The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 598 An unexpected gain, the King of Southern Medicine

Chapter 598 An unexpected gain, the King of Southern Medicine

The Dugu clan, one of the four surnamed clans, once had the motto "Dugu is the world". Later, two queens appeared in the Dugu clan, which seemed to confirm this prophecy.

As the mother clan of Sui Emperor Yang Guang, the Dugu Clan relied on imperial power to develop. During the peak period of the Sui Dynasty, their influence ranked first among the four clans.

With the weakening of imperial power and the consistent lack of male heirs, the power of the Dugu Clan has greatly declined. It is no longer as powerful as before. Its power is only within Luoyang, and it can only barely compete with Wang Shichong who stayed in Luoyang.

The Dugu clan's mansion is not on the same street as the Sha family, but occupies an entire street by itself, but the distance between the two families is not too far.

It only took less than half an hour to get from Shafu to Dugu Valve.

Along the way, Xu Xin was reciting sutras in the car. Sha Zhijing and Dugu Feng, best friends, bit their ears and whispered. From time to time, they would look at Mr. Xu who was turning his rosary beads with his eyes closed, as if expecting Master Xu's abnormal behavior.

These two little girls didn't learn well at a young age, and all they discussed was about Mr. Xu's sarcastic remarks, what master has such a good figure, Zhijing, did you take a peek... Although they lowered their voices and whispered, but right there At such a close distance, with Xu Xin's martial arts skills, it was no different than talking in his ear!

Sha Zhijing's martial arts skills are average and she may not know these things, but Xu Xin can be sure that the Dugu Clan's little Phoenix definitely did it on purpose. With her martial arts and spiritual sense, how could she not know that Xu Xin could hear everything she whispered so close? Just let him hear it on purpose.

Faced with this situation, Master Xu could only pretend to be a fool. If he opened his mouth, wouldn't it be that he didn't expose himself to the "eavesdropping" thing, which would affect his character!

As the carriage slowly stopped, this rather difficult journey finally came to an end. Xu Xin followed Dugu Feng and Sha Zhijing out of the carriage, and together they entered a secluded garden courtyard in Dugu Mansion.

"Cough cough..."

Xu Xin slowly followed the two sisters, crossed the threshold and entered the house. At that moment, two figures attracted his attention.

This nearly 100-year-old woman has white hair and a pair of eyes half-covered by her eyelids, as if she is blind. Her face is covered with deep wrinkles, her forehead is protruding, her cheeks are sunken, and her complexion is strangely dark. There was a pink color that did not belong to her age in the paleness.

After a while, You Chuhong's coughing stopped, and everyone in the room except Xu Xin breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mommy, Feng'er is back!"

Beside the old woman, in addition to Dugu Feng and Sha Zhijing, there is also a young man in his twenties. At the moment, he is treating You Chuhong with Zhenqi and acupuncture, but it seems that the effect is not that good, and the effect is quite good. slow.

The old woman was extremely tall. Even though she was rickety, she was still half a head taller than the pretty Dugu Feng. When she coughed, her eyes turned toward the ground, but Xu Xin had a feeling that this old woman was He had been scrutinizing him since he came in.

In the room, Xu Xin watched for a while and saw beads of sweat covering the young man's forehead. He spoke loudly and asked. The young man looked at him in surprise. After thinking for a moment, he did as Xu Xin said.

"The needles penetrate the Yunmen and Tianfu points."

Dugu Feng's footsteps jumped as she entered the courtyard. She pulled Sha Zhijing all the way to a house and called softly. Soon a maid came out and opened the door.

Xu Xin observed this young man and saw that his clothing style seemed to be that of a Qing Xiu from the Taoist lineage. Xu Xin could feel that his Qi was extremely pure and that he was an authentic Taoist or a fellow disciple of Dugu Feng.

Waves of coughs continued to sound in the room. The delicate and beautiful Dugu Feng's face was full of worry and distress, and her small jade hands carefully patted the coughing old woman behind her. Not surprisingly, this is Dugu Feng's grandmother, the top master of the Dugu Clan, You Chuhong.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Wei! Thank you, Master!"

Dugu Feng gently stroked You Chuhong's vest, helped her grandmother sit down, and thanked the young man who performed the acupuncture and Xu Xin.

"Junior Sister Feng, please don't try to offend me. I owe my success this time to this master's guidance." The young man humbly avoided Dugu Feng's thanks, calmed down his own energy, turned to Xu Xin, bowed solemnly, and said: "I, Wei Shanjun, have met the master."

"Poor monk Fahai!"

Xu Xin returned the greeting and said his name, and the two of them knew each other.

"Southern Medicine King Wei Shanjun?"

Master Xu's memory is astonishing now, and he quickly dug up this name from the Sui and Tang history books he had read. Wei Shanjun, the King of Southern Medicine, was a Taoist master who was said to have lived over a hundred years old. He was good at medicine. It is said that he once worshiped Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine. Master, is this the descendant of Medicine King?

"Master Fahai, could you please check on my mother's condition?"

Dugu Feng's soft voice came, and Xu Xin immediately walked in front of You Chuhong and stopped when he was about two feet away.

"Miss Feng, please step aside a little."

Xu Xin spoke loudly, and he could see the problem with You Chuhong's cough at a glance. It was caused by diverted Qi during Qigong practice, which caused damage to the relevant meridians. He didn't pay much attention at first, and the small injuries turned into hidden injuries. Normal methods were useless, but Immortality Secret Qi is best at regulating such situations.

"Mommy, Master Fahai is very powerful, you can rest assured and leave it to him!"

Dugu Feng and You Chuhong whispered a few words and then stepped aside. By this time, Xu Xin was already ready.

"call out!"

Xu Xin entered the Ding Yun Gong, and suddenly the index finger of his right hand pointed a strangely hot finger force toward the Baihui point on the top of You Chuhong's head.

"Cough cough cough..."

You Chuhong coughed violently the moment she was hit, and then she felt a stream of hot air coming down from the top of her head and gradually spreading throughout her body.

Xu Xin's medical skills and Yiyang Finger Kung Fu have long been superb. Even Duan Siping, the first ancestor of the Duan family in Dali who created this Kung Fu, is far behind him in this aspect. Without asking any questions, Xu Xin grasped You Chuhong's condition and came up with a treatment method.

Xu Xin danced around the room, extending his fingers soothingly and freely, drawing back his arms gracefully and gracefully, and pointed out many large acupoints related to the lung meridians. Those onlookers were stunned by the strange and unmistakable techniques. These fingering techniques And the treatment methods are unseen and unheard of.


When Xu Xin made the last point, You Chuhong, who kept coughing, coughed twice violently. After a while, her throat squirmed, and she spit out a large mouthful of thick phlegm on the ground. Then she sat up with a red face. After Xu Xin gave him a push from the air, he fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

"As long as the old lady takes a nap, she should be fine. Let's go out first so as not to affect the old lady's rest."

Xu Xin said this to everyone in the room, and then left the room. Sha Zhijing and Wei Shanjun followed him out of the room. Dugu Feng and several maids followed You Chuhong out after tucking herself into bed.

The scene in which Xu Xin treated You Chuhong left a deep impression on Wei Shanjun. The future King of Southern Medicine took the initiative to chat a lot with Xu Xin. During the conversation with him, Xu Xin also gained something unexpected. This related to his promotion of Taiping Dao in Yangzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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