The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 702: Surround my life, I am the great ruling priest in heaven and on earth, I am the only on

Chapter 702: Surround my life, I am the Great Priest of Judgment...I am the only one in heaven and on earth!

In the Judgment Temple, in front of Xu Xin’s independent throne, fairy peach blossoms bloomed one after another, and they danced around him.

He closed his eyes and opened his hands, as if he was embracing Haotian. Countless petals were flying around him, shining brightly and translucently.


Petals fell all over the sky, with thousands of rays of light, thousands of auspicious colors, and colorful lights, flying towards the high priest of judgment, trying to drown him and bid him farewell forever.

The figure of the High Priest of Judgment kept flashing and appearing in various places in the temple, and the long sword in his hand kept swinging out, cutting off the crystal peach blossoms one after another.


The High Priest of Judgment is not a person who likes to defend and escape. After several consecutive sword blows shattered a few peach blossoms, he stood in the void. His eyes were like swords, his sword was like shooting stars, his waist was like a dragon, his body was like lightning, and he destroyed the fairy with one sword. , go straight to the person in the flower.

"Boom bang bang..."

The sword of the High Priest of Judgment cut through petals of the fairy peach blossoms that were blocking the way, breaking countless petals along the way, rushed in front of Xu Xin, and unleashed a killing blow.

The High Priest of Judgment felt awe-struck in his heart, and truly felt the threat of death. His spiritual sense told him that every figure here might be his true form. He was not sure if he could only hit one person. If there were so many, would he really want to do this? The end?

He was afraid and wanted to run away. As long as he escaped from the Judgment Temple and found Xiong Chumo, he might still have a chance to survive.

Xu Xin spoke from above the void, looking down at the Judgment Priest with cold eyes, and slowly lowered his right hand.

Endless flowers rained down, and each piece was crystal clear. Xu Xin was like a god holding flowers and smiling. He was flawless and holy, and every petal was engraved with his mark.

The Judgment Priest, who was at the peak of knowing his destiny, had a ferocious expression. A slight trace of blood appeared on his face. When the petals and thousands of figures were approaching, he felt that he was about to burst, and a huge dangerous energy enveloped him.

"Long Qing, you blasphemed the ruling and you should be punished!"


With one thought, the flowers bloom and rule the world!
Xu Xin had only learned to use the supreme killing magic from the Empress "Shading the Sky" for the first time. Before he could show its full power, the Judgment Priest, who also knew his destiny, almost collapsed. What happened was extremely terrifying. This is A sure-kill, taboo method.

The High Priest of Judgment roared, the aura on his body surged, and the power of the sword in his hand reached the extreme.


Peach blossoms covered the temple, and the void seemed to be annihilated by these fairy flowers. A powerful aura enveloped the world. This was an indescribable depression, as if the end of the world was coming.

"You're scared, but you can't escape."

The Judgment Priest's sword slashed down, and as peach blossoms were flying all over the sky, he suddenly looked up.

The breeze was blowing, and at a glance, Xu Xin's figure was all over the sky. It was hard to tell whether it was the petals of flowers or the millions of bodies he had transformed into. It was difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Xu Xin floated up in the air, standing on a peach blossom, his clothes fluttering, like a banished immortal descending, and the power of this supreme killing technique of blooming was just revealed.

The heaven and earth rioted, the void shattered, peach blossoms fell all over the sky, and the great energy flowed.

What kind of ultimate killing technique is this?
It has never appeared in the Haotian world. Was it Long Qing's own creation and understanding?


Many powerful people in the Temple of Judgment, including the High Priest of Judgment, were extremely shocked. Even with powerful spiritual induction, they were unable to identify and it was difficult to tell which one was Xu Xin's true body.

He seemed to be trying to fight to the death, but Xu Xin had already noticed his thoughts.


The High Priest of Judgment hurriedly raised his sword to block, his knees softened and he knelt on the ground. The falling peach blossoms were like a flood breaking a bank, unstoppable, and his figure sank into the ground of the temple little by little.


