The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 807 The moment the viewer fails is the moment he takes action

Chapter 807 The moment the viewer fails is the moment he takes action

In the sky above Chang'an City, a piece of golden snowflakes burned violently, and it was so beautiful that it made people's hearts beat.

The snow was burning, and finally it melted, and a crack appeared. The majestic power from the sky finally fell on the snowy street.

A light, infinite light, covering everything.

The three breaths collided together with their own invincible power or the majestic vitality of heaven and earth.

The wind and snow roared furiously, the walls collapsed and the eaves were broken, and all the houses along the street were reduced to rubble.

The wind and snow gradually calmed down, and Li Manman and Yu Lian had retreated to North Street a hundred feet away.

Li slowly was covered in blood, especially the sword wound on his shoulder, which looked particularly terrifying.

Yu Lian's body looked uninjured, but his face was a little pale.

The viewer's figure appeared again, and he threw the hilt of his sword into the snowdrift next to the street. At the previous moment, his Dao sword was shattered by Li Manman's wooden stick.

His Taoist bun was cut loose, and his long hair was flying behind his blue Taoist robe, making him look a little embarrassed.

But when he raised his head, his eyes, which were originally black, gradually faded in color and turned into gray.

This is the "grey eye" secret method recorded on the sand scroll of the Heavenly Book. Since the temple master has become a Six Realm Heavenly Demon of the Demon Sect, he has naturally practiced the gray eye secret method to an extremely high level.

He defeated the joint efforts of Li Manman and Yu Lian, although there was some embarrassment.

However, the next opponent caught him off guard. Seeing the plump figure coming in the dust, the viewer gave him a chance to take action.

But in the end, amid the criss-crossing gestures on the street, and with the sound of popping sounds, Chen Pipi, the twelfth gentleman of the academy and the biological son of the viewer, fell into the blood and rain, covered in blood.

His limbs and joints were all injured by the viewer's Divine Finger of Tianxiaxi. They were full of blood and looked extremely miserable.

Chen Pipi could not move. Like a man before execution, he sat in the rain and cried loudly.

He cried very sadly, feeling sad about his powerlessness, but the viewer did not stop because of this.

The rain stopped, and the snow in the sky burned away and stopped falling.

The street was quiet except for the sound of crying.

Chen Pipi was like a wronged child, sitting on the ground and crying loudly.

Before his father and senior brothers and sisters, he was just a child.

The reason why he cried so sadly was very complicated, but his father and senior brothers and sisters understood it very well, because in this situation, what else could he do except cry?
The viewer walked past him with his hands behind his back, without looking at him and with no expression on his face.

The viewer walked slowly on the street. The power from Haotian descended from the apocalypse and poured into his body, making him stronger and stronger.

However, in the end of this fight, the viewer paid a heavy price. Three fingers were broken off on his left hand. The broken fingers were as smooth as jade. They were injured by Yu Lian from the Demon Realm who seized the opportunity. .

The viewer took out his handkerchief and wiped off the blood on his palms. Where his eyes fell, the wound on his severed finger suddenly became like jade. This is the method of the Demon Sect. Although it is not immortal in the seventh realm, it is not far away.

Yu Lian across the street was pale. Although no obvious injuries could be seen, he had suffered severe internal injuries.

Li slowly was covered in blood, exhausted and shaky.

The outcome has been decided.

"Li Mianxuan, if you are not stupid enough to consume too much in these seven days, if you are not stupid enough not to want to learn to fight for decades, or you can try to keep dragging me."

"Lin Wu, if you hadn't fought with Xiong Chumo a few days ago, or if you were on the snowy street today, you would have found some chance to kill me, although the possibility is still slim."

"Since the traitor a thousand years ago, you should be the strongest generation leader of the Demon Sect. After twenty-three years of cultivating the Cicada Fusion Heaven Demon Realm, you have truly opened up your own world."

"However, it is a pity that the opponent you met was me, just like I was the strongest person in Taoism for thousands of years, but I met your teacher." "Now that I think about it, my admiration for Master is even deeper. Being able to teach you, a pair of senior brothers and sisters, if you two are one person, I am indeed no match for you. Fortunately for me, you two can't become one person after all."

Yu Lian said at this time: "I want to try to see if I can trade two lives for one of yours."

The temple owner said calmly: "I will not give you such a chance."

The "grey eyes" of the temple master pulled Yu Lian and Li Manman, devouring their telekinesis and completely losing their fighting power.

In the end, although the two of them did not successfully take away all their telekinesis power, their strength was greatly damaged and they could no longer stop the master's footsteps.

In winter, the chirping of cicadas gradually fades away, and the morning snow rises again, dancing with the wind. There seem to be countless catkins rolling on the straight Suzaku Avenue.

In the wind and snow, the figure of the viewer is as small as a flying giant.

After all, Chang'an City was the shocking formation left by Master, and his traces were quickly captured.

Countless houses, countless blue bricks and bluestones in the 365 streets and lanes of the East City all feel the arrival of the viewer, and an ancient and distant breath emanates from the moss and snow between the bricks.

The five lakes in Xicheng also sensed the enemy coming to Chang'an City. The lake surface covered with ice and snow shook slightly, and hot springs began to gush out from among the rocks deep in the lake.

This majestic city sensed the enemy's arrival. This was the most powerful enemy it had encountered in thousands of years.

Countless auras originated from the palace, government offices, private houses, lakes, mountains, wells, and trees. The aura of heaven and earth above Xiongcheng suddenly underwent extremely drastic changes.

The viewer raised his head and glanced at the sky, confirming that the Apocalypse had been blocked again. Then he looked in all directions of Chang'an City and sensed the terrifying power contained in those auras. However, his expression remained calm and he continued to walk on Suzaku Avenue. The ruins of the city.

The Suzaku painting in the center of the street is very clear, and the viewer is walking past the Suzaku painting.

Suzaku suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes vivid and violent, as if he was about to turn into a living creature.


The viewer turned to look at the Suzaku portrait and simply said two words.

The eyes of the portrait of Suzaku showed the emotion of struggle, and finally became gloomy due to fear.

The Suzaku Painting is like a killing talisman in the Shocking God Formation, and its power is equivalent to a full blow at the peak of the Fate Realm.

However, the unattended Shocking God Formation does not pose a great threat to the spectators.

The viewer walked all the way to Beicheng and the palace, hoping to completely destroy the Shocking God Formation.

However, two more knife marks came to block the way.

One stroke and one stroke form a simple and sharp character, which is: "乂"

The shape resembles the intersection of swords, which means cutting grass silently.


There was a very small but clear sound in the wind and snow. It was the sound of clothes being torn into pieces. A piece of green cloth slowly fell from the air and landed on the ground.

The master of the temple appeared. His green Taoist robe was swinging in the snowy wind, and a piece of the front was missing.

The next moment, he stepped into the wind and snow again and disappeared without a trace.

The figures of Xu Xin and Ye Hongyu appeared at the spot where the viewer had appeared before. Xu Xin sighed and said, "The goddess subconsciously chose Ning Que, otherwise he would not be able to draw such a talisman."

He has not taken action now. He believes that the opportunity he has been waiting for has arrived. The moment the viewer fails, that is the moment he takes action.

(End of this chapter)

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