The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 783 Is this the power of momentlessness!

Chapter 783 Is this the power of momentlessness!

There are records about dragons in the scriptures of Xiling Temple, there are stories about dragons in Buddhist scriptures, and there are also legends about dragons in the human world, but no one has ever seen the existence of dragons with their own eyes.

But now, a golden dragon, a mythical creature, has come to earth.

The golden dragon head releases infinite light, which represents warmth and kindness. However, light sometimes also means punishment.

At the back of the academy, Sangsang's eyes were tightly closed, her little face became extremely pale, and the black smoke and dust surrounding her body, under the infinite light emanating from the golden dragon head, quickly purified and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye. Her body was violently Trembling and looking extremely painful.


Probably because he felt that there were tiny humans on the earth who dared to resist his own majesty, the golden dragon head in the sky slowly turned and let out a dragon roar.

The dragon roared low, and when it fell on the ground, it was like a hurricane. In the wind, there seemed to be countless priests praying, countless protective knights roaring, and countless lights appearing.

Outside the academy, Xiling Headmaster Xiong Chumo's hand holding the staff was trembling slightly, not sure if it was because of fear or something else.

The great priest of Tianyu has knelt on his knees, his expression is very peaceful, his face is covered with wrinkles full of blood, reflecting countless rays of light, as if smeared with gold powder.

The golden dragon head sprinkled infinite light to the earth. In a short period of time, it purified the dark atmosphere surrounding Sangsang's body. Those rays containing absolute light and heat fell directly on Sangsang's body. Countless green rays Smoke was coming from her body.

In the light, Sang Sang looked extremely painful. She covered her chest and kept coughing. What she coughed up was not blood or cold breath, but something black and transparent like ice cubes.

Black transparent ice cubes coughed out from between her lips, and then fell to the ground, making a heavy impact, making extremely deep holes, and then disappeared.

In the back hill of the academy, a faint halo of light emerged from the two-story building, completely covering the back hill. The boundless light and dragon power could not affect other people in the back hill of the academy.

The golden dragon overlooked the earth, silently stared at the location of the mountain behind the academy, and breathed out a breath of dragon breath.

The dragon's head breathed out, and the golden light condensed into billions of debris, falling towards the wasteland, like a river of sand with endless embankments, but every grain of sand was absolutely transparent, and every grain of sand contained endless pressure.

The dragon's breath falling to the earth is composed of countless tiny golden gravels. These golden gravels containing infinite pressure did not ignite the blazing divine brilliance, but were blown away by the wind like real sand. It's fluttering everywhere in the breeze.

"Master, the Kingdom of God is now open, it is the time to slay the dragon."

Xu Xin's voice sounded from the back of the academy, and the master understood what he meant.

Just like Xu Xin said before, he first helped Pluto, and then helped the Master, swinging and jumping on both sides.

Now that the gate of Haotian Divine Kingdom is open and the golden dragon appears, it is the time for Master to kill the dragon and weaken Haotian. At this time, taking advantage of the opportunity to kill Haotian for more help, after Master ascends to the sky, the chance of winning will be higher.

When the golden dragon's breath fell, a hand stretched out from the second floor. It was the Master. He finally chose to take action.

"It turns out that the choice is not that difficult."

The Master laughed loudly and looked at the golden dragon head in the distance, his eyes becoming increasingly sharp.

The light is overwhelming the world, and countless people are kneeling on their knees, not daring to look directly at the sky. However, where the light is strongest, there is a tall man standing, using his figure to protect the legendary daughter of Hades.

This is a provocation to the majesty of the Haotian Kingdom and an unforgivable blasphemy. The golden dragon's eyes were as calm and indifferent as a lake of light, burning with angry divine fire. A distant and solemn dragon roar resounded throughout the world again, followed by a terrifyingly powerful dragon's breath.

Countless blazing divine radiances mixed with crystal clear golden gravel were sprayed out from the dragon's head high in the sky and struck towards the wasteland ground. The power contained in this dragon's breath was even greater than before, and the air where it passed was... It burned, and a golden-white flame covered it.

The golden gravel fell from the sky, came behind the Master, and then disappeared instantly. The light and heat among the golden gravel also disappeared instantly, as if nothing had happened.

All the dragon breaths that attacked Master Xiang were decomposed into the tiniest particles of the world by an invisible force, and were dissolved into this world for purification.

This scene looks very simple, so it is very strange. No one can understand that the dragon's breath, which is the purest Haotian divine light and can purify everything in the world, will be purified by others.

"Is this the power of no moment!"

Xu Xin looked at the master who seemed to be able to ignore everything, with inquiry and yearning in his eyes. It was really difficult for him to understand such a magical realm as Wuju.

In other words, is this not a state, but a representation of the master's cultivation or combat power, which has reached a level where he ignores the rules, so he can ignore Haotian with every move he makes?
Even those who are above the Five Realms, who create their own rules and own their own "world", still cannot ignore or change the rules of Haotian World.

But the master is unruly and ignores all rules. Even some of the fundamental rules of the Haotian world can be ignored or even changed. This is... unruly.

Outside the mountain behind the academy, Xiong Chumo, the headmaster of Xiling, was holding a magic staff in his hand and kneeling on his knees. His figure still looked tall, but he was filled with fear in his heart. From his heart, his figure seemed to have returned to its original appearance and changed. So short, so weak, so humble.

The great priest Tianyu raised his head, and the deep wrinkles on his face were distorted by shock. The blood and bright gold powder inside peeled off. He murmured: "What realm is this?"


His own dragon breath was purified, and the golden dragon's dragon body suddenly tightened. This time it was no longer a distant and majestic dragon roar, but a violent and angry dragon roar.

A strong hurricane roared between the sky and the earth, and countless debris, earth and rocks were swept up, destroying everything on the earth.


The golden divine dragon roared, revealing more of its body. Its dragon body was actually tied with a golden rope dozens of feet thick. The golden rope was extremely tight. A chariot made purely of gold was standing on the golden giant. Under the guidance of the dragon, it gradually drove out of the clouds.

The golden chariot appeared in the sky of the human world, pure, transparent, bright, and extremely huge. If it fell on the ground, I'm afraid the entire Chang'an City wouldn't be able to accommodate it.

On the golden chariot, stood a divine general, wearing armor made of Haotian's divine brilliance. He was extremely tall, as if he were a mountain.

This god general's face was perfect to the extreme. He had a graceful bearing and could not find any problems. He was actually... almost comparable to Xu Xin, the most beautiful man in the world.

The expression of this divine general was extremely cold, and his eyes exuded a blazing white light. He was completely heartless and unconscious. He stood in the chariot and looked down at the world, and everything he looked at turned into nothingness.

The Master stared at the golden divine dragon and divine general, then slowly stretched his right hand into the air and spread it out, facing the direction of the Southern Jin Dynasty in the human world.

The next moment, there was sword light, coming from the Southern Jin Sword Pond thousands of miles away.

(End of this chapter)

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