The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 580: In addition to blood, purple blood

Chapter 580: In addition to blood, purple blood


After Xu Xin put Bai Qing'er down, he carefully inspected her condition. He was a little surprised by what this woman did. She actually allowed the zhenqi that Xu Xin had previously invaded her body to change at will.

If Xu Xin didn't lend a helping hand, even if the girl in front of her didn't die, she would still be injured due to the depletion of external energy. That was the case of Lu Miaozi. If she didn't do anything right, she would be dead easily.

This Bai Qing'er actually used her own life as a bet? Are you sure he, Xu, will save people?

Xu Xinxin was thinking about it, but his hand movements were slow. He immediately put Bai Qing'er down from his back, and the two of them submerged into the water again. His hands were placed on each other's pink back, and threads of true energy were sent into it. within its body.

Xu Xin put his hands on her fragrant back, and after the true energy entered her body, he made an unusual discovery.

Xu Xin had just invaded some of Bai Qing'er's body, which made the situation inside her body complicated. Bai Qing'er's own true energy had been refined a lot. If Xu Xin didn't help, she would have to refine it on her own. It can be successfully eliminated, but it will also cause a huge loss of vitality.

People in the Demon Sect are the most realistic people. Once Bai Qing'er's vitality is severely damaged and becomes known, her situation will be quite unfavorable. So this woman took a gamble? Want someone like him, Xu, to come to the rescue?

Xu Xin still couldn't believe that Bai Qing'er, who had just met him not long ago, would make such a choice. But a Bai Qing'er whose vitality has been greatly damaged is obviously not in his interest, and he can also take the opportunity to explore the secret of the devil's energy and transform the little witch into his own shape.

Bai Qing'er obviously had other ideas when she pretended to be faint, but Xu was confident in his own abilities and took advantage of this opportunity to first train her to be smart, and then to...hehehe...

Originally, Bai Qing'er's Heavenly Demon Technique had only been practiced to the fifteenth level. Looking at the whole world, he was considered a strong person. However, as long as he had not mastered the Space Chapter of the sixteenth level of Heavenly Demon Dafa, he would not be able to truly pass it on.

The future leader of the Central Plains Demon Sect, after being defeated by the supreme master Ling Donglai, spent ten years cultivating the "Purple Blood Technique". The blood in his body turned purple, his temperament changed drastically, and he became closer to the way of heaven. A wonderful technique that condenses heaven and human beings and transforms them into new beings.

"The Heavenly Demon Dharma of the Yingui Sect is very interesting. It seems to be directly directed at heavenly beings or the Heavenly Demon's Dharma. The Heavenly Demon Dharma is to build the foundation of the Tao, the deeper Purple Blood Dharma, coagulate blood and shed the fetus, and transform the body of the Heavenly Demon... "

Xu Xinxin was a little more confident. According to the information he knew, the lost "Purple Blood Dharma" of the Yingui Sect was recovered by the "Blood Hand" in later generations.

But this time, as the Heavenly Demonic Qi was refined, the remaining Heavenly Demonic Qi was extremely pure, even beyond the sixteenth level.

Along with the changes in this process, Xu Xin learned more about Bai Qing'er's body, and the deep secrets of the demonic energy were also analyzed by him bit by bit.

"According to my speculation, the realm of heaven and man is also the three major transformations and sublimations of essence, energy and spirit, condensing the soul of heaven and man, the body of heaven and man, and the energy of heaven and man."

Immortal Qi has a miraculous effect in healing injuries. The alien Qi essentially absorbs Bai Qing'er's own strength and returns it to heal the wounds. The effect is even more remarkable. In a short time, Bai Qing'er's internal injuries were mostly healed. .

The situation in Bai Qing'er's body is not optimistic. The zhenqi that Xu Xin had previously invaded her body grew rapidly, refining her originally sinister and evil demonic energy, greatly reducing the amount of zhenqi in her body. During the crisis, it continued to condense and become more powerful. Escape.

The condensed demon energy in her body was flowing wildly, like a wild horse running uncontrollably through the meridians and acupoints.

The Purple Blood Dafa is suspected to be the second volume of the Heavenly Demon, which has been lost during the Demon Sect's great escape. However, it is suspected that the first volume of the Heavenly Demon's Dafa has been completely inherited within the Yingui Sect.

"The human body has endless mysteries, even the true energy is the same. It's really beyond my expectation..."

Xu Xin helped Bai Qing'er's body regain control of the true energy bit by bit, and at the same time gained a deeper understanding. A trace of purple light flowed throughout the body, and finally spread from the invisible meridians to the tangible blood vessels.

This part of the true energy is now out of control, and traces of purple light are constantly swimming in his body.

Xu Xin quickly transferred his own true energy into Bai Qing'er's body. The true energy produced by the longevity art is not as weird and sinister as the devil's energy, nor is it as eccentric and extreme as other magic sect techniques, but it is the most neutral and peaceful. Taoist Qi, the supreme method of healing and maintaining health.

Her Heavenly Demonic Qi cannot be truly transmitted, and it is not condensed and pure enough. Therefore, when she encounters the alien Qi that Xu Xin has specially transformed to restrain the Heavenly Demonic Qi, she will be beaten to the point where she has no power to fight back and cannot escape like Huanwen. Xu's clutches.

Xu Xin selflessly sent in Qi, first reaching his Dantian Qi sea, and then starting from there, along the twelve main meridians to bring order to the chaos.

