The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 597 Buddha covered his face after hearing this

Chapter 597 Buddha covered his face after hearing this

"Master has great magical power, Feng'er admires it. Although it is a competition, there should be a winner or a loser. Please take another blow from Feng'er."

Dugu Feng didn't recognize Xu Xin's statement of "not beneath me". She flicked her wrist and drew an arc in the air with the tip of her sword.

In the arc, thousands of sword energies suddenly bloomed, as dazzling as the rising sun. The majestic sword energy was like a peacock spreading its tail, and the dazzling sword light was like the blazing sun at noon, which made Sha Zhijing who was watching feel... My eyes hurt, and I almost wanted to shed tears.

The moment the sword light bloomed, Dugu Feng's figure disappeared, and the thousands of dazzling sword energy merged into a rolling torrent, flowing towards Xu Xin like the Yangtze River.

Xu Xin lowered his eyes slightly, turning a blind eye to the erratic, criss-crossing sword energy. His perfect spiritual sense clearly told him that the true body of the long sword hidden behind the thousands of sword energy was the real killing move. .

Xu Xin remained motionless, but waved his wide sleeves, and a gust of breeze blew out. It seemed like only a gust of breeze, but it contained continuous strength, which could be straight, feminine, or twisting, and blasted towards the attacking attackers like it covered the ground and stretched to the sky. Sword energy.

When the sword energy, which is as dazzling as the rising sun, comes into contact with the breeze, these invisible energies join together and use clever force to dissolve or disperse the sword energy, leaving no trace behind.

However, Dugu Feng's real killing move was not the sword energy that was as dense as a net, but the sword edge that followed the sword energy.

The sword energy was withdrawn, and Dugu Feng, whose traces were covered by the dazzling sword energy, suddenly appeared in front of Xu Xin, stabbing Xu Xin slowly with a sword, not visually slow, but truly slow.

Sha Zhijing leaned back and almost fell to the ground. Xu Xin hugged her waist to support her body. Most of her body weight was pressed on that hand. This was naturally a very close contact and allowed Master Xu to feel the waist of this rich lady. The limbs are slender and tight.

Xu Xin waved his sleeves and opened all the gravel leaves flying toward Sha Zhijing.

His skin also felt like being pricked by needles. Although the spiritual stage was still clear and clear, and his body felt like it was being pressed hard by a heavy stone, he could not escape the range of the sword. He immediately turned his palm into a fist and used the pestle technique of Vajra to subjugate demons with all his strength. out.

Xu Xin and Sha Zhijing met each other's eyes. The wealthy daughter shyly avoided looking, her face was slightly red, and her lips moved lightly.

Only then did his words fade away.

Xu Xin's figure moved suddenly, and he came behind Dugu Feng in just a breath. He gently held her slender waist and helped her relieve her strength. After that, his figure flew out again, and Sha Zhijing was shocked. Before calling, he circled her waist.

Under normal circumstances, even people who have not practiced martial arts can easily dodge at such a sword speed. But Sha Zhijing, who was watching, felt that she couldn't avoid it, she couldn't avoid it at all.


According to Xu's experience, if he bows down decisively at this time, the rich daughter will most likely close her eyes half-heartedly, enjoy a sweet kiss with him, and then her heart will tremble, and he will easily win the third base , and finally...

It's not enough to grasp it, but it will definitely feel great when you grasp it.

Xu Xin took half a step back this time, but the stone slab under him was unharmed. On the contrary, Dugu Feng was shaken by the strong counterattack force and took several steps back. Each step broke a stone slab, but by retreating, the aftermath of the energy was transferred to his feet.

When Xu Xin's fist hit the sword ridge on the side of Dugu Feng, the highly concentrated fist force collided with Dugu Feng's sword energy. Everything in the courtyard was strangely still for a moment. After a moment of stalemate, the energy suddenly exploded, and the invisible energy swept away.

Xu Xin's expression was slightly solemn. Dugu Feng's sword seemed ordinary, but the momentum of the sword produced huge pressure and completely enveloped him. The sword energy was endless. It targets the senses, and even the spiritual sense is locked.

The roaring wind and waves like a typhoon swept across the entire courtyard. Countless flowers, plants, trees, and fallen leaves were flying. Even the rockery nearby was torn apart by the aftermath. Stones and debris flew everywhere, hitting everywhere like hidden weapons, leaving holes like raindrops.

"Be careful girl."

"Zhijing, are you okay?"

It's a pity that there is an extra light bulb in the yard, and Master Xu is not good at doing things that go against the holy monk's rules, so he can only waste this perfect opportunity.

Dugufeng's call made Sha Zhijing, who had watery eyes, regain some sense. She glanced at Xu Xin, who had a clear look, and the wealthy daughter secretly confessed to the Buddha in her heart. She felt that she was really crazy, thinking about seducing the master and making mistakes in her head. The key is this Fengfeng, if my best friend doesn't scream, she might be bold enough to kiss her.

"Thank you, Master, for coming to the rescue."

Dugufeng's footsteps came quickly, and Sha Zhijing woke up as if from a dream, thanked Xu Xin softly, and then regained her footing with his help.

"Master, you must be quite tired after a long journey. I will take you to rest first."

Sha Zhijing said, taking Dugu Feng's hand and leaving quickly, leading the way.

"Zhijing, how does it feel when Master Fahai holds your waist?"

"Fengfeng, why are you asking me? Master just touched your waist."

"The place he touched was warm and felt very comfortable, so I asked you how it felt."

"Fengfeng, you are too brave, but it feels so comfortable to be held by Master! If you hadn't ruined my good deeds just now, I might have kissed you uncontrollably..."

"Well, you Zhijing, I saved you, but you want to become a monk and violate the precepts. You really are a little witch."

"You dare to say you don't want to? The master is so good-looking, I feel like I can't even dream about it tonight..."

"Don't talk nonsense. He is a monk. If he is not, I will go to his room to drink with him tonight."

"Is it really just drinking?"

"You're going to die. You've been thinking about something all day long."


Xu Xin followed them, his eyebrows changing constantly. The bold speeches of the two girls in front were really unexpected. Although the atmosphere was open at this time, it probably was not open to this extent.

Sure enough, the girls talked in private and made some sarcastic remarks. Buddha covered his face after hearing this.

This day's sparring with Dugu Feng was just a small incident.

In the following days, Xu Xin visited various important mansions in Luoyang through his connections with the Sha family and made many "good friends".

Because of his profound medical skills and Buddhist teachings, as well as his compassionate heart, he persuaded many wealthy businessmen in Luoyang to come forward to provide relief work, and the name of Fahai Saint Monk also spread in Luoyang.

During this period, news from Kou Zhong also came from time to time.

This kid's reputation has become more and more famous recently. He hangs out with Ba Fenghan. He encounters ambushes and bloody killings many times but successfully breaks through. He has gone all the way north to the area near Yanshi and should be able to reach Luoyang in the near future.

On this day, Xu Xin was knocking on wooden fish and reciting the Heart Sutra in the house. Sha Zhijing and Dugu Feng came to visit again. These cousins ​​and best friends often came to see her. Xu Xin also met many official ladies in Luoyang through them. Cleared a lot of relationships.

But this time, Dugu Feng came to him, not to invite him to a banquet, but to ask him to treat an illness. He asked him to treat the top master of the Dugu clan, Dugu Feng's grandmother, You Chuhong.

(End of this chapter)

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