The cracks in the ground beneath the High Priest of Judgment are spreading, and wisps of blood spill out from the corners of his mouth. Cracks everywhere on his body are also bursting with blood, and his face is full of horror.

"Son of Light!" "Save my life, I am the High Priest of Judgment."

The High Priest of Judgment shouted in horror.

"I am the ruling priest!"

"You are just a loser and have no right to live."

Xu Xin didn't say anything, but continued to press it with his right hand. With a roar, countless petals fell, submerging the figure of the Judgment Priest little by little, isolating him from the outside world.

At this time, no one could see through, hear anything at all, or sense the situation of the Judgment Priest.

"This is...grey eyes..."

The High Priest of Judgment felt the loss of his mind power and trembled in horror.

And among the petals in the sky, Xu Xin appeared in front of him, his palm pressed on his Tianling Cap, his body was like a bottomless pit, and his whole body was like an abyss, swallowing all light.

The "Grey Eyes" secret technique mentioned by the Judgment Priest was inherited in Zhi Shou Guan and originated from a cruel technique of the Demon Sect, the Taotie Technique.

Taotie Dafa can improve oneself by devouring flesh and blood. To put it more clearly, it is cannibalism, cannibalism.

The only person in the world who knew this skill was Liansheng Thirty-Two, who was trapped in the Demon Sect's mountain gate. He ate Jian Xiaoxiao, Ke Haoran's lover from the academy, alive, which greatly stimulated Ke Haoran's soul and killed him crazily along the way. Finally, he drew his sword and asked the sky and died.

Many years ago, after killing an elder from the Demon Sect who practiced the Taotie method, a certain powerful man from Zhishouguan thought about the dangers in the battle. After meditating for three nights, he used the knowledge and wisdom as vast as the sea to use the supreme Taoist method. The Taotie method was modified and the "grey eyes" were obtained.

The foundation of this skill is Taotie Dafa. In essence, it captures the consciousness of other practitioners to strengthen itself. However, after being transformed by Taoism, it no longer needs to devour flesh and blood and directly captures consciousness. It does not look like before. As bloody as it is, it appears to be more righteous and peaceful, but in fact it is equally cruel.

Later Prince Longqing did learn "grey eyes", but he was no match for Ning Que who knew how to "taotie".

What Xu Xin is using now is naturally not the "Grey Eyes", but the "Swallowing Heaven Demon Technique" that he created based on the "Absorption Technique".

Tuntianjia thought about it, saying that he would not really have a fate with the empress in the future!

"With one thought, flowers bloom and you rule the world!"

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth!"

Xu Xin's voice resounded through the Judgment Temple. His temperament completely changed. His black hair was dancing wildly, his eyes were hollow and terrifying. His fairy temperament completely disappeared, like a demon god.


The overwhelming murderous intent, like a vast ocean, suddenly submerged the Judgment Temple.

Everyone in the Judgment Temple, including Ye Hongyu, only felt the immeasurable power coming, and they suddenly bowed their heads to the ground. Their bodies could not move, their eyes could not move, and thoughts of surrender kept pouring out of their hearts.


The void collapsed, petals were flying all over the sky, Xu Xin's figure appeared again, and the only thing left in the place was the robe of the Great Priest of Judgment.

Xu Xin glanced at the Judgment God's robe that fell to the ground, and just raised his hand. The Judgment God's robe floated into the ground of the broken temple, and the damaged ground quickly melted, recovered, and became as black as a mirror again.

He walked to the throne of Judgment and sat down.

The black jade throne is huge, like a sea of ​​blood.

The golden robe on his body looked so abrupt. Sitting on the throne, he was like a bright light in this sea of ​​blood.

"Meet the High Priest of Judgment!"

All the priests and divine guards in the Judgment Temple quickly came forward to worship. From now on, Xu Xin is the high priest of Judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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