The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power.

Chapter 808: One stroke after another, that is the last thing in the world, the waiting of Qing Jing

Chapter 808: One stroke after another, that is the world... In the end, it is peace... Xu Xin's waiting
In Chang'an City, Xu Xin took action and knocked down those who tried to block the viewer with one palm. They tried to block the way, but they all died.

They wanted to use their own death to fulfill Ning Que, but Xu Xin was unwilling. He wanted to kill all the people who deserved to be killed, and those who wanted to die were all the people who deserved to die. If these were ordinary old people and children, they would really You shouldn't get involved in a battle between top experts.

By doing this, he was also trying to hinder Ning Que's understanding.

But... Ning Que still understood the talisman. One stroke after another, one stroke fell to the east and one stroke fell to the west. That was the breath of the human world, and that talisman only belonged to the human world.

This power can change the world.

This power can defeat time and space.

The power in the world is the most common and extraordinary, the most dazzling and inconspicuous. It is the heat mist in a bun shop or a blue brick in a city wall. It is the inheritance of wisdom and unyielding resistance, and represents man's will to conquer nature.

This journey of the temple master represents Taoism and Haotian. He wants to act on behalf of Heaven and break the shocking formation in Chang'an so that this most special place in the world will no longer be special and let the glory of Haotian shine in every corner of the world again.

Ning Que represents another group of people who are unwilling to achieve such a thing. His choice and answer is: Man can defeat God, so why should God show mercy.

The Shocking God Formation was repaired by Ning Que's divine talismans. He held the handle of the knife. With this movement, countless vitality of heaven and earth fell with the wind and snow, poured into his body through the Formation Eye Pestle.

His aura suddenly changed, and he began to climb towards the peak of the fate-knowing realm.

One stroke after another, as Ning Que drew his sword, the stroke slowly rose to the right, as if it was about to float away, and the frozen Chang'an came to life.

After the Master leaves this world, the Master will be the best in the world.

Tian Tian was the first to feel this change, and he was the second to feel the human breath.

He sensed the danger. The viewer's eyes suddenly turned pale, lighter than gray, until they were light and transparent, like crystals. Countless lights and shadows were flitting at high speed, as if there were many stories happening on the curtain.

He saw bits and pieces that he couldn't believe.

The viewer looked at Ning Que, his eyes returned to normal, but there was a hint of surprise.

The temple owner tried to kill Ning Que, but was blocked by Li Manman for a moment. This moment was a complete failure. Faced with Ning Que's knife, the temple owner took a step back.

To retreat was to leave, and he could only leave.

For thousands of years, he was the only one who entered Chang'an City. As long as he could kill Ning Que, he could destroy the Jingshen Formation, destroy the Tang Kingdom and the Academy, and achieve unparalleled achievements. But in the end, the viewer who was rational enough chose to leave instead of... If he dares to give it a try, he is naturally doomed to fail.

To retreat means to leave, and to leave means defeat. It means giving the opportunity to attack to the opponent. How can you not be defeated?

The viewer tried to rush through the seamless door and walk away, but this move made him a target.

He forgot that this was Chang'an. Ning Que had repaired the Shocking God Formation. Every time he used the sword, it was thousands of times. There were countless tiny cracks in the green robe on the temple master's body.

Many cracks also appeared on his powerful body that was cultivated in the Demon Realm. He began to bleed, and he bled a lot.

A majestic breath arose on the street. The wings of the Suzaku statue broke through the ice, snow and bluestone, and appeared in the air. Only a very clear whistle was heard, and all the Suzaku bodies left the street and soared into the sky.

The red bird has not crowded for thousands of years.

Can the sound of today's song shock the gods?

The fiery red Suzaku spread its wings of more than ten feet and flew through the air. It waved its bright red wings as if dragging two flames. The hot flames crackled the air, and the whole world seemed to have turned into a fiery red color. .

A flash of fire flashed by, and Suzaku quietly suppressed his power and turned into a flame, falling on the knife in Ning Que's hand.

Ning Que stepped on the Suzaku and rushed into the sky. The flames were dragging, and a trace was burned on the blue sky. It was as if someone took a huge pen like a mountain and wrote down a lot on the sky. This stroke spanned half the sky and tens of thousands of miles.

Ning Que dropped the knife, and the flames from the blade moved downwards, and he began to write the second stroke.

Ning Que finally wrote the word, and the viewer looked at the word and said only two words: "Good word!"

After saying these two words, the viewer opened his arms with a solemn expression. His fingers trembled slightly in the cold wind. Three fingers were chopped off by Yu Lian's cicada wings on his left hand. At this time, he opened his arms to embrace the sky, and only seven fingers appeared in the sky. Below, that is the Seven Apocalypses.

Tranquil clear light and majestic power descended from the sky and fell on the fingers of the viewer. They were seven clear rays of light.

The clear light fell on his fingers and suddenly changed. The clear light falling on the thumb of the viewer's right hand turned red, the clear light on the index finger turned orange, and the clear light on the other fingers also changed colors at the same time.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple, the seven colors of skylight combined together form a rainbow.

A rainbow appeared in Chang'an City. One end of the rainbow rose from the ground above the snowy street, straight into the very high sky, and then drew a round arc before landing somewhere outside the city.

This rainbow contains unimaginable power. The figure of the viewer disappears from the snowy street, flies in the wind, and follows this rainbow to the sky.

The sky was very big, and although the character Ning Que wrote with his Suzaku knife was also very big, it could not occupy the entire space, leaving enough space for the rainbow.

Facing Ning Que who was writing, the viewer did not dare to continue fighting. He wanted to walk across the rainbow and go thousands of miles away.

Naturally, he was using great magical powers, but he forgot that besides Ning Que, there were two other people in Chang'an City who could stop him.

As a result, the temple owner was stopped by Yu Lian and Li Manmansheng, and could only face Ning Que's edge.

Chen, who could have killed Ning Que, chose to run away because of fear and fear. In the end, he ran away, going from having the upper hand to being at an absolute disadvantage, and then encountered a fatal situation.

A rag of green clothes fell, and the viewer fell onto the street. He was covered in blood. He had been hit by countless knives. Blood was flowing. There were countless cuts, some deep, some shallow, with different shapes.

Ning Que raised his sword to slash again, but the spectator blocked it this time. He looked at Ning Que with a very strange expression on his face. It was neither indifferent regret nor anger, and had nothing to do with unwillingness.

This kind of expression is not what humans should have. When it is extremely calm, it reveals a sense of indifference. The deepest part of indifference is not coldness, but emptiness. An expression without any emotion should not be called an expression.

There was no emotion in the viewer's eyes, and even the pupils gradually faded away. It's not as light as when using the Gray Eye Technique, but really light.

The eyes of the viewer are light to transparent, no longer like jade, they are just tasteless water.

Then he suddenly stopped his hand, and Ning Que's blade fell.

The black hair of the viewer is fluttering in the wind of the sword, and the blood is scattered in the wind.

The peeling flesh and blood on his body was as bright red as flower petals.

The thick white bones are as clean as lotus roots.

The scene that was supposed to be bloody now looked extremely beautiful.

He seemed to have turned into a lotus, which could not be stained by blood or covered by dirt. It was extremely pure and peaceful.

"Quiet Realm!"

At the end of Chang'an Street, Xu Xin looked at this scene and slowly let out a breath. He had been waiting for so long and finally waited for the viewer to be "quiet".

(End of this chapter)

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