of a roof.

"Everyone, welcome to the endless hell!"

Xu Xin's plain words came out, and everything around him changed instantly. An eerie and terrifying aura enveloped the surrounding areas. The cold wind in autumn became icy and biting. Everyone in the village was inexplicably beaten. There was a shiver, and then everyone felt that the world had changed.

(End of this chapter)

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