The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 579: The devil has no appearance and is invincible

Chapter 579: The devil has no appearance and is invincible

"Monk, do you know that I have already fallen in love with you? When I first saw you, my heart was filled with excitement..."

Bai Qing'er's whole delicate body lay on Xu Xin's back, her water-soaked clothes clinging to her body. The two of them felt different from ordinary people. Now they could clearly feel Bai Qing'er's gracefulness.

She held his waist tightly with her hands, knelt half behind him, and blew hot air on the back of his neck with her fragrant breath.

Xu Xin remained unmoved, as if he was not affected by any temptation at all.

Bai Qing'er's hands reached down, and soon they reached the lower abdomen. She moved slowly with a subtle flick, her hands were fixed, and she pressed the pair of hot jade hands on his lower abdomen, sending out two warm qi, and penetrated into him. The sea of ​​Qi under his Dantian made him feel indescribably comfortable and sleepy.

Bai Qing'er kept making little moves, and a woman's gentle voice came to his ears. She kept praising and boasting in an attempt to make Xu Xin lose himself, and the energy that penetrated her lower abdomen was also affecting his impulse.

I have to admit that the Yingui Sect is indeed an expert in this area, and Bai Qing'er is indeed very professional in the methods between men and women.

"Monk, you are so powerful! I have tried all my means, but you are still standing still. It looks like I am really going to die in your hands."

Bai Qing'er's pretty face pressed against his cheek, nibbling his ear, and said slowly: "Many of the methods that people learn from the Yingui sect have not been used on others before, and the lack of experience, Monk, please take care of me..."

The meridians used by the Heavenly Demon Qi are very different from those used by the True Qi of the Immortality Art. Except that there is no difference between the two main meridians of Ren and Du, the demonic energy focuses on the twelve main meridians in the "Secret of Immortality" which are only used as auxiliary ones.

Bai Qing'er is now circulating the Heavenly Demon Qi over and over again in Xu Xin's body, forming a cycle throughout the sky, in order to achieve the purpose of causing his body to react and causing thoughts to abound. Such actions will wait until Bai Qing'er takes out the Heavenly Demon Qi. The secret was leaked to Xu Xin.

The three yins of the hands originate from the viscera.

The three yins of the feet are from the feet to the abdomen.

Xu Xin immediately became full of energy. Bai Qing'er used a different way of thinking to deal with him. It not only teased his primitive impulse, but also made him more energetic. A good man who has too much yang energy will always think about it. Want to vent, especially when you are so full of energy...

If there are three yangs in the hand, start from the hand.

Xu Xin's breathing changed slightly. Bai Qing'er, who noticed this, kept up her efforts. After her demon energy penetrated Xu Xin's Yangming and Taiyin meridians, the river branched out like tributaries, straight up to the ten fingers.

There are various signs of love action movies, with Bai Qing'er as the heroine's template, similar to a 3D perspective, which makes Xu Xin really feel a little unbearable, as if he is about to explode.

Xu Xin's forehead gradually became covered with sweat. Bai Qing'er also showed her ability. Her ears were filled with the seductive and moving whisper of the beauty. In conjunction with the abnormal movement of Qi in his body, various moving pictures emerged in his mind. In particular, Xu Xin's knowledge in this area is quite impressive.


In just this moment, Xu Xin grasped some of the acupoints and veins through which the Demonic Qi flows, which is related to some of the secret true inheritance of the Demonic Dafa, and this is exactly what he wants to obtain.

Xu Xin and Bai Qing'er were wrestling with each other. Xu Xin's breathing began to become disordered, and the skin all over his body was numb and itchy. His eardrums were filled with women's joyful voices, and his mind was filled with various images of Bai Qing'er.

With a smile on her lips, the enchantress put her hands around his head and neck, sat in his arms, and took the initiative to offer her a fragrant kiss, as if she was ready to offer everything she had to stimulate his reaction.

The three yang of the foot are from the head to the foot.

Bai Qing'er seemed to show her true feelings, while Xu Xin still looked unmoved on the surface, but he closed his eyes again.

It's not that he lacks concentration, but that he doesn't even think about suppressing his own desires. Anyway, he can defeat this witch no matter what, so why should he wrong himself.

It starts from Taiyin and ends at Jueyin. The Rendu and Du meridians are the main channels, starting over and over again, like a ring without any reason. Although its walking direction can vary, there are still contexts to be found.

Xu Xin felt Bai Qing'er's slender jade palm touching his vest, and an unpredictable and strange Qi that seemed empty yet solid, soft and powerful, filled his meridians like a tide. .

A trace of white energy began to emerge from the top of Xu Xin's head. The true energy rushed out like a torrent along the outer and inner Yangming and Taiyin channels of his right hand, passing through Quchi, Hegu, Sanjian, Erjian, and Yunmen. , Shaoshang various points become cold and unbearable, and finally reach the second pointed Shangyang point.

Xu Xin's fingers felt unbearably numb, and he had the urge to grab something. He unconsciously thought of the most obvious symbol of motherhood.

Everything changes without departing from its roots.

Every inch of snow-like skin was clearly visible in his mind, and the dazzling shine made him have the urge to tear off or put on the mask, indulge himself, and press this witch under him to do whatever he wanted.

The demon's true energy was quickly recovered, and then sent out again, swallowing and spitting out. It was just a blink of an eye, but it had already changed the situation of the battle.

Xu Xin only felt a strange impulse that began to disrupt his control of the body. He unconsciously rubbed the hand on the back of his hand... The devil has no appearance and is ingenious. These methods of the Yingui Sect gave Xu Xin a lot of advantages. I really admire what I got, it’s really amazing!

