The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 703 You chose it! Headmaster!

Chapter 703 You chose it! Headmaster!

On the verdant Peach Mountain in spring, the black Judgment Temple exudes a chilling and cold smell.

Hundreds of priests in red robes and deacons in black knelt on the smooth and flat ground of the temple, looking like red flowers printed on the ground in the dark night.

The priests and deacons had been kneeling for a long time, and their knees were already in pain, but no one dared to get up or even raise their head.

They looked down at their reflections on the smooth floor of the temple and saw the humble expression on their faces. Even they themselves could not understand why they were so humble. A fear from the deepest place made their bodies stiff.

On the floor of the temple, the night-time red flowers became a little rusty. The ink jade throne exuded light, but people could not feel any beauty. They could only feel the cold and bloody breath coming towards their faces.

This has been the case in the Judgment Department of the Xiling Temple for countless years. The people inside deal with horrific punishments all day long and believe in the principle that the strong will always be strong, so no one is unfamiliar with this atmosphere.

The Judgment Temple has not changed much, it is still so empty and cold, as if the ink jade throne of a sea of ​​blood is still there.

But the bead curtain in front of the throne was shattered into powder all over the ground in the battle just now. It was swept away into the deep pit in the center of the hall and buried together with the former High Priest of Judgment.

The bead curtain in front of the black jade throne has existed in the Judgment Temple for many years, adding a lot of mysterious and terrifying atmosphere to the powerful man on the throne.

Xu Xin sat on the ink jade throne, always silent, with no expression on his face. He was extremely calm, and therefore extremely cold.

Some timid people gritted their teeth in fear, but found that the sound was so clear that they almost fainted from fear.

The priests and deacons of the Judgment Temple, people have been accustomed to the existence of the bead curtain, but now they have to get used to the absence of the bead curtain, because the original man on the throne has died, and instead he likes to wear gold-threaded white robes of another man.

The divine guard shouted loudly: "Sinner Luo Ke Enemy, the previous high priest is dead, why don't you kneel down quickly and pay homage to the new high priest."

Xu Xin looked at the people kneeling respectfully in front of them and listened to the nervous and fearful breathing of the people. His eyes did not change at all. He was still waiting.

A bloody aura spread out from behind Luo Kedi, and Ye Hongyu's figure appeared, blocking his retreat. The divine guard who brought him in also drew the sharp sword from his waist and pointed it at Luo Kedi.

"call out!"

"The great priest is dead? I don't believe it..."

"Great Priest, Luo Kedi is here."

A divine guard walked up to the temple to report. The other person following him did not realize something was wrong until he entered the temple. He quickly stopped and looked up, and saw clearly that the figure sitting on the throne was not the big figure he was familiar with. The priest is another person.

Luo Kedi, the former chief minister of the Xiling Temple and the commander of the divine guards, is a tall, middle-aged man. When he puts on the armor, his whole person looks like a movable metal fortress. After seeing clearly that it was Xu Xin sitting on the throne, he decisively drew his sword.

Waves of footsteps came from the direction of the door of the Judgment Temple, and two figures entered the familiar hall one after the other.

He didn't speak, and there was no sound in the entire Judgment Temple. All the priests and deacons knelt on the ground, not daring to look up or even guess.

"Long Qing, you are so brave, you actually dare to covet the throne of God!"

Luo Kedi couldn't believe the truth, shouted and slashed Ye Hongyu with his sword, and flew towards the door of the Judgment Temple with a single leap.

Although he couldn't figure out what happened specifically, he was basically certain that the Judgment Seat had indeed been replaced, and the Son of Light sitting on it had a lot of grudges with him. In this case, how dare Luo Kedi continue to stay here.

"Did I let you, a sinner go away!" Xu Xin's voice rang in Luo Kedi's eardrums, and then he felt his head spinning and dizzy, and he fell to the ground in a daze. When he regained some consciousness, , only to find that he had arrived in front of the throne of God, and the familiar Son of Light was right in front of him.

"Long Qing, you can't kill me, I am Zhang... Poof..."

Luo Kedi stood up in embarrassment, and then saw countless peach blossoms rushing toward him. His body flew out again, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

Puffs of blood bloomed in the air, and Luo Kedi felt as if his whole body had been cut into millions of pieces. The extreme pain really made him want to die.

When he fell to the ground again, the blood mist in the air dripped on his body, and his location was filled with blood.

"Being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts is the punishment you deserve."

On the throne of judgment, Xu Xin said loudly: "Later, go and tell Xiong Chumo that he should not make trouble in Xilinghu in the future and stay on the highest throne as his leader. This is what he should do. .”

"Otherwise, the God of Light in the past could suppress him, and of course the God of Judgment can do the same."

"Now, get out of here!!!"

After Xu Xin said this, with a wave of his sleeves, Luo Kedi, covered in blood and seriously injured by thousands of petals, with the word "sin" engraved on his face, flew out of the Judgment Temple and flew straight to the tallest white building in Xiling. The temple, the supreme throne under Haotian.

The moment Luo Kedi flew out of the Temple of Judgment, Xu Xin's blockade of the Temple of Judgment ended, and the outside world finally knew about the changes that had occurred in the Temple of Judgment, and understood the replacement of the Great Priest of Judgment.

A thunderbolt sounded in the white temple at the top, as if even the gods were shocked and confused.

In another temple, the great priest Tianyu sighed softly.

"Long Qing, how dare he..."

In the white temple, on the supreme throne under the clear sky, the tall Xiling headmaster Xiong Chumo, wearing a golden mask and a gorgeous red robe, looked at Luo Kedi, who was lying on the ground like blood and mud in front of him, and he felt like Extremely angry.

Ever since Wei Guangming was imprisoned in You Pavilion that year, no one in the Xiling Temple could challenge his majesty as the leader.

And even the Great Priest of Light, who was good at doing things in the past, never did such rude and provocative things.

"Aren't you convinced!"

A clear voice sounded in the white temple, and the figures of Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu appeared outside the temple. When the voice fell, they had already walked into the temple.

"Isn't this your choice? Headmaster!"

Xu Xin had a sarcastic smile on his face, looking straight at the trembling Xiong Chumo, with a series of bad looks such as contempt and contempt in his eyes. Xiong Chumo could clearly sense the other person's emotions.

This so-called Son of Light looked down upon him. He actually dared to look down on the Master of Xiling Temple. Who gave him the courage?

"Master Headmaster! Son of Light! Please calm down!"

Another voice sounded, and Cheng Lixue, the great priest of Tianyu and Tianyu Secretary, arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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