The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 571 Illusion and Reality, Heaven and Hell

Chapter 571 Illusion and Reality, Heaven and Hell

The bright moon in the sky turned into a cold blood moon at some point. Under the cold blood moonlight, the village that was originally a strangely arranged village suddenly seemed to be twisted and turned into a gloomy and strange ghost.

Such a strange scene naturally made all the thieves who broke into the village panic. They couldn't distinguish between the world and hell for a while, and thought that they and others had accidentally entered the ghost gate.

"This...this feeling..."

Among the many panicked thieves, a man sitting on a tall horse kept touching the bloody moonlight with his palms. The almost real biting cold made him tremble, but there was still a voice of doubt in his heart. Everything in front of him made him feel like he had seen it before. a feeling of.

"Everyone, please don't mess up. This kid must be pretending to be a ghost. Let's kill him together!"

The man on horseback was majestic, holding a spear made of stainless steel in his left hand. He was Cao Yinglong, the leader of the four bandits who invaded Pegasus Ranch. As he shouted angrily, he pointed his weapon at Xu Xin's location. direction, all the thieves and bandits suddenly seemed to have a target.

"Boss Cao is right, kill him."

Another leader of thieves raised his left and right hands towards Ba Tian, ​​knocking the deadly rings in his hands together, making a clear and crisp "ding" sound. Immediately, more than a dozen of his men jumped out and jumped onto the roof, rushing in the direction of Xu Xin. past.

"Although death is the destination, why be so anxious."

But this is of no use at all. No matter how fast they are, how can they be faster than the dark shadow? The last person was killed in front of Xiang Batian. He has always killed people and was ready to kill this subordinate to supervise the battle. He only felt extremely scared at this moment.

Xu Xin spoke softly, and the breath of death was twisted in the light of the blood moon, turning into a shadowy and eerie demonic figure. Countless demonic figures roared out, as if the sky and the earth were blocked, giving people endless pressure.

The few people who were escaping turned around when they heard the sound. When they saw such a horrifying scene, one or two ran faster, and each of them wished that their parents had more legs.


"Who is your master, and why are you going against us brothers?"

Amidst the shrill and piercing howls, countless demonic shadows danced in the sky under the blood moon, and the scene looked like ghosts on earth was truly terrifying.



The two who were not running stopped and swung their knives around to look around, but without exception, the blades were in vain. The dark shadow passed through their chests, and with the sound of two heavy objects falling to the ground, their bodies fell to the ground. It was as if he had lost his breath.

"The four bandits committed murder, arson, rape, robbery, and all kinds of evil. Do they need a reason to kill you?"

Cao Yinglong, who was riding a horse, clenched his spear and looked at Xu Xin standing on the roof. The fear in his heart was no less than that of Xiang Batian, but he always felt that something was wrong, and he was worried about him, so he was not willing to tie up his hands like this. Waiting to die.


As Xu Xin pushed out with his palm, the demonic shadows flying in the sky charged towards the dozen or so thieves. As the strange black shadow approached, the fear in the hearts of these charging thieves became more and more diffuse. Finally, they collapsed and screamed. At that moment, some people turned around and ran away. .

Xu Xin's voice was calm, and anyone could hear his determination to kill.

The remaining thieves were all frightened. Although there were hundreds of them here, all of them were good men and women, but after experiencing the terrible scene before, no one could resist Xu Xin, who was alone. heart of.

At this time, Cao Yinglong shouted again: "Brothers, don't be afraid. No matter how powerful he is, he can't kill us all at once. Let's retreat along the original route." As he said this, he turned the horse around and followed the route into the village in his memory. The horse galloped, and with his movements, Xu Xin on the roof also moved.

Cao Yinglong was right about one thing. Xu Xin couldn't kill all of them at once. There were indiscriminate ultimate moves, but they couldn't guarantee death at once. Besides, there were Shang Xiuxun and others in the village.


Xu Xin quickly approached many thieves, and shadows followed him wherever he went. The black energy of these shadows was the purest "death energy" he extracted.

The exploration of the path of "life and death" by the Immortal Seal is far beyond ordinary martial arts. Shi Zhixuan uses the "rotation of life and death" method to take the "external force" from the enemy and destroy the "death energy" of the body, and rotate it to replenish his own "vital energy". ”, thus living endlessly, never running out of energy, and not afraid of group battles.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the principle of the cycle of life and death, and it is naturally even harder to understand the Immortal Seal. Not to mention practicing it, even just looking at it may go around the brain and become obsessed.

But Xu Xin was different. He had actually experienced the cycle of life and death many times, let alone the cycle of life and death, so practicing this Immortal Seal was not difficult for him.

Moreover, during the process of cultivation, he had a deeper understanding of the way of "life and death". Shi Zhixuan only used the principle of the cycle of life and death to transform "life" and "death", but Xu Xin made a more dangerous attempt to refine pure "life and death". "Angry" and "death" are studied.

These demonic shadows are the result of his research. His "death energy" can be regarded as special true energy. Once it invades the body, it will bring death to people. Of course, if you have advanced cultivation and high internal strength, you can still perform it. Resist.

As for this "hell" that is like a ghost on earth, it is a real illusion he performed. A mentally strong person can induce people into the illusion through mental oppression and mental shock.

The Immortal Seal and the Wisdom Sutra of the Roots of Control of All Laws can even affect the surrounding environment and distort people's five senses, creating an almost real illusion.

For example, when Cao Yinglong touched the substantive light of the blood moon, Xu Xin interfered with matter with his spirit, making the void cold. The "blood moon light" he saw was fake, but the coldness was indeed real. , then naturally everything you see is "real".

The "hell" created by Xu Xin is so terrifying now, but he can also create the illusion of "heaven" in the afterlife. It can only be said that research in this area can be deepened. As his cultivation becomes more advanced, his true energy will become stronger. , when the time comes, we may be able to refine the false into the real and create "reality".

With the arrival of Xu Xin, figures fell to the ground one after another. Various corpses were scattered everywhere, and all kinds of strange ways of death made the fleeing thieves collapse even more.


Xu Xin's figure fell to the ground, and Mao Zao, one of the four leaders of the thieves, collapsed and turned around to fight. He had killed many people in his life and had countless wars. This was the first time he encountered such a terrifying person.

But his counterattack was so weak, Xu Xin just took out his sleeves, Mao Zao was dead, his head was still tumbling in the sky, and the headless body was kneeling on the ground.

"We fought him hard."

"Do not leave the chickens and dogs behind." Fang Jian Ding saw that Mao Zao was finished, and he probably couldn't run away, so he took out two maces weighing more than a hundred kilograms each from his back and put them in his hands. His huge body rolled up and he came quickly. When they reached the top of Xu Ziling, the mace danced with many shadows, covering Xu Ziling fiercely.

"No grass grows" Xiang Batian also gritted his teeth, his short and fat body moved, and the two steel toothed rings flew left and right, flying diagonally towards Xu Xin's position, making a strange screaming sound on the way, and the momentum was overwhelming.


Xu Xin said a simple and calm word, and Fang Jianding and Xiang Batian were both dead. So far, only Cao Yinglong, the leader of the four major bandits, was left, and he also rushed to the edge of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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