The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 782 Pluto’s Eternal Night, Haotian Divine Kingdom

Chapter 782 Pluto’s Eternal Night, Haotian Divine Kingdom

The divine light of the apocalypse and the immeasurable Buddha's light fell on Sangsang's body. The little black girl couldn't help crying. The tears slid down her slightly dark face, fell to the ground and turned into ice beads. Each one was crystal clear and round, big and small. Exactly the same.

A very fine sound resounded in Sangsang's body, like bones being crushed into countless pieces, like flesh and blood being decomposed, and more like hard ice being continuously compressed.

The cold aura in her body was finally completely released.

A dark ball centered on her body and spread in all directions. Ning Que, who tried to get closer to Sangsang, was instantly knocked back dozens of feet. Li slowly and steadily caught him and landed.

Wherever the dark aura reaches, except for the area where the two-story building is located, the ground is frozen, the grass is covered with frost, and there is no life left.

The big black umbrella rose above Sangsang's head, and the cold breath continued to be released from her body. After those invisible and qualityless breaths met the real nature, they turned into a cold black cyclone.

The black storm rolled up the earth, rocks and gravel on the ground, roaring and dancing around her body. It looked like a black smoke rising into the sky.

Countless black crows squawked and flew, flapping their black wings and flying high into the sky, as if they wanted to get as far away from her as possible, until finally they all flew into the dim clouds.

The black clouds gathered more and more thickly. After a dozen black crows flew into the clouds, they turned into small black dots, as if someone had dropped a few thick ink in a pen-washing urn. The dark clouds gradually became Getting darker.

Then the big black umbrella in Sangsang's hand was like a brush, filled with the cold breath in her body, dyeing the clouds in the sky black.

If the divine staff in the hands of the headmaster of the Xiling Temple was a wick, it turned the light and heat released by the magic into real burning flames, brightening the sky.

"Why did it get so dark?"

"Is this Yongye?"

"Pluto, Pluto is here..."

Not a single ray of light can shine through. This is what is happening above Sangsang's head at this moment. All the apocalyptic lights and thousands of stars have disappeared. When you look up, you will see the kind of dead darkness, like the legendary black hole in the universe.

The more than ten black crows are just dots of ink dripping before putting down the pen. The real blackness comes from Sangsang itself.

The infinite light of the sky can no longer fall on Sangsang. Her body feels very good now, and the cold breath in her body will no longer cause her any pain. But she felt that this was a very bad situation, as if she was about to become someone else.

What is black?
Black is the absence of light.

I don't know how long it took, but when people finally woke up, they started to exclaim, scream, and cry in pain. Some people tried to escape, and Chang'an City suddenly fell into chaos.

Of course, no one except Xu Xin knows the meaning of the word "black hole", but there are still people who have seen the bottomless abyss. Such darkness covering the sky is like the darkness at the center of the abyss, giving people despair feelings.

The people in Chang'an City looked at the sky separated by light and darkness, and looked at the deep and silent darkness. They forgot to exclaim and scream, and just kept mumbling. Their expressions looked numb and bewildered, as if they were lost. soul.

The thick black clouds rolled violently, and then suddenly stopped. As the cold breath from the big black umbrella poured in, the dark clouds became darker and darker at a speed visible to the naked eye, until finally they seemed to turn into solid ink. Nothing but black.

On the wasteland ground, black smoke and dust roared and danced around Sangsang's body, and the cold breath followed the big black umbrella in her hand toward the high sky.

She looked in the direction of Chang'an City. Logically speaking, she could not see or feel it due to her cultivation level, but inexplicably, countless pictures appeared in her mind, including the familiar streets and faces of Chang'an, and she could clearly see all the details.

She saw those people's faces filled with fear, uneasiness, cowardice, hatred, sadness, and all negative emotions, but she didn't see any love.

In today's world, I'm afraid no one will like her anymore.

"Sang Sang, don't give up, you have to defeat Him!" Xu Xin's voice came, and Sang Sang, who bowed his head sadly, raised his head, and the night gradually spread and eroded towards the light.

Countless fine cracks appeared on the edge of the bright sky, like black spider webs. The spider webs quickly spread and grew, swallowing up everything that was bright. The bright sky was eroded and occupied by the darkness inch by inch, and countless people wailed in pain.

They clutched their chests and fell to the ground, not knowing whether the pain came from their bodies or their souls.

"The light is immortal and Haotian exists forever!!!"

A cry shocked people's hearts. The tall figure of the headmaster of Xiling Temple suddenly knelt down, still holding the staff tightly in his right hand. The loud and thunderous prayer sounded in Chang'an City.

Countless Haotian devout believers in Chang'an City knelt on the ground and prayed together. Even the most elite Tang army also knelt on the ground, because they were also Haotian believers, and they were also afraid of the coming of eternal night.

Millions of people prayed in unison, and their voices gradually became more harmonious, more powerful, and more shocking. People pray for the miracle of Haotian, pray for the revival of light, and pray for the darkness to recede.

The sky suddenly became brighter, as if countless amounts of light were injected back into the sky, and the dark night that was eroding the light stopped.

A shrill crow sounded in the night, and the ink-like darkness began to roll and become angry and violent.

The ice and snow lotuses at Sangsang's feet were already in full bloom. She held the big black umbrella tightly in her hand, and the cold breath kept spurting out from her body, turning into dark black and pouring into the night.

"The Kingdom of God is about to appear. Please protect all living beings, Master."

Xu Xin suddenly spoke to the master, and the old man holding the wine jar nodded.


The divine staff in the hand of Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, suddenly erupted into a pillar of light. White clouds appeared in the sky, and infinite light surged, as if a blazing sun had come to the world.

Immediately afterwards, a thunder sounded from high in the sky. The thunder sounded in the sky, rose from behind the clouds, and hit the earth. If the master had not taken action to lock down the power of heaven and earth, at least tens of thousands of people would have been shocked to death in that moment.

The thunder in the sky was just the sound of the door opening.

An extremely heavy and huge golden door is slowly opening behind the clouds.

Haotian's kingdom of light has been opened.

"The Kingdom of God, the Divine Dragon, it was them back then..."

The master on the second floor looked up at the sky. At this time, most of the living beings on the earth were kneeling on the ground. A huge golden dragon head poked out from the gate of the Kingdom of God behind the clouds, looking down at the earth with an indifferent expression.

The golden dragon head is huge, far up in the sky, but it clearly appears in front of everyone's eyes. All details can be seen very clearly. The scales are like light mirrors, and the dragon horns are like volcanoes. They have specific shapes, but they are Indescribable.

The color is like pure gold, yet it seems to be transparent, emitting infinite light and heat.

The sky shines brightly, and the golden dragon's head slowly rotates. Its eyes, like two bright faces, carry a sense of ancient silence, slowly scanning the humans on the earth, releasing terrifying pressure with an indifferent expression.

When he looked towards the second floor, the dragon's eyes froze slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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