The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 704: Add another pair of wings and share the throne with Ye Hongyu

Chapter 704: Add another pair of wings and share the throne with Ye Hongyu

"Headmaster, the replacement of the Judgment Throne has been completed. This is Haotian's choice."

In the supreme temple, the words of the great priest Tianyu made Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, angry and helpless.

When Xu Xin killed the former High Priest of Judgment and sat on the throne of God, he, the leader, could no longer do anything to deal with the Son of Light.

The inheritance of the Momoyama Tripartite God's Throne has never been decided by the headmaster or the high priest himself, but by the rules.

The inheritance of the three divine thrones follows different paths.

The inheritance of the Judgment God's Throne is made by Haotian through the evaluation of power.

The inheritance of the Oracle Seat is Haotian's choice through the revelation of prophecies.

The inheritance of the Light God's Throne is Haotian's choice through the continuation of light.

In the empty temple, Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, stared at Xu Xin and said in a deep voice: "He is too rude. He is contemptuous of the temple."

Not only the great priest Tianyu was dumbfounded, but everyone inside and outside the temple who witnessed this scene, including Ye Hongyu, were dumbfounded.

I just went to report this morning, didn't even eat lunch, and became the leader of the Judgment Temple. This efficiency is too high!

"Blasphemy? Are you worthy of saying this word?"

However, Xu Xin is not afraid of the "six realms" of parallel imports that rely on external forces. In fact, if he had not been worried about breaking through now and being easily exposed to the sight of Haotian, Master, etc., Xu Xin would have quickly broken through the six realms on the day he entered Zhiming.

The open door was no longer filled with radiant light. You could clearly see that the peach blossoms and leaves were green everywhere in Taoshan, and it was as prosperous as a brocade.

He was filled with extremely powerful power, and bursts of divine light were rippling. Ye Hongyu behind Xu Xin and Cheng Lixue behind the Great Priest Tianyu both felt unsteady and found it difficult to resist the power.

"Xiong Chumo, if it weren't for the fact that the inheritance of the headmaster is different from that of the Judgment God's Throne, do you think your head would still be on your neck!"

Xiong Chumo, the leader of Xiling, is not a good person, but he does have some strength. He is the sixth level "Apocalypse" recognized by Haotian. When fighting against Haotian's enemies, he can even attract the Haotian God. The power of the country comes to the world.

"Before I accepted the order, I repeatedly confirmed with Priest Cheng that making me the second judge is something that is mutually recognized by the Headmaster and the Three Gods."

The peach grove of thousands of trees that had not bloomed for many years ushered in the miracle of blooming again on this day.

Xu Xin pressed his palm while speaking, and instantly countless petals flew in the temple. The great priest Tianyu looked at the gate of the temple in shock.

Xu Xin was appointed as the Second Priest of the Judgment Temple and became the Grand Priest of Judgment within half a day.

Xu Xin's words made Cheng Lixue, the vice-president of Tianyu Academy behind the great priest Tianyu, a little flustered. He never thought that just an appointment would lead to such a big thing as the replacement of the great priest in the Xiling Temple.

Xiong Chumo, dressed in red and wearing a gold mask, stood up and said angrily: "Even if you are the ruling priest, you cannot seriously injure the leader of the divine guards and throw them into the temple. What kind of blasphemy is this."

"Thousands of peach blossoms are blooming for me. You should know in your heart who is Haotian's favorite."

"Xiong Chumo, are you sure you dare to be my enemy in Taoshan?"

In the temple, Xu Xin was wrapped in countless peach blossom petals, like a god living in the world. The previously angry leader Xiong Chumo was now holding on to his golden scepter, feeling even angrier in his heart, but he had no intention of taking action. courage. The Ten Thousand Trees of Peach Blossoms in Peach Mountain is a powerful formation that even the invincible Master in the world takes the initiative to destroy. The person in front of him who can make the Ten Thousand Trees of Peach Blossoms bloom again is most likely the Son of Light, the beloved son of Haotian.

Peach Mountain is Haotian's sacred land in the human world, and the peach blossom trees are likely to be controlled by the other party. Xiong Chumo himself is a waste who bullies the weak and is afraid of the strong.

Under such circumstances, he would not dare to fight Xu Xin in Taoshan.

"From today on, the leader belongs to the leader, and the authority of the three major temples belongs to the three major temples. If anyone does anything arrogantly, the sword of judgment will not be polite."

When Xu Xin spoke, he stared at Xiong Chumo coldly. The headmaster of Xiling snorted unwillingly and acquiesced to Xu Xin's declaration.

According to the division of powers in Xiling, the head priest has a high status but not that much real power. The one with the greatest power has always been the Great Priest of Light, who is the head of the Three Gods, and can control anything.

But the actual situation is that after all, the headmaster is the nominal supreme leader and can take charge of everything, so he has a high position of power. Especially after the contemporary Guangming Great Priest made mistakes, Xiling almost became the headmaster's one-stop shop.

Now Xu Xin's declaration is to abolish Xiong Chumo's many years of hard work, and this is in line with the rules of the temple, so Xiong Chumo will not refute it. But in private, who will be in power still depends on their own abilities.

"let's go."

After Xu Xin finished speaking his words and expressing his will, he took Ye Hongyu back to the Judgment Temple.

At this moment, the priests, deacons, and divine guards were still kneeling on the spot, and there were more believers under Judgment's command who joined the kneeling team.

When Xu Xin sat on the throne again, a priest came forward, opened the thick file, looked at the people kneeling in fear in front of the throne, and said expressionlessly: "The kind and majestic Haotian has guided people. Walking out of the dark wasteland, the apostles holding sharp swords crushed the remaining ice in the ancient rivers, and stood in front of the bonfire to declare to the people..."

Just like the change of dynasties in the secular world, the inheritance of the Judgment God's Seat will often set off a bloody storm. As the priest's indifferent and ruthless voice sounded, dozens of red-robed priests and black-clothed deacons were dragged out of the Judgment Temple. From time to time, there was the sound of axes being hacked or crying outside.

Dozens of priests and deacons, as staunch supporters of the former Judgment Throne, some must die, and some may have to live to continue to contribute to the Xiling Temple.

The Adjudication Department is very realistic. As long as they have enough strength, they can atone for the corresponding sins and be qualified to continue to survive. After all, the Xiling Temple rules the world by relying on enforcers like them.

The cleaning of the Judgment Temple lasted for several days, a large amount of blood was washed away, and the personnel transfer of the Judgment Department finally stabilized.

The purge and replacement of Xiling Divine Kingdom is basically completed, and there are still places under the command of the Judgment Department in Haotian World.

In those places, we can't cut through the mess as quickly as we do now, we need to do it slowly. This is also another battlefield for the game between Xu Xin and Xiong Chumo.

However, Xu Xin does not intend to pay too much attention to these things. Power and status have never been the first thing he pursues. It can only be said that these are wings to help him grow.

On this day, he was going to give himself another pair of wings.

"Great Priest!"

A girl dressed in black and red divine robes came to the throne to pay her respects. She was naturally the chief judge, Taoist Ye Hongyu.

"Come here and sit down!"

Xu Xin looked at Ye Hongyu with a smile on his face, patted the ink jade throne that was as empty as a sea of ​​blood, and invited the Taoist mad girl to share the throne with him.

(End of this chapter)

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