But at this moment, a more troublesome situation emerged. Due to the invasion of the alien qi, most of the true qi in Bai Qing'er's body was refined, devoured and strengthened, while the remaining part of the pure demonic qi, after continuous condensation, became extremely pure in nature.

The alien energy that grew up first and the remaining demonic energy were constantly fighting with her as the battlefield, making her physical problems more and more serious.

Wherever his zhenqi passed, the grown-up alien zhenqi power rushed back in, transforming into the righteous and peaceful zhenqi to nourish her body.

"The purple true energy flows in the blood. Could it be the Purple Blood Dafa? But hasn't that method been lost? Are the Heavenly Demon Dafa and the Purple Blood Dafa really related to each other? But what about the current changes? The same thing?"

Xu Xin has had contact with two of the most outstanding descendants of the contemporary Yingui sect, Huanwan and Bai Qing'er. He has a good understanding of the Heavenly Demon Dharma. In addition, he is very interested in the miraculous skill of the Purple Blood Dharma. After experimental deductions, he has achieved some results. , this Bai Qing'er is just suitable to be a "guinea pig".


Xu Xin was still thinking about continuing to transform Bai Qing'er, but suddenly he felt that the hands pressing on her delicate body were sucked by a suction force, and soon the latter's three thousand black hair started to flutter automatically.

Bai Qing'er's hair was very black and shiny. It was caused by blood. Hair that was too black and shiny was not normal. What's more, the three thousand blue hairs were now dyed with a layer of purple light.

"Mr. Lang, I saw it right. You are a good person."

Bai Qing'er slowly floated up like a ghost, her eyes slowly opened, revealing a pair of black and shining eyes that were absolutely worthy of her peerless appearance and could evoke the most beautiful dreams. The first thing she did when she woke up was to send a good person card to Xu.

"Go on and sleep, have a good dream, it will be over soon."

Xu Xin smiled, and then more of the immortal energy changed and turned into a lavender misty halo, which escaped into Bai Qing'er's body and guided the demon energy in Bai Qing'er's body to make unusual attempts. Bai Qing'er instantly lost control of her body again. She rolled her beautiful eyes and her consciousness wandered between clarity and chaos. She soon became Xu's "plaything" and could do with him as he pleased.

This process continues for a long time until the sky is bright and the sun gradually moves towards the top of the head.


Bai Qing'er felt waves of numbness in her body, and her beautiful eyes kept blinking. Xu Xin in her vision was sometimes clear and sometimes blurry.


When she regained consciousness again, she felt like she had had a good sleep, and her body felt relaxed and comfortable. When she opened her eyes, the morning sunlight came into view, and that strange and familiar face was facing her gaze. .


Bai Qing'er looked at Xu Xin who was close at hand and subconsciously smiled. The smile was extremely pure and filled with joy from the heart.

She felt that there seemed to be some lack of memory. She had wanted to use the man in front of her to sort out her true energy, and then... she fell asleep in a daze? I can't remember some clearly.

She smiled happily, and even she didn't realize how much she had changed at this time. She, a disciple of the Yingui Sect, actually relaxed her body and kept laughing, happy that the first person she saw when she opened her eyes was the man in front of her.

"When you wake up, get up first and hold me down..."

Xu Xin opened his eyes after hearing the smile, his face was very "pale", as if he wanted to move his body that had been entangled with Bai Qing'er.

"Hehe, I've been hugging you for so long, so I don't miss this for a while!"

Bai Qing'er actually put her arms around Xu Xin's waist and said with an angry smile: "You are really not willing to hurt others. You are really a good person."

"Let go."

Xu Xin pretended to be unhappy, but it only made Bai Qing'er hug him tighter.


Bai Qing'er's lips opened slightly, and a rich and fragrant breath hit her nostrils. Xu Xin felt his body become soft and warm for a while, and the desire that had disappeared before began to attack again.

"This kind of skill is not so easy to solve."

Bai Qing'er held Xu Xin's cheek, her delicate body covered him and pressed him on the big rock next to the pool. Panmu smiled and said: "Since people want to mess with your mind, they naturally have to put an end to it. Everything will be fine again." How can we determine victory or defeat if we haven’t used it all?”

"What are you going to do?"

"I shouldn't have saved you just now, you're such a witch."

Xu Xin acted a little fake at this time and was a little too panicked. But now Bai Qing'er doesn't seem to be aware of this.

"Monk, I'm a witch, and I'm the best at biting you back."

Bai Qing'er continued laughing, her flexible little red tongue swirling between her lips.

"The monk showed great mercy, but the enchantress took advantage of the situation. I believe the Buddha will also forgive you."

"Mr. Sir! Do you know that when I saw you for the first time, I already thought about what it would be like to be lingering with you..."

Her hands reached into the thin snow-white monk's robe.

"Don't mess around..."

Xu Xin struggled to "resist".

"Monk, I feel so cold. Can you help me?"

Bai Qing'er leaned over Xu Xin's body, and swam across Xu Xin's upper body like a beautiful snake. Xu Xin's tongue was dry, but he still wanted to maintain his persona, insisting on pretending to be dismissive and tilting his head. But her heart was beating wildly, making the witch even more proud.


Bai Qing'er smiled even more happily and took the initiative to hold up Xu Xin's head, "He's gone crazy again. Monk, you have to save him this time..."

As she spoke, she lowered her head and pressed her two small hands between her ribs. The true energy poured into Xu Xin's body and aroused his primitive impulse.

Two figures, a man and a woman, gradually overlapped in front of the pool.

(End of this chapter)

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