"Ha ha……"

Bai Qing'er smiled proudly. After noticing Xu Xin's movements, she took the initiative to offer her delicate body, grabbed his palm and pressed it to the heart.

"Mr. Lang, come here!"

Bai Qing'er's whole body hung on his body, and the fragrant kisses fell like raindrops.

Her palms had left Xu Xin's vest, but there was still a force left in his body, silently impacting some of his secret meridians and stimulating his reaction. While Xu Xin was filled with thoughts, the image of Bai Qing'er in his mind also Change slowly.

The original images of naked teachers like Hatao-sensei and Ao-sensei were transformed into sexy and sultry goddess images. Making people want to sleep is coquettish, making people want to love is coquettish. Bai Qing'er's method has been sublimated here. Originally it only aroused desire, but now she wants him to take off his guard.

"You are so powerful! I have used so many methods, but I still can't shake your mind. It seems that I am certain to die."

Bai Qing'er suddenly seemed to have given up resistance. Her whole body was no longer full of charming charm, but a pitiful and delicate temperament. She leaned on Xu Xin's body without any unnecessary movements, as if she had accepted her fate. .

"Good! Good!"

Xu Xin slowly opened his eyes and proclaimed a Buddhist name to Bai Qing'er. Bai Qing'er could see the confidence and complacency in his eyes. Even the monk in front of him seemed to have a desire to win, otherwise he would not have proposed such a thing. a test.

"We have been fighting until now. You are so cruel that you still refuse to open your eyes to look at me. Of course you win."

Bai Qing'er raised her head, put her hands on Xu Xin's cheeks, and said with a trace of hope and love in her eyes: "You are really my nemesis. The first time I saw you, my heart was moved. "

"I know I should stay away from you, but I unconsciously approach you. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Xu Xin's reaction was almost nonexistent, but his eyes fluctuated slightly, but Bai Qing'er noticed it and felt a little more confident.

"Monk, before you die, can you agree to a condition?"

Bai Qing'er seemed to be pleading, her jade eyes were about to cry, and her water was shining brightly, "I was born in the Yingui sect of the demon sect. I was taught to renounce love and love since I was a child, and I have long since renounced the love between men and women."

"Until I met you, monk, I really wanted to know what it feels like to kiss my lover. Can you satisfy me?"

After she finished speaking, she didn't give Xu Xin time to react. She held his cheek and kissed him. The kiss was a little green and a little clumsy. It seemed that this generation of the Yingui sect was second only to Huanhan. , is really not that good at this kind of thing.

Xu Xin's little heart was beating loudly as he was immersed in this beauty. Who could withstand this kind of test!

For a long time, the lips are divided.

Bai Qing'er's dimples were lightly blushed, her head rested on Xu Xin's heart, and she whispered: "You can kill Qing'er. Don't make me suffer too much, just let the slave die in your arms." How are you here?"

Xu Xin didn't speak or move at all. The ups and downs of his heart have not calmed down yet.

Bai Qing'er felt something was wrong, and her heartbeat in her ears was a little faster.

Xu Xin suddenly opened his eyes, and moved his hands as if to break away from Bai Qing'er, who was half-undressed by Luo Shang. But at this time, Bai Qing'er moved her hands, wrapped her arms around his waist, raised her head and said with a startled voice: " What's wrong with you? Why is your heart beating so fast?"

"You lost to me, you are tempted."

There was surprise in Bai Qing'er's voice, which could make the monk lose his concentration. If she won this bet, then she wouldn't have to die. People are afraid of death and hope for life. This is especially true for the people at the door.


Xu Xin shook Bai Qing'er away, his hands filled with mist, "Shut up, I won't lose to you."

With a roar, the water pool blasted up several feet of water column, but Bai Qing'er easily dodged it, and with a silver bell-like laughter, she danced gracefully in the crystal clear water pool, like a mermaid.


Bai Qing'er stood next to Xu Xin with a smile and said: "You said you can't go back on your words. Even if you close your eyes, I won. If you really want to go back on your words, then kill the Nu family now." Bar!"

Bai Qing'er took the initiative to get in front of Xu Xin, grabbed his right hand and put it on his heart. Her tone was relaxed and she seemed sure that he would not kill her.

"I will not go back on my word, but I will definitely surrender to you. I will let you go today. You can go."

As he spoke, Xu Xin jumped into the water, turned around with his sleeves rolled up, raised one hand to chant sutras, and kept turning the beads with the other hand, as if to calm himself down.

"This is not okay."

Bai Qing'er jumped out of the water and lay on Xu Xin's back. Her skin was so close that she could easily feel the other person's temperature. She leaned into Xu Xin's ear and said, "You hurt me like this. We must be responsible for healing people’s wounds.”

"Don't push yourself too far, witch."

Xu Xin tilted his head, as if he was suppressing something.

Bai Qing'er smiled coquettishly, with a hint of coquettishness, and said pitifully: "It was you who used that big magic spell to turn away other people's skills. You also know that our demon sect is a predator of the jungle and covets other people's bodies. There are countless jackals, tigers and leopards.”

"Once others find out about someone else's situation, the best situation is to become someone else's furnace. You won't be so cruel, right?"

"Mr. help me, I'm crazy!"

As Bai Qing'er spoke, her delicate body suddenly softened, and she gave up the control of the true energy in her body. Her internal energy was instantly disordered, blue and purple colors appeared on her face, and her body became hot and cold.

(End of this chapter)

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